How to become rich Russian methodology. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Ensure Your Own Financial Stability Before Helping Others

Many rules have been developed for how to become rich and successful. By following them, anyone can achieve financial well-being... We need to realize that poverty and wealth are the paths that each person chooses for himself. If you think correctly and constantly learn from great people, then after a while you can jump from a glass with little opportunities and many competitors - into a beautiful large aquarium for one "gold" fish.

How to become rich and successful? Several "golden" rules

Why can't copy the behavior of the majority to gain wealth?

In this case, the person will have the same standard of living as the majority. To move to a higher level of development, you need to think outside the box. There is a certain amount of risk and healthy adventurism in this, but it is quite normal. Everything famous people did non-standard actions on the road to success. The desire “I want to become rich and successful” is not enough.

Let's give an example. It used to be that praising yourself was bad. Nowadays, few people want to cooperate with a specialist who does not have the skills of self-presentation. Experts advise creating a legend about yourself by examining your family lineage. And this is the simplest advice.

Thinking is the main resource of a person. You can never say to yourself "No", "I will not succeed", "I cannot." One should open up to everything unknown and new. You need to think in the direction of "How will I be able to achieve this?" Say: "I will become rich and successful!" If you expand the boundaries of the perception of the world, then everything will definitely work out!

The rule that allows you to move towards the dream

You should always strive to expand familiar boundaries. This is the only way to keep up with the times. There is a need for constant self-development. Improvement requires skills such as communication, time resource management, leadership, emotion management. It is necessary to constantly study the legislation (tax, in the field of securities).

As soon as this secret is revealed to you - become successful and rich! There are plenty of opportunities around that you need to learn to see. Each opportunity noticed in time will bring a huge amount of money. If you indulge your laziness, be afraid and do not believe in yourself, nothing will ever work out. But also at risk, remember: income must exceed expenses, you cannot lose money!

Summing up what has been said, we come to the conclusion: first, one should radically change thinking. The view of the rich person's life (or the aspirant to wealth) is fundamentally different from the consumption model of the poor. A rich person evaluates work by the result and effort expended, and a poor person by the number of hours worked. For the rich, money is a tool to increase capital, and for the poor, it is a resource for spending on pleasure. We hope you have already decided who you want to become.

To become a rich person, you need to strive for this. In fact, there are many ways to achieve this, but in any area you need perseverance and a clear vision of the goal. The portal has tried to systematize the ways people can become rich.

Casual earnings

... Such examples are sometimes encountered. People receive an unexpected inheritance from distant relatives, win large cash prizes in lotteries and casinos, marry millionaires, etc. Basically, such earnings are very difficult to calculate in advance, which means that it is not suitable for supporters of painstaking and hard work in the name of achieving a meaningful result. In addition, the likelihood of accidental earnings on a very large scale is so small that, of course, you should not seriously count on it.

Purposeful, gradual earnings

This way of making money is known to everyone, and everyone, one way or another, uses it. Another thing is that not everyone achieves a positive result (gaining wealth). This happens because the earnings are too small, or the fixed costs are too high, but you can potentially get rich this way. There are three options for working with this method:

To work for somebody. Potentially least effective, but most common option. Most of the earnings pass you by, but there is stability in work, the risks are much less than when working for yourself;

Work for yourself. A risky way to make money, because you constantly carry a heavy burden of responsibility for every transaction you make. In addition, such work has a limitation, which lies in your physical abilities and capabilities;

Organization of your own business. Most effective method work when other people work for you. But to start a business, you need to be well prepared, especially financially.

Passive permanent income

It takes a lot of upfront investment to take advantage of this method. Money should be well invested, and then they will bring constant passive income. Successful investment of money in securities, investments, business automation will lead to such a situation that "money will make money."

Saving money

... Another way, which takes a lot of time to implement, often whole life... By constantly saving money, you can accumulate a decent amount.

Each person decides for himself which of the above methods suits him best. None of them gives a 100% guarantee of wealth, but it provides an opportunity that only the most persistent, successful and patient can take advantage of.

Dear friends, welcome to the First Moneymaker with the age-old theme of how to get rich.

I am sure that 90% of the inhabitants of Russia and the post-Soviet space ask this question every day.

And do not ask why I emphasize so geographically - after all, it is clear that in these countries the socialist stereotype is still very tenacious, not the most successful one: “We have problems with employment. We have problems with salaries - they are always kind of small. We have problems with adequate staff assessment. "

That is, you need to get rich. But how to become successful and rich from scratch if there is no support from rich parents, no career prospects, no opportunity to work in a specialty. These are obstacles that are familiar to most of my compatriots and which completely discourage the desire to work in general.

And - in vain. What do you say if I open up to you main secret all the rich - it's not about education, not about having a warm place, and not even about parenting. The point is in ourselves, in the mood for success, in the perception of wealth as such and in the style of thinking.

1.What do real millions start with?

There is a good adage that, nevertheless, can confuse any claimant for the status of a millionaire who has decided to change the course of his thoughts. It sounds like this: "The fool is getting richer with a thought" and urges to restrain oneself from groundless empty dreams.

Does this mean that a proverb is the truth in the first instance, observing which, it is not at all necessary to think about money and wealth?

No! Thinking is not only possible, but also necessary. But at the same time, observe some "safety rules".

  • First rule: Think of money as something concrete, not something abstract. For example, the option “I want to have a lot of money” does not work. Better to replace it with: "By September 2017, I should be earning $ 5,000 a month."
  • Second rule: Do not interrupt a specific thought if you said "A", say "B". If you have decided on a salary of 5,000 bucks by September, then you must sketch out a diagram of how you will earn them.
  • Third rule: You need to think about wealth without fanaticism (that is, without excessive emotions and lust), but with a sufficient share of healthy pragmatism. Money is a tool with which you can make more money.
  • Fourth rule: If you think about money for a reason, but mentally earn and look for ways to make money, learn to think silently. There is no need to share your thoughts with others - many will not understand you, many will not support you, and many will also confuse you. Few people want their friend (friend, acquaintance), who is “just like everyone else,” to suddenly achieve wealth.

Be that as it may, and wealth does not depend on gender, place and year of birth, the well-being of parents. Millions start in the head. Are you thinking about how you can get rich? Are you mentally replaying different scenarios for your success? If so, then you are on the right track.

No need to be afraid of thinking about money, no need to look back at public opinion... You need to think correctly and think correctly. The recipe is simple, but it guarantees success.

Personally, I am now moving towards my goal of becoming rich. Sometimes it’s difficult, sometimes the mood disappears and you don’t want anything. But there are times when the first successes appear, when the income increases, when you begin to feel that I’m about to reach a new level. Then, you look from the outside at all this activity and think how pleasant it is to do your business. And there is also a sense of pride in myself, like I was able to step over thousands of stereotypes, through dozens of excuses from relatives and friends. In general, I am glad that everything in my life is developing this way.

2. How to become rich from scratch in Russia

And again I want to focus your attention on a specific country - Russia, although I said before that that the ability to make millions does not depend on the place of birth and place of residence. I do not give up my words. It's just that our country is one of the most problem areas for the realization of the personality in a professional way.

And for myself, despite the fact that I have found a way to earn money, no, no, and the thought will slip: is it really possible to earn decently in our provincial towns and depressed villages? How many ways are there to become rich from scratch in Russia?

There are some simple answers to these questions. And there is good news.

Anyone who wants to make a million can make it happen. That is, any of us. And this is very good news. Now - specifically the answers to how to do it.

  1. Stop feeling deeply unhappy and very poor, stop complaining to yourself and those around you about high prices and low wages, and get down to concrete business.
  2. To understand that the boss always earns more than his subordinates and to become the boss himself - that is, not to work for his uncle, but to open his own, albeit small, business.
  3. Stop wasting time watching TV shows that are boring to death and playing "tanks" - you can spend it on self-education and improving professional skills, after all, if you really play, then it's not just that, but.
  4. Don't avoid problems, but learn to solve them. When you become rich, they will not disappear, but only change shape and scale. So it doesn't hurt to practice fixing the current complexities.
  5. Do not focus only on money, develop your personality harmoniously - you should have complete order everywhere: in business, in your personal life, in relationships in society and, most importantly, with health.
  6. Change your social circle: if you are wondering how to get richer , then you will not find a better and clearer answer than in a society of successful and wealthy people.
  7. Learn to take risks - Rich people have made their fortunes largely by taking risks. But do not lose the necessary percentage of prudence, even the risks must be calculated.
  8. Find a way to organize. This will be a great start for future millions.
  9. Grow your business, never stop there. Having earned enough money in one area, try yourself in another, new to you, kind of activity.
  10. Protect yourself with the money you earn: invest part in a business, put part on a deposit (let them work in this way), spend part on your own needs.

And one more truth, which for many of you can become a revelation: there are no poor people, there are lazy people. If you do not want to change something in your life, experiment, search alternative source income, if the salary does not suit you - who is to blame that you are unlikely to get rich?

3. Where is he, the source of passive income?

Have you noticed that with the advent of the Internet, making money has become easier? Helps talented people from the provinces to realize themselves remote work, the majority of entrepreneurs are transferring their business to an online format, coaches previously unknown to our people have appeared, Internet commerce is flourishing.

But each of these activities requires the involvement of the business owner, or at least his control. There is no such thing as a completely passive income.

  1. Online store - to generate income, you need to update the assortment, add product descriptions, post high-quality pictures from several angles, organize promotions for buyers.
  2. Work as a coach (trainer) you need to constantly offer your audience a new interesting and current topic or consider existing ones from an unusual angle, shoot many videos, conduct personal receptions or webinars, effectively solve listeners' problems or give them recipes for solutions, constantly expand the audience.
  3. Any online business - to earn money, you need to constantly advertise your products, look for new sales markets, and attract new customers.
  4. Own themed blog site update content, trying to keep it relevant, useful and interesting, attract visitors, look for advertisers.

I would call thematic sites the most successful option for passive income, since hard work is necessary at the stage of site promotion. And then, when it is in the first lines of search engines and people start to visit it ten thousand a day, advertisers themselves will come and bring money. But this - later - after one and a half years (plus or minus a year) of hard work.

Therefore, the following conclusion is this - not to work at all and to receive income - does not happen even on the Internet.

Now there is a trend in the development of online business, of all its types: in search of an answer to the question: "How to become a very rich person?" everyone rushed to the internet. And I'm not saying they are wrong. And none of my colleagues would argue that. But in order to work online, as well as offline, you need ability, patience and work. No matter how trite it may sound.

4. A woman's view of wealth

Not only children, not only the family, not only the cookbook for maintaining peace in this very family is on the list of the main values. modern woman.

Yes, and dreams of a successful marriage somehow worn out among today's girls - it's not bad to sit behind a man's back and a wallet, but it's much better to support yourself on your own. Therefore, almost all young and middle-aged women are looking for ways to become a rich and successful woman. And are you interested? Then I advise you to return to this article "", everything is described there in detail.

According to my own observations, I will say that women feel quite comfortable and confident on the Internet: many start their business out of sheer trifles - they sell knitted hats or Stuffed Toys self-made... Others start blogs on cooking, parenting, and over time gain a decent audience. And this is advertising, earnings.

What am I leading to? Even if you have never felt like a business woman, the ideal one - with knowledge of languages, business communication skills and knowledge of corporate etiquette - does not matter. The Internet provides ample opportunities for any housewife to earn money.

5. What does it mean: get rich quickly?

If we are talking about (high, stable earnings), this does not mean that we outline the prospect of receiving large incomes for the next week or month. Get rich quick is a relative concept. And I already said that for everyone who wants to get rich, one very thing is necessary. important quality- patience.

Thinking about how to quickly become rich, you need to remain realistic and understand that "quickly" in this case is two, three, five years. requires first promotion, and only then starts working for its owner. These old laws have not been canceled.

It takes time to implement ambitious plans. And patience. And a lot of work, at least at the beginning. And more - a few handbooks on the topic.

Choose from these:

  • "Think and Grow Rich" by N. Hill
  • "The subconscious mind can do anything" by J. Kehoe
  • "The Science of How to Become Wealthy" by W. Wotles
  • "Rich Dad Poor Dad" R. Kiyosaki
  • “How rich people think” by S. Sielbola.

Wealth: Many people crave it, but few know what to do to get rich. Wealth is a combination of luck, skill, and patience. You need a little luck; based on your luck, you will make a decision, and then you will have to go through a difficult period as your wealth grows. Let's not lie to you - getting rich is not so easy - you need a little patience and the right information, and everything will work out!


Save money

    Save money. Before you go and waste your salary on new shoes or getting a golf pass that you can do without, put your money in a savings account with a bank. Do this with every paycheck you receive and watch your account grow.

    Make a budget. Create a monthly budget that will cover your basic expenses and leave a small amount of money for "pleasure." And try not to go beyond what you planned. Sticking to a budget and saving a little money each month is a surefire way to get rich.

    Save on housing and car bills. Consider moving from big house into a smaller apartment, or find a neighbor with whom you can share housing costs. And maybe it is better to buy a used car instead of a new one and use it more economically? This will help you save a significant amount every month.

    Reduce your daily expenses. Think about where your money is going and give up all that is unnecessary. For example, what if you refuse to buy coffee at the nearest coffee shop every morning? This is about 120 rubles a day, that is, 600 rubles a week and almost 20,000 rubles a year!

    Use tax refunds wisely. In 2007, the median tax refund per American was $ 2,733. It's a lot of money! Can you use that money to pay off debts or invest in a fund, instead of buying an item that is twice as cheap as you buy it? If you invest $ 3,000 wisely, then in a few years this amount will be 10 times more.

    Stop using your credit card. Did you know that people who use credit cards tend to spend more than people who use cash? Because parting with cash is harder. Using a credit card doesn't make that feel. If you can, then get rid of your credit card and feel what it's like to pay with cash. In the end, you will save tons of money.

    • If you continue to use your credit card, try to keep costs down anyway. For example, use a card that can only be used to pay if you have deposited money on it (debit card) and check the balance from time to time.

    Reduce your daily expenses

    1. Use gift coupons. It's a great feeling when you can get gift vouchers for the things you usually buy. Yes, you heard that right. Later, you can save on these coupons and put off for a rainy day. In the very best case, you will get a lot of things completely free of charge and you will get rich.

      Buy in bulk. It is not always the most The best way to make purchases, but the most efficient one. Having the ability to shop in bulk from chains like Costco can help you save a lot. Sometimes, you can buy good product for a penny at sales.

      • If you are hungry and want chicken, then buy 4 cooked chicken at Costco in the evening when they sell out. Sometimes they drop in price from 200 rubles to 100 rubles, which means that you will get almost 10 full-fledged dinners at 40 rubles each! Freeze chicken that you don't eat right away.
    2. Learn to preserve food. Almost 40% of America's food is thrown away without even being opened. Juicy peaches, berries and even meat can be preserved and stored for a long time. Think about what you are buying and whether you can eat it. Discarded food is discarded money.

      Reduce utility bills. A significant portion of the monthly budget is spent on electricity, gas and air conditioning. But you don't want to spend that much money, do you? You can think of a clever way to cool your home in the summer and keep it warm in the winter. You can purchase solar panels that will convert solar energy into electricity. Try to turn off electrical appliances and keep track of how much money you save, as this will help you get rich.

      Install an energy monitoring system at home. It will help you determine how much money is leaving your home in the form of energy. If it's cold air in summer and warm in winter then this is very bad.

      Go hunting or gather mushrooms. You will have to spend money on a gun and other gadgets, but if you already have all this, then this easy way get food. If you are strongly against killing animals, then you can engage in gathering, depending on where you live. Collect only those plants of the origin and properties of which you are sure. Poisoning or sickness isn't that fun.

      • Hunt deer, ducks or turkeys.
      • Go fishing
      • Choose edible plants, pick mushrooms, or harvest in the fall
      • Go for clandestine gardening or build your own greenhouse


    1. Invest in the stock market. Invest in stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments that will give you an annual return on deposits. For example, if you invest $ 1,000,000 and get 7% per annum, then excluding inflation - this is $ 70,000 per year.

      • Don't be lured by brokers who try to persuade you to get quick income. Buying and selling dozens of stocks a day is a risky game. If you are caught off guard - which can very easily happen - you will lose a lot of money. This is not the best way to get rich.
      • Instead, opt for a long term investment. Look for good stocks, well backed stocks, stocks of growing and developing companies. Then leave your shareholding alone. Don't do anything with it. Let him go through ups and downs. If you invest wisely, you will make good money from it.
    2. Save money for retirement. Less and less less people save money for retirement. It doesn't matter if you're far from retirement or not, you should try to set aside some money for your future well-being. Retirement accounts are usually tax-free or have a small tax base. If you can save enough money in your retirement account, you can enjoy that money in old age.

      Invest in real estate. The most stable assets such as rental housing or land rising in value are good examples. They will rise in value over time, but not with 100% probability.For example, many people believe that an apartment in Manhattan will definitely rise in price in 5 years.

      Invest on time. For example, every day you give yourself some time to rest, and for you rest is doing nothing. But if you were to spend those few hours pursuing your goal of getting rich, you could probably earn yourself 20 years off (24 hours a day!) By retiring early! What are you willing to sacrifice in order to be rich in the future?

      Don't buy things if you know for sure that their value decreases over time. Spending 1.5 million rubles on a car is not rational, since after 5 years the cost of the same car will be much lower, no matter how carefully you handled it. As soon as you get behind the wheel, its value will immediately begin to fall by 20% -25% per year. This makes buying a car an important financial decision.

      Don't waste your money on all sorts of nonsense. It's hard enough to make a living. And so it is very difficult and painful to realize that the things you spend your hard-earned money on are just black holes. Evaluate the things you buy. Try to learn how to determine “are they worth it”. Here are some things you shouldn't spend your money on if you plan to get rich:

      • Casino and lottery tickets. Rare lucky people make money on this. The rest lose money.
      • Bad habits, such as cigarettes.
      • Domestic goods such as candy in the cinema and drinks in clubs.
      • Tanning salons and plastic surgery. You can get skin cancer. Do Botex injections and plastic surgeries look as good as promised? Learn to grow old with dignity!
      • First class plane tickets. What are you overpaying that extra $ 1,000 for? For hot towels and an extra few meters of legroom? Invest that money instead of throwing it away and learn to sit with the rest of the people.
    3. Stay rich. Getting rich is hard, but it's even harder to stay rich. Your condition will always depend on the market, and the market has its ups and downs. If you easily manage to make money in Good times, then this does not guarantee profit if the market enters a recession phase. If you have earned more than you expected, or the income on deposits has increased, do not rush to spend the "extra" profit. Save it for a time when the market is in a downturn and your return on investment drops two percentage points.