Poisoning in the last month of pregnancy. What to do with food poisoning during pregnancy - tips for expectant mothers. Diet after poisoning

The female body, affected by the consumption of poor-quality food, can quickly recover. Cases of intoxication during pregnancy are especially dangerous. To help the expectant mother to recover, you need to know what pregnant women can eat in case of poisoning, and what absolutely cannot. It should also be noted that in this situation, not all medications are prohibited, some drugs can and should be taken during pregnancy. Usually, alarming symptoms appear at least 30 minutes after eating low-quality foods. Often, the problem of poisoning is accompanied by debilitating nausea, intense salivation, chills, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness and dizziness.

Poisoning during pregnancy

Dangerous products

According to toxicologists, rapidly deteriorating sweets, fermented milk products, meat, semi-finished meat products and all kinds of canned food pose a great danger to pregnant women. You should be wary of such food due to the content of bacteria and other pathogenic objects in it. As soon as the shelf life of the product expires or the correct storage conditions are violated, an intensive reproduction of harmful microorganisms starts. Spoiled food is so toxic that it can cause severe poisoning with damage to the nervous system. These products do not end with an extensive list of potentially hazardous foods. Also at risk are eggs, jellied meat, salads dressed with mayonnaise, fish, ice cream, berries, fruits and a number of seafood such as oysters, shrimp, squid and mussels.

Expectant mothers should pay special attention to mushrooms and watermelons. Mushrooms can be harmful, as in some cases they quickly transfer accumulated toxic substances to the body. In the worst case, the death of a person who has consumed poisonous mushrooms occurs. Everyone's favorite watermelons can also be unsafe, as they can quickly deteriorate. Once the berry has been cut, it is necessary to keep it in a refrigerator, as after two hours it may become unusable. It is advisable to purchase watermelons no earlier than the month of September. Pregnant women should exclude watermelon from the diet or eat them with caution, as in case of poisoning, there is a risk of premature birth.


If symptoms of food poisoning are noticed, it is necessary to immediately take the pregnant woman to the hospital or call an ambulance. While waiting for a doctor's examination, you can drink water, and it will not be superfluous to use the drug "Regidron". This powder, designed to be dissolved in water, is able to keep the water and salt balance within the normal range. This medication is not contraindicated in pregnant women.

In addition to supplying the body with water, it is necessary to use sorbents that contribute to the early displacement of toxic substances. When choosing sorbents for pregnant women, you should pay attention to the proven drug "Activated Carbon". You can buy Polysorb, Enterosgel or similar harmless products at the pharmacy. Antibacterial drugs are usually not recommended for treatment; they are appropriate only in the most severe cases.

At any stage of pregnancy, medicines for diarrhea should be carefully selected, since the content of sodium bicarbonate in some products can have an extremely negative effect on health. Loperamide is a popular medicine to relieve diarrhea. Fortunately, it is safe for pregnant women and is available without a prescription.

Proper nutrition

In a state of intoxication, sweet tea of ​​significant strength, low-fat broth, vegetable puree soups, wheat crackers, oatmeal or rice boiled in water are harmless. We'll have to temporarily exclude raw vegetables and fruits, fish and all types of meat from the diet. Low-fat types of fish and meat are appropriate only when relief occurs, after about a week. It is impossible to say unequivocally what is possible for pregnant women in case of poisoning, since this is best known to the specialist conducting the examination and treatment. These are general guidelines only. In fact, the diet will be different in each case, it is best to discuss the restorative nutrition system in detail with your doctor.

Poisoning during pregnancy: requires immediate medical attention, compliance with certain dietary frameworks and the use of approved drugs

What Causes Poisoning During Pregnancy?

The most common food triggers are Escherichia coli, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus. It turns out that there are more dangerous pathogens. The effects of other bacteria that pose a health risk should be discussed.


Harmful bacteria enter the body along with raw meat, unpasteurized milk, or raw eggs. Such poisoning is unable to harm the fetus, but significantly spoils the life of a pregnant woman, causing diarrhea and vomiting. To exclude salmonella contamination, it is necessary to abandon homemade mayonnaise and soft-boiled eggs. Meat of any kind, especially poultry, must be properly thermally processed.


The habitat of this type of pathogens is raw or undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk, untreated or poorly purified water. Simple preventive measures will help to avoid infection. These include frequent hand washing with soap and separate storage of raw and finished products. It is also recommended to keep cutting surfaces, towels and the entire kitchen perfectly clean, cook meat correctly, and avoid water entering your mouth when swimming in any body of water.


Infection with such bacteria is diagnosed as a rare but dangerous disease of listeriosis. Pathology can cause serious disruptions in the development of a child, provoke his death or miscarriage. The ingestion of harmful microorganisms is carried out through the use of chilled products, moldy types of cheese, cut smoked fish and unpasteurized milk. For the sake of maintaining health, pregnant women should give up moldy and soft cheeses. For example, cheese varieties are dangerous: gorgonzolla, brie, roquefort, camembert and goat. It is not useful for a mother-to-be to use pate. If you need to drink milk, let it be a sterilized or pasteurized product. It is better to warm up any food as much as possible before use. Products that cause the slightest doubt or have outlived their expiration date should never be eaten. All food should be kept refrigerated. Fruits and vegetables of any origin must be washed without fail.

Relatives and other close people must clearly know what pregnant women can eat in case of poisoning, and what will have to be excluded. In all cases of poisoning, you must see a doctor, pass all the necessary tests and strictly follow the instructions.

No one is immune from food intoxication, including pregnant women. Moreover, their body is more sensitive to toxic effects.

Therefore, let's find out how to treat poisoning during pregnancy, what are the consequences for a woman to expect? Is there a threat to the child in the early and late stages of development in case of mother poisoning and what is it? Let's talk about the causes and features of the treatment of food poisoning during pregnancy, find out what you can and cannot do.

Sources of food poisoning

It turned out that not only people love food, but also microbes. Once in food, pathogenic organisms feed, produce their own kind, produce toxins. What are these infectious agents?

The susceptibility to foodborne infection is very high and is over 90%. It is even higher during pregnancy.

Treatment of staphylococcal poisoning during early pregnancy

It is also important to immediately distinguish between the concepts of "toxicosis of pregnant women" and "poisoning". It is important not to confuse one with the other.

How to treat poisoning during pregnancy?

The first thing to do is to take activated charcoal, it can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Gastric lavage is done only if the condition of the pregnant woman is moderate or severe poisoning. The need for gastric lavage should be determined only by a doctor. The procedure is carried out under the control of the blood pressure of the expectant mother and the condition of the child. To prevent termination of pregnancy, a woman is injected with Magnesia, Papaverine.

It is imperative to deal with the replenishment of lost fluid. Tea, dried fruit compote, as well as saline solutions like Rehydron are used as a drink.

When blood pressure is low, caffeine is injected to keep blood flow in the placenta at a normal level.

If vomiting is repeated and there is a threat of dehydration, saline solutions are injected intravenously in the required amount. The ionic composition of the blood must be monitored.

The doctor may prescribe antibiotics, but they are usually not needed.

In case of poisoning during pregnancy, you must adhere to medical nutrition. In the first 2 days of illness, not very sweet tea with breadcrumbs is allowed, you can drink diluted blackcurrant juice, blueberry juice, rosehip decoction.

In the future, the diet is expanded. During the recovery period, white bread, slimy soups, steam dumplings, meatballs from meat and fish of low-fat varieties, porridge in water or low-fat meat broth, fresh cottage cheese or in the form of a soufflé are allowed. In a limited amount of sweets, fruits, berries.

  • spices;
  • snacks;
  • alcohol.

If the poisoning proceeds easily, which happens most often, sparing nutrition, sorbents, and plenty of drink are prescribed. After 2-3 days, the patient feels better and no further treatment is required.

Consequences for the child

What is the prognosis after and during early pregnancy poisoning?

There is a likelihood of the development of the threat of termination of pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage. A sharp decrease in blood pressure, dehydration, violation of the ionic composition of the blood can lead to a delay in fetal development, frozen pregnancy.

But in general, the prognosis for mom and baby is mostly favorable and the disease goes away without consequences.

Treatment of staphylococcal poisoning in late pregnancy

The treatment approaches are the same. They also prescribe a diet, activated carbon, and drink plenty of fluids. Only after 36 weeks Magnesia is no longer used. If necessary, drugs are administered to improve blood circulation in the placenta.

Consequences for the child

Poisoning during late pregnancy can cause the following complications:

The consequences develop with severe poisoning or a combination of intoxication with the pathology of pregnancy. In general, after poisoning for the mother, the consequences are minimal. Placental abruption and bleeding create more serious situations. It is difficult to say something definite here.

Treatment of salmonellosis poisoning during pregnancy

What can pregnant women get from food poisoning contaminated with salmonella?

There are several forms of the course of salmonellosis - depending on the affected parts of the digestive tract, so the treatment of such poisoning can be very different. Hospitalization is necessary for moderate and severe course. But examination by a therapist or infectious disease specialist is required for all, even mild cases of poisoning.

The consequences for the child and mother are similar to the above.

Treatment of botulism poisoning during pregnancy

Botulism is very life-threatening. If you suspect this type of intoxication during pregnancy, emergency hospitalization is required. In this case, gastric lavage is mandatory. Cleansing enemas are performed. In the first three days of the disease, anti-botulinum serum is administered. In this case, it is vital, therefore, it is used, despite the pregnancy.

Penicillin antibiotics are prescribed for infectious complications (for example, in the case of pneumonia due to the throwing of stomach contents into the trachea). Such complications accompany the severe course of the disease. An abundant administration of solutions and drugs that stimulate urination are carried out.

According to indications, cardiac drugs are administered. Vitamin therapy is performed.

Breathing disorder is treated with high pressure oxygen. If necessary, make a hole in the trachea and insert a tube that communicates with the environment (tracheostomy) or artificial ventilation of the lungs.

The consequences for a child at an early stage of development are the same, but the frequency of intrauterine fetal death is much higher. In late pregnancy, there is also a great danger of the death of the unborn baby and the mother herself.

Thus, food poisoning in pregnancy has similar general treatment approaches. For each woman, the duration of the course of treatment, types of drugs, a set of methods of influencing the disease is determined depending on the type of infection, the severity of the process, and the course of pregnancy. Knowing the threat to the baby in case of poisoning, in order not to put yourself and the child at risk, you should consult a doctor. Because the number of “can” and “not” in relation to treatment is determined by the situation.

The work of the female body during the period of bearing a child takes place in an extreme mode, because its main purpose is to maintain and develop the fetus. The health of the expectant mother at this moment is very fragile. And poisoning during pregnancy harms both the mother's body and the child. In this case, the main thing is to quickly take action and undergo a course of treatment.

Frequent poisoning

During pregnancy, a woman lives her usual life: until a certain period she works, constantly goes to public places, uses transport. Girls in position are no different from others in this regard, therefore, the reasons why poisoning occurs, like everyone else:

  • Medicines.
  • Poisons and toxins that enter the body with food.
  • Gases.
  • Industrial and household chemicals.

Frequent and common poisoning during pregnancy is food poisoning. In addition to us, food is loved by bacteria and microbes, both harmless to the body and very dangerous. The digestive system at this time is prone to food poisoning.

Types of poisoning

Having broken through into the digestive tract, dangerous microbes begin to live there: eat, multiply, and, as a result, release toxins that poison the body. The most common and dangerous diseases include:

  • Botulism. Active and hardy microbes called Clostridium botulism. Since they do not need oxygen for life and development and the production of poison, the habitat is canned food, milk, fish, sausage and mushrooms. By the way, mushrooms can cause the greatest harm, especially when poisoning during early pregnancy, since the toxins contained in them can cause terrible harm to the baby, because they have the ability to penetrate the placenta.
  • Salmonellosis. You can get infected through infected eggs, there is an opinion that this disease can be contracted only by eating chicken eggs, and quail eggs are harmless. Yes, in the wild this is so, but today quail eggs grown on a farm are sold on store shelves, where quails, due to low immunity, can also contract salmonellosis.
  • Staphylococcus aureus is a common infectious disease caused by dairy or meat products. Infection occurs when storage or handling standards are not followed, or in case of contact with already sick employees.

There is no guarantee that you will not get any infectious disease, but the chance of infection will be much reduced if you follow basic hygiene standards, boil food when you can and do not eat previously untested food suppliers.

Poisoning reasons

As noted earlier, the most common is food poisoning during pregnancy caused by staphylococcus. Products that are improperly stored in an unsuitable place, unpasteurized milk, or from an animal suffering from mastitis, violation of the sanitary standards of workers - these are all conditions under which you can get this infectious disease.

The main cause of salmonellosis is eggs that are raw or not sufficiently heat-treated. With a disease, all digestive organs from the stomach to the large intestine are attacked.

Sausage, milk, even vegetables and fruits (of exotic origin) can carry any kind of infection. For long-term storage of products, chemicals are used that may be invisible, but not for a pregnant girl, and they are quite capable of causing poisoning.

Poisoning: what to do?

During pregnancy, the manifestation of toxicosis and poisoning occur completely differently. To prevent the serious consequences of infection with an infection, it is worth taking activated charcoal immediately. Do not worry, it is harmless at any stage of pregnancy for both mother and baby.

If the poisoning is moderate and severe, gastric lavage is performed, but you should not do this unpleasant procedure without the supervision of a doctor. During the lavage, the pregnant woman is monitored: blood pressure and baby are monitored. Self-medication can lead to premature birth, and even worse, to terminate the pregnancy.

Gastric lavage greatly dehydrates the body, so it is necessary to immediately restore the lost fluid. This can be tea, dried fruit compote, or saline solution. When the pressure drops, it is recommended to introduce caffeine. If vomiting does not stop, and dehydration only intensifies, the patient is injected with a solution of soda and salt intravenously. They can prescribe antibiotics, but in most cases it does not come to this.

After poisoning during pregnancy, what to do? Of course, a woman in a position after this trouble will have to adhere to a diet: for a couple of days only tea, broth and minimize the amount of food. The diet gradually increases: you can have a little bread, crackers, a little light porridge, steamed cutlets.


There is a certain list of products that are strictly forbidden to eat in case of poisoning and when recovering from it:

  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  • Various spices, condiments or herbs.
  • Various smoked dishes.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and any other sauces, hot or not.

In case of mild poisoning, the expectant mother needs to consume light food, absorbent drugs and a lot of water and liquid. After a day or two, the state of health will noticeably improve.

Effect on a child with staphylococcal poisoning

In acute or severe cases, poisoning during pregnancy can end with its interruption, which will be caused due to a decrease in the woman's blood pressure and dehydration of her body. But in 90% of cases, it is possible to avoid serious consequences, and the recovery period is easy and painless.

Poisoning during late pregnancy is treated in the same way as usual. The patient is prescribed a diet, sorbents and replenishment of lost fluid. If the gestation period is more than 36 weeks, then it is no longer possible to prescribe "Magnesia", but other drugs that improve blood circulation in the placenta can be used.

Risk for the baby

The question that torments many expectant mothers: "What is the danger of poisoning during pregnancy?" For a long time, complications may appear that will leave a mark on the child:

  • Poor oxygen supply.
  • Detachment of the placenta.
  • The onset of labor is premature.
  • Slow development of the unborn child.
  • Bleeding in the uterus.
  • The discrepancy between the weight of the baby and the term.

But do not worry ahead of time, this is only in the worst case. In a difficult situation, which is accompanied by complete intoxication of the body, combined with pathologies when carrying a child.

Dangerous botulism

Poisoning during pregnancy with botulinum toxin can be fatal. At the slightest suspicion of the appearance of this infection in a woman's body during the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to immediately hospitalize her. With this infection, the leading methods of cleaning the body are used:

  • gastric lavage;
  • anti-botulinum serum;
  • enema;
  • sorbents.

In advanced forms, when nothing brings a positive result, the patient is prescribed penicillin antibiotics. For example, if there is a suspicion of pneumonia. Based on the medical results of examining the condition of the body, drugs are prescribed to increase and strengthen the immune system.

If the work of breathing is unstable, they are treated with oxygen, namely, its introduction under high pressure. If necessary, a tube is inserted into the trachea, but this option occurs only if the patient needs ventilation.

What can you do with poisoning?

During pregnancy after poisoning, you should not immediately load the stomach with heavy food. Better to start with vegetable soups and broths. Sweet black tea is allowed, but in small portions. After a couple of days, you can cook stewed vegetables or low-fat, light cereals.

Within ten days after the infection, it is strictly forbidden to:

  • Soda.
  • Not thermally processed fruits and vegetables.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Meat and sausage products.

At the end of the recovery period, consult a therapist about prescribing vitamins for you, since during illness the body not only fought toxins, but also lost useful substances, which it now experiences an acute shortage.

Poisoning is easier and easier to avoid. This is especially important when you are responsible not only for your life, but also for your unborn child. It is on the fragile female shoulders that this share falls. It is much better to be careful:

  • Check the composition and expiration date before purchasing.
  • Do not try homemade salting or canned food.
  • Thermally process fruits, vegetables, meat, and any other food.
  • Don't continue eating if the taste bothers you in some way.

And most importantly, at the first signs of food poisoning, do not sit idly by, but contact the clinic. Remember that you are not only responsible for yourself.


The incubation period varies from half an hour to a day. The disease begins abruptly and suddenly, when it seems that everything is fine. After a certain period of time, after eating poor-quality food, you can notice the following symptoms of poisoning during pregnancy:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • Pain in the epigastric zone;
  • gas, bloating;
  • temperature;
  • diarrhea.

In some, food poisoning is not accompanied by a fever. But, of course, there is a noticeable deterioration in well-being: weakness, pale skin, frequent heartbeat. The temperature does not exceed 39 and is noticeable for no more than 24 hours.

Different pathogens have different symptoms. For example, staphylococcus aureus - frequent debilitating vomiting and stomach pains, the stool is not disturbed here. Possible deterioration of health, loss of consciousness and the appearance of seizures.

Clostridia - loose stools with blood. The condition is critical, there may be a violation of the spleen, liver, heart or lungs. Chills, dizziness, high fever and weakness.

Klebsiella - pungent-smelling diarrhea. Weakness, which, coupled with loose stools, lasts up to 3 days, and fever.

As a result, it will not be superfluous to repeat that poisoning during pregnancy negatively affects not only the woman, but also the child. Take care of yourself and be attentive to your health.

Food poisoning is familiar to many. Butter- or protein-based cakes, curd bars, and other foods that are tempting in smell and taste can be dangerous. Diarrhea, vomiting and even chills with a rise in temperature always alert a pregnant woman, because first of all she thinks about the baby. What to do in case of poisoning during pregnancy, in what cases can you cope on your own?

A common food poisoning in medicine is called foodborne infection (PTI). The provoking moment for the disease is the use of food products that were stored in violation of the temperature regime and other sanitary and hygienic rules.

Microorganisms provocateurs

PTI is the result of poisoning the human body with toxins that produce opportunistic microbes in food. Microorganisms enter culinary products and begin to multiply actively with the release of toxins that poison the body, if the rules of storage and hygiene are not followed. In ordinary life, such bacteria can be present in humans on the skin, mucous membranes, in the intestines, without causing disease, since the level of their concentration is low. The most common food poisoning caused by the following bacteria.

  • Staphylococci (Staphylokokki). These microbes are the cause of pustular skin diseases ("acne"), which is why cooks and pastry chefs should always wear gloves and undergo regular medical examinations. "Favorite dishes" of staphylococci are creamy, sweet flour products, as well as with mayonnaise. Even a self-prepared salad after several hours on the table in hot weather can cause poisoning. A particular danger is Staphylococcus aureus. It is resistant to heat treatment, does not die when salted.
  • Clostridia (Clostridii). Most often, they multiply in meat, fish products if storage conditions are not followed.
  • Less common. These include Klebsiela, Proteus, Serratia, Pseudomonas. These bacteria can multiply in all foods, causing both mild food poisoning and serious forms.

Food toxicoinfections are usually of a group nature - signs appear in everyone who has included a poor-quality product in the diet. The severity of symptoms depends directly on the number of microbes and their toxins that have entered the body.

How poisoning manifests itself during pregnancy

Symptoms of poisoning during pregnancy are similar to any intestinal infectious disease. Most often it proceeds as an acute gastritis or gastroenteritis (involving the small intestine and stomach). From the moment of eating a poor-quality product to the development of the main symptoms of food poisoning, it takes from half an hour to six to eight hours. The main features are as follows.

  • Stomach ache. They are the first signal of the disease in most cases. They appear suddenly for no apparent reason. Localized in the epigastric region, near the navel. The longer the gestation period, the higher the pain in the abdomen will be, since the enlarged uterus displaces the intestinal loops and stomach upward. Less often, the pain is cramping in the lower abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Appear with pain. After vomiting, it becomes somewhat easier - along with the masses, some of the microbes and their toxins leave. Vomiting may occur up to 10 or more times a day.
  • Chills. Appears within a day from the moment of poisoning, an elevated temperature can persist for up to three days. Usually it is not higher than 38 ° C.
  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea does not always appear, a mild form of poisoning can result in nausea and vomiting. Loose stools contain undigested food particles, sometimes it can reach 10-15 or more times a day. In case of poisoning (PTI), it is extremely rare that there is blood and mucus in the stool.

Depending on the severity of dehydration, the severity of food poisoning is established. To determine it is necessary to take the skin on the shoulder in a fold and establish how quickly it straightens. The following stages of dehydration are distinguished:

  • the first degree - the fold straightens out immediately, there is a dry mouth and thirst appears;
  • second degree - the skin straightens out for one or two seconds, thirst increases, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs appear;
  • third degree - the skin straightens out for three to five seconds and becomes wrinkled, the amount of urine excreted decreases;
  • fourth degree- occurs mainly in cholera, it is a life-threatening condition.

The severity and combination of symptoms largely depends on which bacteria caused the food poisoning. The severity of the clinical picture depends on the degree of dehydration, therefore it is important to observe the drinking regime. In moderate and severe forms, weakness, lethargy, dizziness, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate appear.

How to confirm the diagnosis

In many cases, a thorough history taking is sufficient to confirm foodborne toxicity. During the conversation, the doctor can approximately establish the causes of food poisoning, which plays an important role in pregnancy. The following revealed facts are in favor of poisoning (PTI):

  • acute and sudden onset;
  • connection with food;
  • mild or moderate flow;
  • lack of temperature;
  • the presence of similar symptoms in a group of people.

Other methods (bacteriological culture, PCR) are aimed at excluding more dangerous causes, such as salmonellosis, viral diseases, as well as pathologies of a non-infectious nature, for example, acute surgery, exacerbation of gastritis.

The lack of specific studies to detect the cause of food poisoning is due to the fact that pathogens are conditional pathogens and may be normal in the body. Therefore, their identification does not yet indicate that it was they who caused the disease. Distinguishing food poisoning from other conditions with similar symptoms allows the severity of the signs described in the table.

Table - How to distinguish signs of poisoning in pregnant women from more serious infections

SignsNausea and vomitingLiquid fecesStomach acheFeverPeculiarities
Food poisoning- Repeated vomiting;
- vomiting brings relief
- There is not always;
- if there is, then with an admixture of food pieces
- Mainly in the navel area- There is not always;
- if there is, it reaches 39-40 C and lasts no more than three days
- You can identify a "bad" dish
Viral intestinal infection- There is;
- not always pronounced
- "Like water";
- with foam
- All over the stomach- Heat;
- lasts up to five days
- There was contact with an infected person
Salmonellosis- There is;
- not always expressed
- Green colour- All over the abdomen;
- similar to contractions
- Almost always- Consequence of eating eggs and homemade products
Shigellosis- There is- With mucus and blood- All over the abdomen;
- similar to contractions
- Almost always- Consequence of drinking food or water contaminated with bacteria
Cholera- Vomiting up to 20 or more times- Up to 20 or more times- All over the stomach- Is always- Occurs in endemic areas
Diarrhea after taking medication- No vomiting;
- possible slight nausea
- Up to 3-5 times;
- less often - more often
- Mild all over the abdomen- No- After taking antibiotics
Diseases of the pancreas and biliary tract- There is;
- bitter taste in the mouth
- Bloating, less often - diarrhea- Shingles or in the right / left hypochondrium- There were also similar problems before pregnancy
Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract- Rarely- Not always- The location of the pain depends on the disease- Only in case of complications- Almost always a woman knows about problems before pregnancy

Does the condition affect the baby

All women are interested in the question of how dangerous poisoning is during pregnancy and whether it can harm the baby. In most cases, foodborne infection occurs in mild and moderate forms. With the right approach to treatment, it does not pose a significant threat to the baby and mother. But the following consequences of intestinal poisoning during pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

  • Dehydration. Vomiting and diarrhea inevitably lead to dehydration of the body, if the loss of the fluid you drink is not resumed in time. This leads to thickening of the blood and an increase in the likelihood of thrombosis, including in the vessels of the umbilical cord. The latter can even lead to intrauterine death of the baby, especially in the early stages.
  • Dysfunction of the placenta. Toxin poisoning and dehydration cause vasospasm. As a result, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus decreases. It is important to carry out treatment in a timely manner and prevent more serious consequences.
  • Abortion. High fever, diarrhea with increased intestinal peristalsis can provoke miscarriage or premature birth in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • Accession complications. In women with concomitant digestive system pathology, weakened immunity (for example, against the background of HIV, tuberculosis), foodborne infection is more difficult, there is a high risk of generalization of the process with the occurrence of sepsis, meningitis, and bacterial shock.

Dangerous symptoms

Often mild food poisoning, pregnant women prefer to treat themselves at home. But if the following signs are detected, you need to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible:

  • if high fever;
  • if it gets worse during treatment;
  • if the diarrhea is black (a sign of blood in the stool);
  • if abdominal pain resembles labor pains;
  • in the presence of symptoms of other diseases;
  • with dehydration of the second degree or more (diarrhea and vomiting more than ten times a day).

Principles of drug treatment

The postulates of the treatment of any intestinal infectious disease, including food poisoning, include the following.

  • Recovery of fluid loss. In case of mild and moderate poisoning (PTI, if vomiting is not more than five times a day), it is sufficient to observe the drinking regime - you should consume three times more liquid than goes away with diarrhea and vomit. You should drink clean non-carbonated water. If this is not enough, intravenous administration of solutions is used (for example, Ringer's, glucose).
  • Antiemetics and diarrhea. To reduce the severity of diarrhea, in no case should the drug "Loperamide" be used. It reduces peristalsis, but it also increases the speed and likelihood of absorption of toxins into the blood. This will lead to an aggravation of overall well-being. It is useful to use adsorbents - they "take" toxins on themselves and remove them from the intestines, in addition to the effect of thickening the stool.
  • Restoring the balance of beneficial microflora. It is carried out by taking intestinal antiseptics and using a solution of bifidobacteria.
  • Gastric lavage. During pregnancy (in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters), it is undesirable to carry out gastric lavage, however, in some situations it will help to significantly improve the woman's well-being, since this removes most of the microbial toxins.

Allocate such safe remedies for food poisoning during pregnancy.

  • For the prevention of dehydration."Regidron", "Normohydron" and "Gidrovit" - one sachet is dissolved in a liter of pure water and consumed inside a day from two liters (depending on the degree of dehydration).
  • Adsorbents that "block" toxins."Smecta" - three sachets per day, previously dissolved in 100 ml of liquid. "Kaopektat" - two tablets after each episode of diarrhea, maximum - 12 tablets per day. "Polysorb" - an average daily dosage of 6-12 g / kg of body weight, used after dilution in water. Enterosgel - one tablespoon three times a day, previously diluted in water. "Activated charcoal" - one tablet per day per 10 kg of body weight.
  • Intestinal antiseptics."Nifuroxazide" - two capsules twice a day (preferably not used in the 1st and 2nd trimesters). "Bioflor" two tablespoons three times a day.
  • Bifidobacteria preparations. Linex, two capsules three times a day. "Hilak Forte" 40-60 drops two to three times a day, previously dissolved in water.

Antibacterial drugs for food toxicoinfections are not prescribed. This is due to the fact that the symptoms develop due to the ingress of toxins into the human body, and not the bacteria themselves. Antibiotics should only be used if other complications develop or if an infection has spread.

How to speed up your recovery with nutrition

It is also important to observe special nutrition in case of food poisoning. Although the reviews of women indicate that there is practically no appetite on the first day.

Table - What you can and cannot eat with food poisoning in the first week of illness during pregnancy

other methods

With a mild degree of food poisoning in the early and late stages, you can use folk remedies. When using herbs, individual sensitivity to components should be taken into account. Here are some helpful and effective recipes.

  • Dill solution. Young, or better already seeds of dill in the amount of 40-60 g, mix with 500 ml of boiling water and stand for half an hour. Take 150-200 ml instead of tea.
  • Solution on caraway seeds. It is necessary to bring 40-60 g of seeds to a boil in 500 ml of water. Wrap it up in a warm blanket or, better, pour it into a thermos for several hours. Take 150-200 ml instead of tea.
  • Oak bark. It is necessary to bring to a boil 20-30 g of oak bark, chopped into small pieces, and then keep in a water bath for another 15-20 minutes. Drink two tablespoons instead of tea.
  • Pepper peas. It is necessary to take black peppercorns and eat them (four to six medium) whole overnight, washed down with water.
  • Blueberry. Kissel made from dried blueberries will also help to cope with diarrhea in case of poisoning.

It is best to combine alternative treatment of poisoning during pregnancy with medication. So the effect of treating food poisoning will be maximum.

What will help avoid poisoning

During pregnancy, women should be especially careful about their diet to avoid poisoning. Even despite the relative safety of food poisoning, it is better not to provoke the onset of the disease. Helpful Prevention Tips:

  • you should eat freshly prepared food;
  • it is better not to eat in canteens and cafes;
  • carefully monitor the storage of products and expiration dates;
  • in hot weather, even fruits, especially melons and watermelons, should be treated with vigilance.

Food poisoning during pregnancy occurs when stale food is consumed, as well as when the conditions for their storage are not followed. In the early and late stages, it occurs most often in mild to moderate severity. Compliance with the principles of treating food poisoning using safe drugs will help get rid of the problem as soon as possible. If the condition worsens or complications appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Reading 6 min. Views 9.1k. Posted on 18.03.2019

Unfortunately, it is difficult to completely protect yourself from the use of low-quality products. Against the background of food intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea, and other unpleasant symptoms occur.

What is the danger of poisoning during pregnancy, how to provide first aid correctly, what drugs can be used for treatment - we will talk about all this with you today.

Poisoning reasons

Poisoning occurs when poisons and toxic substances enter the systemic circulation, the pathology proceeds in an acute form. Most often, the problem occurs when eating poor-quality food, less often - when inhaling chemicals, overdose of drugs.

List of foods that can be poisoned:

  • expired fermented milk products - during pregnancy, you should eat products that were made a maximum of 2 days ago;
  • sausages, canned food, pickled vegetables, purchased sauces - these products contain many harmful substances, the reaction to which during pregnancy can be unpredictable;
  • baked goods with cream - mold quickly forms in fatty cream.

Poisoning in expectant mothers can also be caused by ordinary fresh products, often a problem arises after eating dishes from forest mushrooms. If you cannot completely give up mushrooms, stop at champignons, but not more than 2 times a month for 30 g.


Poisoning is especially dangerous in the early stages, since signs of intoxication are easily confused with manifestations.

The main symptoms of poisoning:

  1. Vomit. It occurs about half an hour after eating low-quality products. Most often, the attacks are repeated, strong, vomit has a sharp putrid odor, and there are pieces of undigested food in them.
  2. Diarrhea. Stool upset occurs simultaneously with bouts of vomiting, there is a lot of mucus in the feces, often there are particles of blood and food.
  3. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach... Pain, pain, cramps, flatulence - these symptoms will help distinguish poisoning from toxicosis.
  4. Signs of intoxication. A few hours after the poisoning, the temperature rises, the values ​​reach 38 degrees or more. In addition, chills, fever, weakness, headache, shortness of breath and increased sweating are observed.
  5. Dehydration- the result of severe vomiting and diarrhea, fever. Signs - dry mouth, tongue increases in size, skin loses elasticity, becomes pale or becomes bluish, heart rate increases.
  6. Toxic shock. Arterial indicators sharply decrease, dizziness attacks disturb, loss of consciousness is possible.
  7. Dangerous symptoms. Double vision, hallucinations - manifestations of salmonellosis, botulism.

In case of poisoning in the late stages, cramping pains may appear in the abdominal region. Without timely medical attention, spasms can turn into real contractions.

Poisoning during pregnancy - what to do

In case of food poisoning, one should not rush to take medications for vomiting and diarrhea - such unpleasant symptoms indicate that the body is trying to cleanse itself of toxins on its own.

Continuously, but in small sips, drink plain or mineral water without gas. If you can't drink at all, suck on a small piece of ice.

Saline solution helps well with poisoning - 0.5 tsp. salt in 200 ml of warm water.

Try to stay in bed, ventilate the room more often, if it's hot, hang wet towels in the room.

During pregnancy, gastric lavage cannot be performed, since there is a high probability of damage to the mucous membranes of the esophagus and larynx.

Be sure to call a doctor, pregnant women with poisoning are subject to hospitalization, so collect all the necessary things in advance.


To eliminate the manifestations of intoxication, expectant mothers are prescribed safe but effective medicines.

How to treat poisoning:

  1. Anti-dehydration drugs. Rehydron is safe in the early stages, does not harm the health of mom and baby. The tool is designed to replenish the deficiency of fluid and salts in the body. Instructions - dissolve 1 sachet of medicine in 1 liter of warm water, consume 1.5-2.5 liters of solution per day, depending on the severity of the poisoning.
  2. Enterosorbents. Polysorb, Enterosgel - these funds accelerate the process of removing toxins from the intestines, prevent the penetration of poisons into the general bloodstream.
  3. Diarrhea remedies... Permitted medicines - Enterofcril, Stopdiar.
  4. Folk remedies... Prepare chamomile tea - brew 220 ml boiling water 1 tsp. inflorescences, strain after a quarter of an hour. The drink has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, soothes irritated mucous membranes.

There are no safe medicines for pregnant women against vomiting in case of poisoning, if attacks bother you often, suck on a small piece of lemon, fresh ginger, and a leaf of fresh mint.

It is contraindicated to use activated carbon during pregnancy, since the agent aggressively affects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. To eliminate diarrhea, drugs based on loperamide cannot be used, they have a pronounced teratogenic effect.


After poisoning, you will have to adhere to a special diet for at least 10 days, fasting is contraindicated for pregnant women.

What can pregnant women do after poisoning:

  • light vegetable broths;
  • cream soups without cream and cheese;
  • homemade rye croutons;
  • vegetables, fruits only baked;
  • unsweetened jelly, compote.

After the end of the diet, fermented milk products, meat, fish, fresh vegetables can be introduced into the diet, but in small portions, no more than 1 new product per day.

What is the danger of poisoning

Against the background of severe intoxication during pregnancy, severe complications develop - sepsis, systemic inflammatory reactions, toxic shock.

The consequences of poisoning:

  • with a lack of fluid, the viscosity of the blood increases, the risk of blood clots increases;
  • against the background of dehydration, the level of oxytocin in the blood rises, the uterus begins to contract;
  • severe cramps with vomiting and diarrhea can provoke;
  • in the later stages of poisoning, the baby begins to move less.

With severe poisoning, internal bleeding often develops, placental abruption occurs. If a large amount of toxins enter the bloodstream, poisoning in expectant mothers can cause termination of pregnancy, suppression of the baby's cardiac activity.

If the fluid deficit in the body is more than 10%, cells begin to die, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, and the fetus suffers from hypoxia.


To avoid poisoning during pregnancy, follow simple rules.

Preventive measures:

  • give up eating any exotic, imported vegetables and fruits, wild mushrooms and unfamiliar berries;
  • do not eat semi-finished products, canned food, smoked meats;
  • cook food for 1, maximum 2 days;
  • carefully follow the rules of hygiene, food preparation, heat treatment of food.

Since you can poison yourself not only with food, but also with other toxic substances, try not to use aggressive detergents with strong odors for cleaning. For walking, choose places away from highways, gas stations, and industrial enterprises.


Food poisoning during pregnancy is a frequent and rather unpleasant phenomenon; without timely assistance, it can cause severe consequences and complications. Tell us in the comments about your effective ways to combat intoxication.