Healthy and righteous lifestyle of the people. I. Organizational moment

The righteous man. In the last century, this concept was in honor, as they called a person whose behavior corresponded to religious commandments. Let's open V.I.Dahl:

“The righteous person (-nit) who lives righteously; walking in everything according to the law of God, sinless. The righteous man who does the truth is. John. There is no righteous person before God, all sinners. God has a lot of room for the righteous. A city should not be without a holy, a village without a righteous. ". But, unfortunately, in our time this word has become outdated. Moreover, it has acquired a clearly ironic connotation. We read the "Dictionary of the Russian language" by SI Ozhegov (1987): "A righteous man is a person who does not sin in anything against the rules of morality." And everything would be fine if next to this definition there was not a note in the dictionary - “iron. ". Indeed, the attitude of others to such people is quite consistent with this interpretation. Yes, and we ourselves are forced to admit that if there are still such people in life, then, as a rule, they cause misunderstanding, ridicule, and sometimes irritation among others. And there is a sincere regret in these arguments. And in contrast to this mood, some people argue that the time of such people has passed. And although this point of view did not find general approval, nevertheless, the bitter thought that the times are truly absurd are when seemingly eternal norms of morality are shaken, when such shifts in moral accents occur!

The Righteous and Righteousness in the Works of N. S. Leskov

Leskov is one of the first Russian writers who turned to the image of the righteous.

At a time when what was happening in Russia was subjected to harsh criticism or satirical ridicule, when the mood of Russian society was based on the conviction that a good person can do nothing good under untenable conditions, that only favorable conditions will give birth to good people, N. S. Leskov adhered to a completely different opinion.

He belonged to those who believed that in any conditions a decent person has the opportunity to show his best qualities. Regardless of the era, religion, nationality, social status. His beliefs were based on personal experience... He entered life early enough: at the age of eighteen he entered the service and earned his own bread himself. By that time, he already had quite solid ideas about what he considered the most valuable and important in life. Leskov created a whole cycle of works about righteous people. Initially, the writer included in the cycle such stories: "Odnodum" (1879), "Non-lethal Golovan" (1879) and "Cadet Monastery" (1880). But later he added other works. Maxim Gorky wrote about him in this way in his article “N. S. Leskov ":" He knew the people from childhood; by the age of thirty he traveled all over Great Russia, visited the steppe provinces, lived for a long time in Ukraine. folk life... He perfectly felt that elusive, which is called "the soul of the people." After the evil novel At the Knives, Leskov's work immediately becomes a vivid painting or, rather, icon painting - he begins to create an iconostasis for Russia of its saints and righteous men. "

Leskov understood, like no one before him, that a person has the right to be comforted and treated kindly, a person should be able to caress and comfort. He wrote the lives of the holy fools of the Russians, his heroes, of course, are people of dubious holiness, because they absolutely and never have time to think about their personal fear - they constantly care only about the salvation and consolation of their neighbors. They will probably do nothing or will do as little as the venerable ecclesiastical and secular hermits and desert dwellers, that, striving for the knowledge of God, they forget about man and, justifying the impotence of his not good wisdom, unable to arrange the life of a human less brutally, - mercilessly condemn a person. "

In Leskov's cycle about the Russian righteous, we see different people. Modern researchers of Leskov's work note that no Russian writer has created so many "positive types" as Leskov. Leskov himself explained the reason for this as follows: “If, according to popular belief, not a single city stands without the three righteous, then how can the whole land with one rubbish that lives in my and your soul, my reader, stand ?. And I went to look for the righteous, went with a vow not to rest until I find at least that small number of the righteous, without whom "there is a hail of standing."

So, in almost every work of Leskov, we will find a righteous man. In his book about his father in the chapter “Artistic Sermon”, Andrei Nikolaevich Leskov wrote: “All of them, in the order of their appearance in print, are arranged approximately like this: the truth-loving Musk Ox (“ Musk Ox ”, 1863), the irreconcilably revolutionary Rainer, Liza Bakhareva and Lipstick ("Nowhere", 1865), the young nourishing and all-hospitable Pisonian, Kotin Milk and the all-forgiving Platonida ("Kotin the Milk and Platonida"), the patriotic explorer Ivan Severyanich Flyagin (The Enchanted Wanderer, 1873), the rebellious Archpriest Savely Tuberozov ("Cathedrals", 1873), an envious and angerless Pamva and a wonderful youth Levontiy ("The Sealed Angel", 1873), a pure soul Ryzhov ("Odnodum", 1879), courageous Golovan ("Non-lethal Golovan", 1879), selfless private Postnikov ("The Man on the Clock", 1887), etc. " As you can see, the range of the righteous is huge, and they are all very different, not much resembling each other both in social status and outlook, but in the main, deep, surprisingly similar.

It is hardly appropriate to retell the content of each of the stories. It is more important to see and understand what is common and different in Leskov's characters, or rather, as different, opposite at first glance, can be so close to each other.

His characters are different in their social status, education, faith. Each of them is given different spiritual powers. But to the extent of their strength and capabilities, they give their neighbors everything that they have, even a little. Those who have been bestowed with more are examples of admirable endurance. Alexander Afanasevich Ryzhov (Odnodum), Golovan, educators cadet corps(M. Persky, A. P. Bobrov, Dr. Zelensky, "the last archimandrite" Iriney), Bryanchaninov and Chikhachev command respect not only for being firm in their faith, but for their ability to adapt and implement their intentions in practice. acquires wholeness, filled with meaning, people are drawn to them, seeking spiritual and real help from them.

“We have not translated, and the righteous will not be translated,” - this is how Leskov begins his story “The Cadet Monastery” (1880), in which “people are tall, people of such intelligence, heart, honesty and character that it seems that there is no need to look for the best ”, Appear in their difficult everyday life as educators and mentors of young cadets. Their deeply wise attitude to upbringing contributed to the formation in the pupils of that spirit of camaraderie "which gives any environment warmth and vitality, with the loss of which people cease to be people and become cold egoists, incapable of any business requiring selflessness and valor."

Major General Persky devoted his entire life to his pupils. He is always in the building, bypasses "without fail" all classes, visits every lesson, draws up a schedule, looks through "all the journal marks of all students for the day." He is very educated himself, he makes sure that his cadets study well. And there was no heavier punishment for these young men than the contemptuous words of Persky: "Bad cadet!"

Persky served as an example to the cadets in everything. “Persky also had valor, which we children considered ours, that is, ours, cadet, because Mikhailo Stepanovich Persky was a graduate of our cadet corps and in his person personified for us the spirit and traditions of cadetism,” recalls the cadet storyteller. youth. Moreover, he was a very courageous person. So, he was not afraid to defend his pupils, who helped the soldiers wounded on Senate Square. To Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich himself, he calmly and openly looking into the eyes, declares: "They are so brought up, your majesty: to fight the enemy, but after victory, treat the wounded as their own." “He lived and died an honest man, without spot or reproach; but this is not enough: it still goes under the line of simple, although, it is true, very high honesty, which few achieve "- concludes Leskov.

And the economist Bobrov ?! How much love and care for the "scammers"! He even spent his own salary on a "dowry" for indigent cadets: three changes of linen, two tablespoons and four teaspoons of the finest silver. He explained it this way: “When a comrade comes in, so that you have something to give you a sip of cabbage soup, and two or three may come in for tea, so that there is something.” So he taught the cadets to camaraderie6 four brothers ”.

Doctor Zelensky is a match for Bobrov and Persky. Like Bobrov, the doctor lived with the conviction that "none of them has a more precious goal" than the "good" of the cadets. "Kind and the most just and magnanimous man" - the narrator characterizes Zelensky. But Dr. Zelensky not only cared about physical health cadet. During the years of the most severe reaction, the strictest prohibition on all reading, he instructed future officers, gave books to read, talked so that “the first cunning new environment"I could not" knock them down and lead them along the unworthy path. "

The righteous of the "Cadet Monastery", officers-educators, observe first of all not the military subordination (although it is not alien to them), but proceed from the duty of an unashamed conscience, habitually proportioning each step and everyday life with the higher concept of a person who is responsible for his affairs before God. This inner state of responsibility to the one who sees and foresees everything, who knows everything and has the right of final, impartial judgment - this state spiritualizes their actions, gives them a high pleasure to live freely and regardless of random interventions and temptations, makes them resistant against fear. political opinions of the century, open and hidden selfish influences, in short - from everything that can turn them off the true path of free and become a habit of suppressing self-will and evading a higher duty under the influence of life's vanity and the little things of everyday life. Such a freely chosen direction of life once and for all makes them invulnerable in all cases when the earthly judgment, the opinions of people guided by politically practical institutions and judgments, and even an irritated reprimand of the sovereign - puts them before a choice: to act according to conscience or submit to earthly subordination, earthly authorities and circumstances. They always prefer the path of spiritual freedom.

Admiring the artistic skill of Leskov, one must remember that in the "Cadet Monastery" he preserved many real events and the appearance of charming people, such as Major General Persky, Brigadier Andrei Petrovich Bobrov and Corps Doctor Zelinsky, who faithfully served their cause.

Leskov encourages the reader, convinces him that even the smallest deeds are valuable and expensive, and the common truth that the big is made up of the small appears in persons and facts. All his works are united by the thought of active and tolerant love. Heroes who did not want to, failed to understand how important such love is, are doomed, no matter how dear they are to the writer's heart. Images of Musk Ox and Nikolai Fermor involuntarily come to mind.

At first impression - unsociability, gloom, restlessness - it seems that Sheramur and Musk Ox are closer to each other. But in reality, the reader is convinced of the opposite. Nikolai Fermor is untenable with all his desire to faithfully serve the Fatherland. He, like the Musk Ox, cannot adapt his dreams and desires to life. There is nothing offensive in such an adaptation, because a person living in human society must reckon with its laws, accept the norms of human society, to a reasonable extent, otherwise the world will turn into chaos, chaos and anarchy will overwhelm him - such a future is prepared by intolerance, aggression, anger at everything humanity. You need to learn to measure your capabilities with your desires. But such an attitude to life does not imply self-righteous mediocrity, on the contrary, it requires exertion of strength, tireless work of self-restraint, self-education. Weaknesses are inherent human nature... It is necessary to learn to be tolerant towards them, but not to seek protection in oblivion, but in the sober knowledge that flaws are inherent in people, often ineradicable. And if a person feels in himself the strength to resist them, then he must start first of all with himself, like Odnodum, who could not be persuaded by any tricks to bribery. At the same time, he earned sincere respect for the simple reason that he did not shout about self-sacrifice and impeccable honesty, but decided to live as he believed to be true, which gave him the right to make a remark, more precisely, to curse Lansky in the temple. There was no pathos and hysteria in this, but a faith that deserves respect, which is confirmed by the ending of the story.

The death of Nikolai Fermor is due to his own mistakes, unwillingness and inability to take a sober look into the eyes of reality. Living turned out to be overwhelming work for him.

Yet Leskov is full of sympathy and love for his hero, whom he rightly calls "the old holy fool in the golden palace." Fermor, like Musk Ox, is a martyr of faith.

Sheramur behaves completely differently. He is inactive and seems worthless until a case is found for him, but now he becomes an orderly in a hospital, and his motto "to eat", an object of ridicule and blasphemy, takes on a different meaning. We see him in action and understand how much love and mercy there is in the soul of this amazing person and how necessary he can be for people, how grateful they are for his care. Leskov also calls him a holy fool, perhaps so as not to shock the public. Too incongruous comparison for the usual, stereotypical thinking. But he becomes righteous when he finds something to do on his own. This is what the nanny says to the unreasonable scoffers: "The worse a person is, the smarter the angel is to him, to bring him to the point. This is his merit."

According to Leskov, richly gifted natures, while they are looking for exclusively personal happiness, do not achieve their goals, fail in life and die with the consciousness of a fruitless life.

For a writer, the righteous are above all good people, not only inspired by great intentions, but also able to implement them in life, as has already been repeatedly mentioned above.

Quite apart from all Leskov's heroes, there is his enchanted wanderer - Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin. He miraculously combined the strength of spirit, faith, the ability to be tolerant and wise in relation to people around him. The story about him is filled with light and joyful sadness, which fascinates the reader just as the hero himself is fascinated by Grushenka. He carries in his soul the gift of God. Having experienced so many adversities that would be enough for many lives, he miraculously did not become embittered. Grief, mental or physical torment only strengthened the strength given to him from birth. The story of his wanderings not only evokes compassion, but humble admiration, since any violent manifestation of enthusiasm seems inappropriate in relation to this amazing person, so close in spirit to the "last archimandrite" from the "Cadet Monastery". With their life and their words, they helped the people around them to come closer to understanding "the poetry of eternal truth and undying life."

And, of course, it is impossible to ignore the work "Cathedrals" - the first brilliant picture of the life of the Orthodox clergy and the spiritual struggle experienced by its best representatives.

So attractive is the image of Father Tuberozov, who prefers that his temple was empty rather than filled with people who came for extraneous reasons, out of fear or for other reasons. Father Tuberozov himself most accurately expresses his understanding of religious feelings when he speaks of preaching: “I sometimes feel something descending on me, when my beloved gift seeks action; then a certain, let me say, sacred anxiety seizes me; the word falls out of my mouth like a burning coal. No, then there is a law of censorship in my soul. And they demand that instead of living speech, directed from soul to soul, I do rhetorical exercises. I am not a walker this way. bondage is not a preacher. "

The reader involuntarily bows his head in front of this amazing person who has a rare power to influence people. This is evidenced by the relationship that is being established between him and the deacon Achilles - a daring Cossack who by mistake fell into a spiritual person, completely incapable of manifesting pastoral virtues and gradually reborn under the influence of Father Tuberozov.

Leskov opposes the same idea of ​​a true understanding of the Christian spirit in his "Baled Angel" to the letter and form that the Old Believers worship. In this respect, the figure of the schismatic, Elder Malachy, depicted later in the "Pechersk Antiques", is characteristic. The expectation of the shame of his enemies with the belief that when the newly built bridge in Kiev is opened in the highest presence, the emperor will overshadow himself with a two-fingered sign of the cross - and then the hour of the triumph of the schismatics will come, does not prevent him from starving his faithful servant, so that he subsequently dies of stomach cancer. cursing the schism with its deadly literalism. The story is imbued with pain and sorrow about people who do not want to come close to understanding the Christian spirit. The author is convinced that the fight against schism can be successful not on the basis of external coercion, words, theological casuistry, but only on the basis of altruistic ones. The meeting of Old Believers with people imbued with such a spirit does not pass without a trace. The former involuntarily develop a feeling of sympathy and admiration for the latter, and they admit themselves defeated. Suffice it to recall the respect with which Old Believers regard the Englishman and his wife, imbued with the spirit of religious tolerance and compassion, so dear to the heart of Leskov himself ("The Sealed Angel"). Or a meeting with the hermit Pamva, when the old believer, amazed by his humility, exclaims: "Lord! - I dare to argue, - if only there are two such people in the church, then we are lost, for this one is all animated by love." And higher: “He will drive away all demons with his humility from hell or will turn to God! he will chop him off, rip off all his claws, and he himself will overtake his own powerlessness before the Creator, such love (who created him, and he will be ashamed of Him ").

Even more sharply and at the same time, the idea of ​​the salvation of active love for one's neighbor is expressed in the essay "At the End of the World", in which the author tells from the words of an enlightened pastor of the Orthodox Church (later Archbishop of Yaroslavl Nile) about the character of his missionary activity among zyryan. His misunderstanding why the local monk treats the baptism of the Zyryan is somehow strange, without due sympathy, is replaced by a feeling of enthusiastic gratitude for the wisdom of the Creator and humility, when an ignorant Zyryan saves his life, risking his own. Only here, on the verge of life and death, like grace, an epiphany descends on him: “He ran for 24 hours. will I create with him now? Will I take this religion from him and smash it, when another, better and sweetest, I am deprived of the opportunity to give him, until “words confuse the meaning of a mortal,” and deeds for capturing him cannot be shown? Where are my means to educate him, to enlighten him when there are no them, these means, and everything seems to be deliberately arranged so as not to be in my hands? Christ, for her, come Himself into this pure heart, into this meek soul; and as long as you delay, until you please this.Let these snowy blocks of his valleys be dear to him, let him die on his day. chase his paths when the Son Himself wrote with his finger the law of love in his heart and led him away from the works of wrath. "

A true righteous man does not withdraw from life, he takes an active part in it, tries to help his neighbor, sometimes forgetting about his own safety and well-being.

In this regard, the image of the buffoon Pamphalon, opposed to the pillar man, is especially vividly presented. The first selflessly serves the Almighty, unaware of that, for he does not find time to think about his own salvation, because he has to think about everything about others. In his heart is not fear of the Creator, but love. All his thoughts and actions are directed to people whom he is always happy and ready to help. And the pillar, ashamed and realizing his sin, whose name is conceit, returns to his place ascetic feat to serve the locals. The love of Pamphalon turns out to be so strong that he erases the grave sin of the pillar and ascends with him, when the time has come, to another world.

And the conscientious Danila finds peace for himself only when he stops “dreaming of exploits, looks lower”, takes care of the lepers, and serves people as much as he can.

So, Leskov's righteous man is a person who lives according to special laws, which are based on the spiritual principles of being. Leskov's righteousness is the ideal of a normal human life, it is the way to solve many social problems. For his heroes, the main thing becomes active and selfless good, serving his people, living in harmony with his conscience and biblical commandments. But they do not strive to ensure that their nobility was noticed, do not expect awards and other gifts. And they do not grumble at fate, but humbly accept everything that is in store for them. Their humility is not from weakness of spirit, but, on the contrary, from their strength. This strength of spirit, firmness, and elevate the Leskov righteous above the mundane and prose of life. Leskov's righteous people are united by the fact that they are often lonely, persecuted and not understood by the people around them. "Freak" - these are the softest of their characteristics.

Images of the Righteous in Russian Literature of the 20th Century

A. Platonov "Yushka"

Should we talk about righteousness in the twentieth century? Have the righteous died on the Russian land? Russian literature gives an unambiguous answer: Russia has not become impoverished, there is, there are now pure souls, whose life is service to good, mercy, self-sacrifice.

On the pages of literary works, we find diverse examples of love for one's neighbor. Here is a short story by Platonov "Yushka".

Yushka - so for some reason all people called Yefim Dmitrievich, he was small and thin, on his face, instead of a mustache and a beard, he had sparse gray hair growing separately, his eyes were white, like a blind man. He was lonely and we don't know if he ever had a family. His adopted daughter is an orphan. "I was an orphan, and Yefim Dmitrievich placed me, little, in a family in Moscow, then sent me to a school with a boarding house. Every year he came to see me and brought me money for the whole year so that I could live and study."

Yushka saved this money, denying himself literally everything. “He worked in a smithy. assistant at the head blacksmith. lived in an apartment with the owner of the smithy. The owner fed him bread, cabbage soup and porridge for his work, and Yushka had his own tea, sugar and clothes; he has to buy them with his salary - seven rubles and sixty kopecks a month. But Yushka did not drink tea and did not buy sugar, he drank water, and wore the same clothes for many years without changing: in the summer he wore trousers and a blouse, black and smoky from work, burned through with sparks, so that in several places you could see him white body, and barefoot; in winter, he wore a short fur coat over his blouse, which he inherited from his deceased father, and put on his feet in felt boots, which he had been hemming in the fall and wore the same pair every winter all his life. ”

At such a price, Yushka got money, which he gave in full to “live and study” his adopted daughter, whom he saw only once a year, covering a long distance on foot. Yushka adopted the girl because he could not imagine life otherwise than love and mutual assistance. Therefore, when the children mocked him, he rejoiced. “He knew why the children were laughing at him and torturing him. He believed that children love him, that they need him, only they do not know how to love a person and do not know what to do for love, and therefore torment him. "

When the adults, taking out their evil grief and resentment on him, beat him, he lay for a long time in the dust on the road, and when he woke up, he said: “Me. people love! " When the blacksmith's daughter, having seen enough of his misadventures, said: “It would be better if you died, Yushka. Why do you live? "-" Yushka looked at her with surprise. He did not understand why he needed to die when he was born to live.

It was my father-mother who gave birth to me, their will was, - answered Yushka, - I cannot die, I help your father in the smithy. "

All living things must live. A person is born in order to live and help others live. This is the life philosophy of Yushka, which he expressed with his entire existence. Therefore, Yushka adopted the orphan, and gave all his money to her upbringing and education so that she lived. That is why Yushka loved nature so much.

“Having gone far, where it was completely deserted, Yushka no longer hid his love for living beings. He bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them so that they would not deteriorate from his breath, he stroked the bark in the trees and picked up butterflies and beetles from the path, which had fallen dead, and peered into their faces for a long time, feeling himself without them. orphaned. But living birds sang in the sky, dragonflies, beetles and hard-working grasshoppers made cheerful sounds in the grass, and therefore Yushka felt light in his soul, the sweet air of flowers, smelling of moisture, entered his chest. sunlight". Native land, native forest, native lake, native person. For Yushka, all living things were dear and necessary. Necessary for the life of a little girl - an orphan, a little grasshopper, a little flower, because all of them together are life, and they all cannot live without each other. Therefore, he himself, being a part of that life, was necessary for others.

“I was ordained to live by my parents, I was born according to the law, the whole world needs me, just like you, without me, too, so it’s impossible. we are all equal. "

We have become so accustomed to Yushka, we have already begun to understand him better, when suddenly something happened to him that everyone had been waiting for for so long, Yushka became angry. But this minute, I would even say a second anger, still did not like the passer-by. And then he forcefully pushed him in the chest, which finished off Yushka.

What people wanted happened, Yushka became angry and passed away. Did they recognize him as "theirs", "like"? Repented?

Everyone who knew him and tortured him during his lifetime came to say goodbye to Yushka. For the first time people asked Yushka, already dead, forgiveness. Buried - and forgot about him. But life without Yushka became worse for people: “Now all the anger and mockery remained among the people and was spent among them, because there was no Yushka, who unrequitedly endured all other people's evil, bitterness, ridicule and hostility. "

I think that Plato's Yushka is a real righteous man. After all, he lived with kindness, forgiveness, disinterested love for people, for all living things on earth. Yushka is called an old man, and his soul is childish, pure. They called him blessed, a holy fool (holy fool), “a scarecrow of God,” they mocked and laughed at him. But without him, "life has become worse for people." And the place of Yushka is taken by a new righteous woman - a girl who survived, learned, became a doctor thanks to the self-sacrifice and love of a stranger to her. Alien in blood, but so dear and close in spirit.

“She knew what Yushka was ill with, and now she herself graduated from her studies as a doctor and came here to treat the one who loved her more than anything else, and whom she herself loved with all the warmth and light of her heart. “This girl made everyone remember Yushka, who remained to live in human memory.

“A lot of time has passed since then. The girl doctor stayed forever in our city. She began to work in a hospital for consumptive people, she went from door to door where there were tuberculosis patients, and did not charge anyone for her labor. And everyone in the city knows her, calling her the daughter of the good Yushka. "

"A village is not worth it without a righteous man"

A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin's yard"

Artists different eras, a different creative manner brings together the theme of the Russian village, indigenous folk life, the problem of the Russian national character.

The story of Matryona's "kolotnaya zhytenka" does not unfold immediately by the author-narrator. She had to sip a lot of grief and injustice in her lifetime: broken love, the death of six children, the loss of her husband in the war, hellish, not every peasant's feasible work in the village, a serious illness - an illness, a bitter resentment against the collective farm, which squeezed all her strength out of her, and then wrote off as unnecessary, leaving him without a pension and support. In the fate of Matryona alone, the tragedy of a village Russian woman is concentrated - the most expressive, outrageous.

But - an amazing thing! - Matryona was not angry with this world, she retained a good mood, a feeling of joy and pity for others, her radiant smile still illuminates her face. She had a sure way to regain her good spirits - work. For a quarter of a century on the collective farm, she broke her back pretty well: she dug, planted, dragged huge sacks and logs, was one of those who, according to Nekrasov, "will stop a horse on the move." And all this “not for money - for sticks. For the sticks of workdays in the grubby book of the bookkeeper. " Nevertheless, she was not entitled to a pension, because, as Solzhenitsyn writes with bitter irony, she did not work at a factory - on a collective farm. And in her old age, Matryona did not know rest: she grabbed a shovel, then she went out with sacks to the swamp to mow grass for her dirty white goat, then she went with other women to steal peat from the collective farm for winter kindling. The collective farm chairman himself, recently sent from the city, also stocked up. “Winter was not expected,” the writer ends on the same ironic note.

“Matryona was angry with someone invisible,” but she did not hold any grudge against the collective farm. Moreover, according to the very first decree, she went to help the collective farm, without receiving, as before, anything for the work. Yes, and any distant relative or neighbor did not refuse help, "without a shadow of envy" later telling the guest about the neighbor's rich potato crop. Work was never a burden for her, "Matryona never spared neither work, nor her good." And everyone around Matrenin's unselfishness was shamelessly used.

Sisters, sister-in-law, adopted daughter Cyrus, the only friend in the village, Thaddeus - these are those who were closest to Matryona, who should have understood and appreciated this man. And what? She lived poorly, miserably, lonely - "the lost old woman", exhausted by work and illness. Relatives almost did not appear in her house, fearing, apparently, that Matryona would ask them for help. All in chorus condemned Matryona that she was funny and stupid, working for others for free, always climbing into peasant affairs (after all, she got under the train, because she wanted to help the peasants, to drag sledges with them through the crossing). True, after Matryona's death, the sisters immediately flew in, "seized the hut, the goat and the stove, locked her chest, and gutted two hundred funeral rubles from the lining of her coat." Yes, and a half-century friend - “the only one who sincerely loved Matryona in this village” - who came running in tears with the tragic news, nevertheless, leaving, did not forget to take Matryona's knitted blouse with her so that the sisters would not get it. The sister-in-law, who recognized Matryona's simplicity and cordiality, spoke of this "with contemptuous regret." Everyone mercilessly used Matryona's kindness and innocence - and amicably condemned her for this.

Matryona is uncomfortable and cold in her native state. She is alone inside a large society and, what is most terrible, inside a small one - her village, relatives, friends. This means that the society whose system suppresses the best is wrong.

We can say that Matryona is close to the hero of another story by Solzhenitsyn - "One Day in Ivan Denisovich." Both of them are conciliar personalities, that is, carrying the national principles, subconsciously feeling personal responsibility to the people. “Whether they are aware of this or do not even suspect, whether they act consciously or subconsciously, they are responding to the challenge of an inhuman power system. The system has put them beyond the line of mercy, doomed to destruction. It is no longer specifically Ivan Denisovich, only or one Matryona, but the whole people. they are ready to go and endure an incredible amount, including personal humiliation - without being humiliated by their souls ”.

Thus, the measure of all things for Solzhenitsyn is, after all, not the social, but the spiritual. “The result is not important. and the spirit! Not what was done, but how. Not what has been achieved - but at what cost, "he does not tire of repeating, and this puts the writer in opposition not so much to this or that political system, but to the false moral foundations of society."

Matryona dies, helping to ferry her own room across the paths. The greedy Thaddeus did not want to wait for Matryona's death, he wanted to pick her up now. And kind Matryona destroys her house with her own hands! The greed of others leads the heroine to death. “A loved one was killed,” the hero-narrator does not hide his grief. The hidden author's assessment is replaced by a direct author's characterization of the heroine. During the funeral in Matryona's house, all the relatives and friends gathered for the last time, in whose environment she lived her life. And it turned out that Matryona was leaving life, so no one understood, no one humanly mourned. Even from the folk rituals of parting with a person, a real feeling, a human principle, has gone. Crying has turned into a kind of politics, ritual norms are unpleasantly striking in their "coldly thought-out" orderliness. At the memorial supper they drank a lot, they said loudly, "not at all about Matryona." According to custom, they sang "Eternal Memory", but "the voices were hoarse, rosy, their faces were drunk, and no one put feelings into this eternal memory."

But, probably, the most terrible figure in the story is Thaddeus, this "insatiable old man" who has lost elementary human pity, overwhelmed by a single thirst for profit. Even the upper room "has been cursed since Thaddeus's hands grabbed to break it."

But for many readers something else seemed more frightening: "After going over the Talnovskys," the author writes, "I realized that Thaddeus was not the only one in the village."

But Matryona - such - was completely alone.

And the question arises: is there a certain pattern in Matryona's death, or is it a coincidence of chance circumstances, a reliable reproduction of a real fact by the author? (It is known that Matryona Solzhenitsyn had a prototype - Matryona Vasilyevna Zakharova, whose life and death formed the basis of the story.)

The answers may be different, but I believe that Matryona's death is inevitable and natural. After all, they say death always chooses the best. And if you do not adhere to the exact real fact, then some kind of symbol is visible in this: it is Matryona the righteous who is dying. Such are always guilty, such always pay even not for their sins. A thin thread broke, still connecting Matryona with other residents of the village. Matryona died, and with her her God, to whom she never prayed, but who lived in her soul and, probably, helped her in life.

Yes, the death of the heroine is a kind of milestone, it is a break in the moral ties that still held under Matryona. Perhaps this is the beginning of decay, the death of the moral foundations that Matryona strengthened with her life.

The original (author's) title of the story - "A village is not worth a righteous man" - carried the main ideological load. A. Tvardovsky suggested a more neutral name - "Matrenin Dvor". If we start from the broad concepts of "collective farm yard", "peasant yard", then in the same row there will be "Matrenin's yard" as a symbol of a special order of life, a special world. Matryona, the only one in the village, lives in her own world: she arranges her life with work, honesty, kindness and patience, preserving her soul and inner freedom. In a popular way, wise, judicious, able to appreciate goodness and beauty, smiling and sociable in her disposition, Matryona managed to resist evil and violence, preserving her “court”.

This is how the associative chain is logically built: Matrenin's yard - Matrenin's world - the special world of the righteous. The world of spirituality, kindness, mercy, about which F.M.Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy wrote. But Matryona dies - and this world collapses: they drag her house down a log, greedily share her modest belongings. And there is no one to protect Matryona's yard, no one even thinks that with the departure of Matryona something very valuable and important, not amenable to division and primitive everyday assessment, is leaving her life.

“We all lived next to her and did not understand that she is the same righteous person, without whom, according to the proverb, the village is not worth it.

Neither the city.

Not all our land. "

I would like to add to everything that has been said that the story as a whole, despite the tragedy of the events, is sustained on some very warm, light, piercing note, setting the reader up for good feelings and serious reflections. Perhaps this is especially important in our time.

V. Bokov "Erema-simplicity"

Our contemporary, the songwriter Viktor Bokov, also found his righteous man. He himself came from the Russian hinterland, he knew well the deep essence of the Russian people, he understood the origins of the national character. Such is the lyrical hero of his small poem "Erema-simplicity".

The hero of this poem is a carefree person. For everyone, he is "Erema-simplicity". Erema lived in the village. He only had a cat from the farm:

Lived Erema-simplicity

In our village.

From cattle - had a cat,

To support the abdomen

A pot for porridge.

Erema does not care about wealth, does not think about money and other material benefits, all day he sang songs and wove bast shoes. He called his hut "mansions", and a ragged hat - "crown".

I, - laughed, - do I need a lot?

For Easter - the egg is painted,

To the song - a red word,

A couple of apples instead of a garden

A hundred fairy tales for joy

Yes, a piece of canvas on the coffin.

His hut was kept on parole, no one understood how it stood. And Erema is in no hurry to change anything:

And in no hurry to repair.

Will sit down, make a pity

And it will fill up little by little

He will say, looking at the people:

I am a cut off hunk!

He constantly wandered through the forest and made no money for himself. And then one day he lay down and died:

Once he lay down under the icon:

Death, take me, I'm home. -

I hid my eyes, I closed my mouth,

Has turned white as birch bark.

The whole village came to bury Yerema, as if it was not Yerema who had died, but some rich man. His house fell apart, and grass grew in its place. But everyone who passed by must remember Eremu:

The rich people of our village

Rotted in memory like a tree stump.

Why about Erem

In every hut, in every house

Don't remember a rare day ?!

Let's try to answer the question asked by the author. In my opinion, Erema remained in the memory of people because in his entire life he did not harm anyone, did not interfere, did not bother. On the contrary, he helped people with his songs. He amused people who simply did not have time for fun. But, helping others, he simply did not have time for himself. Such people are rare. They have their own views of the world. I believe that Erema-simplicity is a real righteous man, worthy to stand on a par with the righteous heroes of Leskov, Platonovsky Yushka and Matryona Solzhenitsyn.


Of great importance for the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation is a comprehensive understanding of the motive of love for one's neighbor, which goes back to the Gospel commandment "love your neighbor as yourself", the parable of the good Samaritan who showed mercy to a complete stranger in trouble. This motive expresses the disinterestedly kind attitude of a person to a person, based not on a generic, national or confessional sign, but on the consciousness that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and deserves mercy.

On the pages of literary works, we find diverse examples of love for one's neighbor.

The Russian land has always been rich in people of a righteous life. We learn about them not only in literature lessons, but also in the study of the history of Russia. Let us recall, for example, Metropolitan Philip Kolychev, who was personally strangled by Malyuta Skuratov in 1568 for urging Ivan the Terrible to fear the judgment of God. Saint Philip, appealing to the tsar's conscience, said in one of his sermons: "You can find mercy in the whole world, but in Russia there is no compassion even for the innocent and for the right." In other words, a righteous person sacrifices himself for the sake of other people.

These heroes are lonely, and their own life is long-suffering.

It is no coincidence that NS Leskov, following the historian OM Solovyov, believed that the righteous who do not perform the church feat of humanity “make history more powerful than others”.

And although a meeting with a righteous person, as a rule, causes misunderstanding, ridicule, and sometimes irritation among others, still not a single city or village can be without the righteous. Yes, and the whole earth cannot resist with only one envy and anger that lives in every person. “We have not been translated, and the righteous will not be translated. They are just not noticed, and if you look closely - they are, "- this is how Leskov began his story" The Cadet Monastery. " And his words have not lost their power and meaning even now, in the 21st century.

It seems that the literature of the third millennium will turn to the Russian righteous man more than once, as journalism has already done. From newspapers and TV shows, we learn about those of our contemporaries who build their lives on the principles of kindness and mercy.

All of Suzdal knows a woman who became a grandmother to dozens of disadvantaged orphans! At the age of seventy she opened her own business: she makes and sells souvenirs to tourists. She gives all the proceeds from the sale to orphans from kindergarten- nursery number 24. Baba Tanya wants these children to be dressed no worse than those who have parents.

Lyudmila Demerdzhi, from the village of Sergeevsky, is the mother of ten adopted children. Several years ago, she did not even know that she would have such a family. She found the first child at the entrance, the second, still a baby, in the hospital, the third on the road. All her children are adopted, and she loves them like family.

And mother Zinaida from the Karelian village of Datchinets, created the first private nursing home in Russia.

And in Siberian families, many cases have been recorded when old people abandoned by their own children find shelter and affection from people they do not know.

Can't you call them righteous ?! Don't they build their lives according to the laws of mercy and kindness ?!

Human health has three components: the health of the physical body, mental state and morality. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is defined as "a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects." A healthy person is a person in whom all tissues, organs, systems and the entire body perform their functions without failures and disturbances, he does not have physical disabilities, his state of mind is balanced, calm, there is no pain, heaviness, feelings of anger, fear, envy, hopelessness, obsessions, he has a positive morality (good-natured).

A healthy person with a holistic God-centered worldview adequately perceives the surrounding reality and calmly (not to be confused with indifference) reacts to any information and to any changes in the situation, since he has a holistic picture of the universe and gives a correct assessment of all events and phenomena. This allows him to fully reveal his spiritual and intellectual potential. He has no restrictions in the choice of the profession he likes and can, if necessary, perform any job offered to him (from a digger or loader to a submariner or astronaut). A healthy person does not have any restrictions in this regard. A person with good health can realize his genetic potential for development, not only in terms of life expectancy (at least 150 years of full and active life), but also in terms of predisposition to one or another type of activity.

Now there are very few absolutely healthy people, but in a normal society they should constitute an absolute majority and this should be striven for. The health of the People is the most important factor that directly affects the security of society and the state.

The approach to the issue of a healthy lifestyle depends on the worldview of people, because it determines their life position and behavioral activity, including actions that affect health.
At the same time, materialists proceed from the principle: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" and place emphasis on the development of the physical body of a person. This principle is not true. This is confirmed by the fact that many excellent and even outstanding athletes in the course of the "reforms" went to criminal and even gangster structures. This testifies to their low spiritual level. From the point of view of a materialistic worldview, it seems that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is enough not to smoke, not drink alcohol, not use drugs, eat right, exercise and play sports. Recent studies by Russian scientists show that this is only partly true, but clearly not enough.

Idealists, on the other hand, believe that a healthy lifestyle is led by one who regularly goes to church (mosque, synagogue, etc.) and strictly follows all the rituals prescribed by the interpreters of the "holy" scripture. They motivate this position by the fact that everything worldly and earthly is temporary and insignificant, and the main task of a person is to prepare himself for an eternal afterlife in order to go to heaven after death. The most orthodox ministers of the church (idealistic atheists) argue that everything carnal in a person must be suppressed, the main thing is the spiritual development of people in accordance with the provisions of the confession to which they belong.

A natural question arises, which of these two approaches is the most correct? Materialistic or idealistic? In fairness, it should be noted that positive points both the first and the second approaches have: it is necessary to simultaneously develop both the physical body of a person and improve its spiritual component, but not go to extremes. In almost all religious teachings there are many wise positions, the adherence to which has a positive effect on human health and life. It is impossible to deny the commandments given from Above to Moses, for they teach what a person should not do in order not to destroy himself. The teaching of Jesus Christ about Love is of great value, and how much wisdom and usefulness is in the Koran, in the Vedas, in the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, Rama, Krishna and other righteous people. Revelations were and are being given now through the righteous for all peoples, taking into account specific historical and natural and climatic conditions. Our task is to take from all the teachings of the past and present everything that is truly useful in relation to modern conditions. It is most correct to consider this problem from the standpoint of a holistic worldview. Speaking about a healthy lifestyle, one should take into account the fact that a person and human society at all levels of organization are not just biological systems in which various biochemical reactions take place, but are biological information and energy supersystems. A person is connected with the whole universe both through the chains of food, consumption of air, water, and informationally and energetically. It should be remembered that the overwhelming majority of diseases are psychosomatic, that is, informational in nature (according to American scientists - more than 75%, and according to Russian scientists - all 90%). Diseases are the main factor that shortens the duration of an active and fulfilling life of people.

The main goal of a healthy and righteous lifestyle is the realization of the potential of a person's spiritual and physical development determined by God. This requires good health and high spirituality. Spirituality is the product of the intellect for the morality of a person. Intelligence is a fusion of knowledge, work skills and the ability to apply them to achieve goals. With positive morality (good-naturedness), a person does good, and the higher the intellect, the higher his spirituality (God-bearing). In the case of negative morality (evil), one cannot speak about spirituality at all, since the higher the intellect of a malevolent person, the more he will do evil, therefore, one can only speak about his Satanism, and not about spirituality. From the standpoint of a holistic worldview, the basic principles of leading a healthy lifestyle, which make it possible to realize the genetic potential of a person's spiritual and physical development, determined by God, are as follows:

1. The unity of good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Thoughts, words and deeds of a person should be in line with God's Providence. And this good should be directed both to oneself and to the whole world around us: to our close and distant ones, to our family, our Clan, People, Fatherland, our Russian civilization, to humanity and the entire Biosphere. This is necessary because if a person cares only about himself, then he practically will not receive help and information and energy support from the outside. If he cares about his family, he will receive support only from the family egregor, if about the Rod - from the clan, if about his People - from the national egregor, etc. A person who cares about the entire Biosphere receives from the Lord God Himself both support, protection, and God's guidance. And you need to do this throughout your conscious life. You need to do good not under compulsion, out of fear of going to hell or out of self-interest to go to heaven, but from the bounty of the soul, this should be a normal state of a person. True good comes from Love (to oneself, to one's near and distant, to one's People, Fatherland, our Russian civilization, humanity and to all life on Earth). All this must not only be loved, but also protected from the encroachments of evil people and destroyers. You need to start with good thoughts because they give rise to good desires, followed by good words, and then good deeds. Thus, thought is able to materialize.

2. You need to study in order to increase your intelligence all your life. The present stage in the history of mankind is characterized by the fact that now informational, technical and technological processes in society proceed faster than there is a change of generations. Under these conditions, applied knowledge and work skills quickly become obsolete. And if a person wants to be at the height of the position in society and be healthy, then he must constantly learn: master new knowledge, new technology, new technologies, since the old quickly become obsolete and go out of use. Under these conditions, mastering the methodology of cognition becomes the main thing, which allows a person to independently master new knowledge, more perfect technique, modern technologies and improve work skills. This also applies to the science of a healthy and righteous lifestyle.

3. Doing physical education in order to maintain your biological body at the proper level is also necessary all your life. It must be remembered that a weak body has a small margin of stability, and tissues and organs that are little used atrophy and even die off. If we talk about big sports, then it should be treated very carefully, since high sports results can be obtained only on the verge of a person's physical capabilities, which leads to premature wear of tissues, organs, systems and the entire human body. And it is no coincidence that most outstanding athletes do not live long, since they do not have good health, although they had it from birth.

4. You also need to temper your body all your life. Hardening leads to an increase in the body's stability margin when living conditions change, physical activity, climate, weather, environment etc. Seasoned people practically do not get colds. They have significantly higher immunity and, therefore, they are less sick with other diseases. Of particular importance in the life of a Russian person for his tempering is a Russian bath with a steam room.

5. Always and in all conditions to observe the rules of personal hygiene, home and workplace hygiene. But it should be borne in mind that excessive sterility of the environment can eventually lead to a decrease in the performance of the immune system. An example is the tragic fate of the Lykov family, which for several decades lived in isolation from society in the Siberian taiga in an almost sterile cedar forest and died out soon after contact with quite healthy people, geologists, since all family members had a weakened immune system. People who returned from long Arctic and Antarctic expeditions began to get sick upon their return, which confirms the correctness of this conclusion.

6. Eat rationally and correctly in accordance with gender, age, working conditions, everyday life, climatic conditions and national traditions. Malnutrition leads to exhaustion, and overeating leads to obesity and poor health, and even death. Food should be warm. Reception of excessively hot water and food injures the oral cavity and esophagus, cold - leads to colds. We need to eat and drink what our native Russian land will give birth to. This is due to the fact that genetically our body is best predisposed to assimilate those foods that are close in their biochemical composition to the foods used by our ancestors. With age, it is advisable for a person to reduce the proportion of gum proteins and fats in the diet and increase the proportion of plant foods in accordance with the laws of evolution.

7. Give up bad habits: the use of alcoholic beverages and beer, smoking and the use of other drugs because they not only destroy health, but also lead to the degradation of a person's personality due to the mass death of brain cells. It is especially dangerous to drink alcohol and strong alcoholic beverages, as this also leads to a thinning of the walls of the digestive tract. Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs maim and kill not only living people, but also their descendants, who will have a reduced genetic potential for development. Consequently, the consumption of any drug-containing substances leads to the destruction of the gene pool of the people. By buying alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco, drugs, health-destroying "soft" drinks (such as "Pepsi", "Cola", "Sprite" and others), we actually finance the process of destroying ourselves, our children and grandchildren, our people. Do not use chewing gum for any purpose, since the chewing process develops the chewing muscles and, accordingly, the vessels of these muscles, which leads to a redistribution of blood in their favor and the development of the “steal” syndrome of the brain. In people with this syndrome, intelligence decreases, the ability for analytical thinking is lost.

8. To participate in socially useful work for the benefit of the family, Clan, our People, Fatherland, humanity and the entire Biosphere. You also need to work to the best of your ability all your life. To work together, from the bounty of the soul, not to carry out an alien business out of self-interest, contrary to conscience. Labor should be feasible, and the workload and nature of work should correspond to the possibilities that are determined by a person's inclinations, gender, age and life circumstances. The mechanism laid down by nature in the body excludes lazy people from life ahead of time, as useless for the population.

9. Combine physical and intellectual work. This increases the efficiency of the body, since the transition from physical labor to intellectual, and from intellectual to physical is a rest.

10. Do not overwork. Working in a state of extreme fatigue is unhealthy, unproductive and even dangerous, as the likelihood of making mistakes increases dramatically and labor productivity drops. Tired - take a break. Rest can be both passive (sleep) and active (change of activity). You need to sleep an average of about eight hours a day.

11. It is very important to have a clear conscience, to live without fear for your life, for the life and health of your family and friends, for your property. To do this, you need to resist temptation and self-interest. Living in fear for one's life, property, for the life and well-being of relatives and friends negatively affects human health.

12. Live according to cosmic cycles. Work during the day and rest at night. Do not shy away from seasonal work. Consume those plant and animal foods that match the season, as our ancestors did. Moving away from cosmic cycles weakens health and shortens human life span.

13. Take an active life position. He who is outside of politics is outside of life. He who does not do good and does not suppress evil, he multiplies it. To unite with the righteous for protection from the wicked. In today's complex, difficult and full of dangers life, a loner is doomed to extinction. If we want justice and order to be restored on our land, ensuring a safe and fulfilling life for us and our descendants, then we need to create our own organizations. Forms of association can be different: from clubs of interest to political parties. Serving the People and the Fatherland is the highest happiness. The one who serves his People and Fatherland receives in return both informational and energy support from many millions of people, which increases the degree of security and preserves health.

15. Everything in life must be done on time. It's time to learn - learn, because what Vanechka has not learned, Ivan Ivanitch cannot learn. It's time to love and start a family - love and backwater, do not put it off for old age. It's time to have children - give birth, grow and nurture them. The time has come for maturity - work as best you can and pass on your knowledge and skills to young people. Old age has come - be wise, guard against mistakes of the young, pass on your experience to them. This is the only way to live a full life.

16. Subordinate personal interests to the interests of society (family, Clan, educational, labor or military collective, People), Fatherland, humanity and the entire Biosphere. Fulfill your duty to your family, Rod, People, Fatherland. Put your responsibilities above your rights. Everyone is obliged to do what the position obliges him to do. And if a person does not do this, then the situation itself can destroy him first informationally (morally), and then politically and even physically. A pupil and a student are obliged to study hard, an employee - to work conscientiously, a warrior - to defend his people and his homeland, a manager (including a private entrepreneur) - to manage for the benefit of people, and not for the sake of his own enrichment or satisfaction of power desires.

17. Man is obliged to fulfill his destiny in this world - to be the viceroy of God on Earth. A man's main purpose is to protect himself, his family, Clan, People, Fatherland, our Russian civilization, humanity and the entire Biosphere. The second function is the production of everything necessary for the life of oneself, family, Clan, People, society. The third function of a man is the reproduction of healthy and virtuous generations. It is necessary to defend the Fatherland not only with weapons in hand, but also on all fronts of an invisible war that will be introduced against Russia: on the information, financial and economic, alcohol, tobacco and drug, ethnic, always and everywhere. A woman was created by God for Love and the prolongation of the Family (each must give birth and raise at least three children), to create and strengthen a family, raise children, to take care of her husband, about the family hearth, she is his keeper and Bereginya. If a person fulfills his destiny, then he receives support from Above, protection, health and many years of life.

18. Listen and sing folk songs and the best songs of the Soviet period, classical music. They support the connection between the individual and the people and have a beneficial effect on health. Refusing to listen to Western rock-pop music, bad songs and ragged rhythms that destroy the psyche, morality and health of people are a preparatory stage for drug addiction.

19. Try to communicate with good and kind people having a high level of spiritual and physical development. It is not for nothing that there is a wise Russian proverb: "With whom you will lead, from that you will gain." And as little as possible to communicate with scoundrels, scoundrels, enemies and unpleasant people - thieves, usurers, hooligans, bandits, liars, traitors, grabbers, lazy people and other rabble.

20. When receiving any information, evaluate it according to the principle: "Is it good or bad for me, my family, Clan, People, Fatherland, humanity, Biosphere." Reject all negative and perceive only positive, that is, introduce the "Watchman" program.

21. Do not lie or cheat under any circumstances. A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie. Only in relation to the enemies of the Fatherland, mankind and the Biosphere, it is not only possible, but also necessary to carry out measures for disguise and disinformation.

22. Communicate with native Nature as much as possible, take care of it. The noise of the foliage of the trees, the murmur of a stream, the singing of birds, and beautiful landscapes strengthen our health and restore strength. Communication with native Nature is an essential need of the human body, the same as air, water and food.

23. Stay as little as possible in large settlements, where noise, din, dust, dirt, high air pollution, crush, negative information and energy impact, streams of electromagnetic radiation in a wide spectrum of frequencies. All this undermines health.

24. Avoid watching blank and immoral films and television programs and any advertisements. Better yet, throw away the TV altogether, because it only takes time, distracts from independent study and useful activities, and in general negatively affects the health and morality of people, especially children. Limit listening to radio broadcasts of folk and classical music and the best songs and musical works of the Soviet period, since they have a positive effect on people's health, and in fact are sound therapy. Don't waste time and money reading empty and immoral newspapers, magazines and books. Be aware that at present almost all mass media are in the hands of the enemies of our Fatherland. By purchasing such "reading matter", we finance the process of destruction of our people and multiply evil on Earth. Limit the time of using the computer to the minimum necessary for work. Do not get carried away computer games, since most of them are empty and distract from real life and useful deeds and even destroy the psyche and morality of a person.

25. Do not abuse the benefits of civilization. We warn you that whole line The "benefits" of civilization imposed by the WEST are in fact a carefully disguised weapon of genocide. For example, the use of diapers (diapers) leads to sterilization (infertility) of boys and persistent urinary incontinence up to mature age... The use of tampaks by women leads to chronic diseases of the pelvic organs and even to infertility. Shaving the legs removes the protective layer (epidermos) from them, facilitates the penetration of infection and leads to the same diseases, since chronic trauma to the skin of the legs results in chronic inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, and then the pelvic organs. Do not get carried away with cosmetics. Use only domestic cosmetics made from natural products. Women and men, especially of childbearing age, need to be very careful with cosmetics, since most companies (mainly Western ones) add psychotropic drugs to them for a woman to become more addicted to these drugs. Long-term exposure to these drugs on the woman's body leads to depression of consciousness, and then, accordingly, to the most severe informational damage to the child. Even microscopic, poisonous or drug-containing additives in cosmetics that cannot be controlled by instrumental, absorbed through the skin, are carried by the blood throughout the body, poisoning it and unpredictably affecting the offspring. That is, cosmetics can be a weapon of genocide, affecting not only the person using the poisoned cosmetics, but also his offspring. A woman should smell of purity and woman, and from a man - purity and man, and not anything else.

26. Avoid mutilating operations: circumcision of the foreskin of boys and men, tattoos, piercings (implantation of metal jewelry into the skin). Circumcision of the foreskin in men leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system and the centers of the brain. Circumcised men are almost an order of magnitude more likely to become sexual perverts, suffer from neuropsychic and cancer diseases. Circumcision is recommended by our enemies, as it makes it easier to program the psyche and brainwash men. All that has been said applies to circumcision of the external genital organs in women. The need for circumcision is masked by taking care of the hygiene of the genitals.

27. Be chaste. Everyone needs to know that there is no safe sex. Since ancient times, the phenomenon of telegony has been known: the recording in a woman's biofield of information from all men with whom she had close relationships. For example, if a woman had close relationships with five men before marriage, then the child will receive hereditary information not from one, but from six fathers and have a reduced genetic potential for development due to the inconsistency of the information received from all of them. A woman's chastity is her main value. Not only unmarried girls and boys should be chaste, but also married women and men. Debauchery is the main cause of AIDS, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases that destroy human health and undermine the gene pool of the people.

28. Protect conceived children. Killing babies in the womb is a grave sin. Women who have abortions pay for this with infertility and diseases of the genitals. Men pushing them to this crime and doctors performing abortions are also accomplices in this crime and bear responsibility for it before God.

29. To study and be able to apply traditional medicine, and not go to doctors for every sneeze. God created the universe in such a way that if a Man lives righteously and correctly, he will be healthy, and if he falls ill, then Nature has everything for him to be cured. God provided for this: there are leaves, flowers, fruits, stalks, roots, buds, bark of various plants. You just need to know about them and use them correctly.

30. Have decent housing. A person's dwelling should correspond to natural and climatic conditions and national traditions, be comfortable and cozy. A Russian person and his family live best in wooden house farmstead type with a garden and a vegetable garden under the windows. In such a house, a person does not cut himself off from natural fields and is as close as possible to Nature. The family should live in the house without embarrassment. Each family member has his own room, where he can retire, relax, think, do intellectual work. For all: a living room for gathering families and receiving guests; bath with steam room; workshop; garage; utility rooms; food storage; bathroom. Furniture and household utensils should be made of natural materials (wood, ceramics, glass, porcelain), beautiful and strictly functional. No need to clutter up the house extra furniture and equipment.

31. Dress for the season, weather and the nature of work. Clothing should be beautiful, comfortable, lightweight, durable, warm in bad weather and not hot in warm weather. The best thing, if it is made of natural materials: linen, cotton, silk, wool, fur, leather. You also need to put on shoes according to the season, weather and working conditions. Shoes should be comfortable, lightweight, durable and made of natural materials: leather, felt, fur. The sole can be made of artificial wear-resistant materials. Clothes and shoes must be well-fitting and durable. A person feels comfortable in well-fitted clothes and shoes. The final fitting of clothes and shoes occurs naturally during the wear process. There is no need to chase fashion, which is formed by certain forces, the purpose of which is not human health, but profit. Throwing away good and quite wearable things is a big sin, since a lot of raw materials and energy resources and the labor of other people were spent on their manufacture. If your clothes or shoes are too big for you, give them to others, but do not throw them away or destroy them. In Russia, clothes and shoes have always been inherited from older children to younger ones or to the children of relatives, friends and acquaintances.

32. It is best to live in the area where your ancestors lived, since the organism is genetically best adapted to the same natural and climatic conditions. It should be borne in mind that with age, with a change in place of residence, the body's ability to adapt to a new environment and natural and climatic conditions decreases. For older people, a change in the country of residence is especially fraught with negative consequences, where a person has no relatives, no friends, no relatives, no native language, no native nature. It is undesirable for older people to even change their place of residence within their region, since a person gets used to his home and the things corresponding to it, the atmosphere and the composition of microorganisms.

33. In dealing with people, be benevolent, exclude foul language. In a letter and oral speech use Russian words, and use foreign borrowings only as a last resort. This is due to the fact that the Russian language is basic for all other languages ​​of the world, since in Russian words each syllable carries a semantic load and causes certain images in the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person and the reaction of our body corresponding to these images. To our great regret, we introduce a lot of foreign language and science into Russian speech, and many absurdities that distort the meaning of words have been maliciously introduced into Russian grammar. That is why in our work we always write the prefix "WITHOUT" through "Z", so as not to confuse the lack of something with the IMP = Satan = Devil. It is better to build oral speech and written works so that their meaning is understandable to those people for whom they are intended, in order to eliminate the ambiguity of the interpretation of the meaning, so that the words in them are cramped, and the thoughts are spacious. Sentences in written works should not be too long, when the reader by the end of the phrase has forgotten what was written at the beginning, so that the author and the reader do not get confused in subordinate clauses. Examples of written works are works by A.S. Pushkin and I.V. Stalin.
Many more points can be added to this list, we have limited ourselves to only the main provisions, which are currently the most important.

Only by leading a healthy lifestyle can the genetic potential of a person's spiritual and physical development determined by God be realized. Above man has been released for at least 100 years, or rather about 150 years of active and fulfilling life. The great Russian physiologist Academician I.P. Pavlov believed that the death of a person earlier than 150 years should be considered violent. This indicator of the duration of an active and full-fledged life of a person is not fiction, but reality. In the Caucasus, there are quite a few long-livers, whose age has exceeded 100 years, and there are some elders who have lived up to 120 years. In support of this, let's see how the average life expectancy of our people changed during the 20th century. In tsarist Russia, the average life expectancy for men was 33 years, for women - 40 years. There was a proverb: "Babi age - forty years." This was only one quarter of the genetic potential. In Soviet times, the average life expectancy for men exceeded 70 years, and for women - 80 years, i.e. doubled and approached 50% of the time allotted over. This was confirmed by the popular proverb: "Forty years - the woman's age, and at forty-five - the woman's berry again." Most women of this age were in their prime and many gave birth to children. Currently, due to the "reforms", or rather the policy of genocide, carried out against the peoples of Russia and the former USSR, the average life expectancy for men has decreased to 55 years, and for women - to 60 years, which is only a third of the development potential. The reason for this is a decline in living standards, a lack of confidence in the future, the impact of the media that destroys people's health, rock-pop music, drug addiction, corruption of young people, a decline in morals, a decline in the level of culture and the imposition of a WESTERN anti-culture (Satanism) on us, the collapse of the best in the world of public education systems, medical services, physical education and sports, alcoholization and drug addiction of the people, a decrease in the quantity and deterioration of the quality of food, the introduction of vile norms of morality and ethics alien to our peoples. During the years of "reforms", as a result of the collapse of state and collective farms, food production has halved, and at the same time the production of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, the number of television channels and their broadcasting time have increased several times and sharply. It is time for us to realize the perniciousness of the course being pursued in Russia and take up our minds.

The increase in the life expectancy of our people will not happen immediately after the improvement of the situation in the country, since the gene pool of the people has been undermined by many years of drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction and a harmful information policy. But if our people from generation to generation will lead a healthy and righteous lifestyle, then the share of negative genetic load will decrease from generation to generation, which will lead to an improvement in the country's gene pool. The consequence of this will be an increase not only in life expectancy (it will approach a certain Above, and then, possibly, will exceed the 150-year mark). Russian sages claim that a person can lead an active and fulfilling life for 200-300 years, and this is confirmed by ancient biblical texts.

The introduction of a healthy lifestyle in Russia is an extremely important and very complex problem of the state, civilizational and even global level of significance. The solution to this problem requires all-round support from the state, since public initiative alone is clearly not enough. One cannot count on the current government, whose goal is not the welfare of the People, but the protection of the interests of the owners, since the overwhelming majority of large owners in Russia are not Russian people, but thieves-foreigners. The reason for this is that our rulers act within the framework of an alien nature-conquering Old Testament biblical concept containing an algorithm for the destruction of not only our people and Russian civilization, but the entire Biosphere.
The first and most important condition for the implementation of a healthy and righteous lifestyle is the world outlook revolution, that is, the transition of the majority of good people from a materialistic or idealistic worldview to a holistic God-centered worldview. Such a world outlook revolution has already begun and will be carried out not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Our Motherland is a leader in this process, since our people over the past two millennia have been ill with both idealistic atheism in the form of Judeo-Christianity and materialistic atheism in the form of Marxism-Trotskyism, and the transition to a holistic worldview for us will be less painful and faster. time. It took several centuries for our ancestors to transition from a close to holistic Vedic worldview to an idealistic one. The transition from an idealistic to a materialistic worldview took several decades. An attempt to return from a materialistic worldview to an idealistic one, undertaken at the end of the 20th century, ended in complete failure. All these three transitions were accompanied by the destruction of the Old Russian state first, and then the collapse of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and the many millions of victims and sufferings of the working people. According to the Law of Time, after the change in the ratio of the standards of biological and social time that occurred in the middle of the 20th century, social processes proceed faster than the change of generations. Consequently, the transition of the peoples of Russia from a materialist worldview to an integral one will take even less time than it took to move from an idealistic worldview to a materialistic one.

The introduction of a healthy lifestyle requires the following activities:

2. Changes in the information policy of the state. The introduction of strict moral and medical control of the people over the activities of all mass media, cultural and educational institutions without exception.

3. Implementation in public consciousness knowledge about a healthy and righteous lifestyle through families and educational institutions of all levels from kindergartens to universities. Knowledge of healthy lifestyles should form the basis of the Life Safety Fundamentals course (OSH), which must be taught in all educational institutions starting in kindergarten. The teachers of the OBZhD course should not be random people, as it is now, but specialists. To do this, it is necessary to start training teachers of OBZhD in universities on the new philosophical foundations of a holistic God-centered worldview.

4. In medical universities and research institutes, carry out scientific research work in various areas of a healthy and righteous lifestyle, including reviving the science of rational nutrition.

5. To ensure the rational nutrition of the people, it is necessary as soon as possible to restore the country's food security, which was violated by the "reformers". This is the most important state and national task. Without solving this problem, it is impossible to provide the people in sufficient quantities with high-quality, environmentally friendly and healthy food products according to scientifically grounded standards, taking into account gender, age, working conditions, natural and climatic conditions and national traditions.

6. Ensure the medical safety of the people. Medical care should only be free of charge.

7. The production of drugs and the trade in them cannot be a private matter, but should become an object of special concern for the whole society and a monopoly of the state. The creation and distribution of counterfeit drugs should be immediately criminalized and medical supplies, up to the death penalty. Conduct state recertification of all drugs. According to the former Minister of Health of Russia Shevchenko, most of the drugs currently produced are harmful to human health, and there is a conspiracy between doctors and pharmacists, the purpose of which is to siphon money from patients.

8. The production of alcoholic and tobacco products and their trade cannot be a private affair of the drug mafia, but must become a monopoly of the state, which must consistently curtail their production as the nation recovers. Limit trade in them by time and place, as is done in Sweden and some other countries.

9. Physical destruction of the drug mafia, primarily its head - drug lords, as is done in China, Thailand, Malaysia, Iran and other countries. Legislative ban on advertising of all types of drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. Compulsory treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in special institutions, as is done in China. To toughen criminal liability for drug dealers, up to and including the death penalty. The borders of Russia for drugs must become impenetrable.

10. Dissemination of conceptual medical knowledge among the population in compliance with information security measures. Refusal from thoughtless and irresponsible sorcerer and medical "enlightenment".

11. Anti-alcohol and anti-drug propaganda and educational work and the gradual curtailment of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Russia must turn from a drug-alcohol-tobacco-philistine country into a drug-alcohol-tobacco-phobic country.

12. Dissemination of conceptual knowledge and transfer of all medical science to a new methodological basis. State support for medical institutions that have mastered new methods of treatment.

13. Development and implementation in the country of the "Program for the safe reproduction of the population", which eliminates the damaging information and drug effects on the conceived and developing child.

14. Revival of the cult of a healthy and full-fledged family, as the basis of society and the state. Remember the old proverb: "A strong family is a strong state." Create centers to help families in need of both material support and "information" correction.

15. Development of mass physical culture and sports.

16. Changes in the system of values ​​in the country: a departure from Western liberal individualism and a return to the traditional values ​​of the peoples of Russia. Living in accordance with the principles of Russian and Muslim conciliarity.

17. The introduction of the Russian Vedic calendar instead of someone else's Gregorian and Julian calendars will allow the peoples of Russia to live in accordance with the cosmic cycles determined by God.

18. Changing the socio-political system in the country: building a just society in which a person is a friend, comrade and brother, and not the law of the jungle, in which the one who is stronger and who has more stolen money is right.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the people's transition to a healthy and righteous lifestyle will lead to other positive consequences in the life of our and other peoples: to reduce social tension in society, to accelerate the process of Russia's transition to a sustainable development course, to strengthen its economic and defense power, to the flourishing of science, culture, to reducing health care costs, reducing human and material losses due to a decrease in the level of disasters of a social and man-made nature.

If the majority of people on Earth lead a healthy and righteous lifestyle, then not only demographic, but also most of other problems will be automatically resolved:

The ecology of the environment will be significantly improved;
- environmental protection and nature restoration activities will be raised to the proper level;
- managers of all levels will rule in the interests of the whole society, and not in the interests of those who have a lot of money or in their own;
- justice will be restored on planet Earth;
- people will live according to the laws of Love, peace and harmony;
- humanity will finally find harmony with Nature.

Center for Strategic Studies (Saint Petersburg),
members of the public initiative "Strategy for the Future"

Vdovenko A.A., doctor-researcher
Captain 1st rank Karandashov V.D., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Colonel Kramarenko G.I., teacher of the Military Medical Academy
Colonel Petrov O.V., teacher
Toropov M.Yu., surgeon, urologist, psychophysiologist
Semenyak E.G., psychotherapist, narcologist
Sergeev G.E., candidate of biological sciences.

The basic principles of leading a healthy and righteous lifestyle from the standpoint of a holistic worldview, allowing you to realize the genetic potential of a person's spiritual and physical development determined by God:

1. The unity of good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Thoughts, words and deeds of a person should be in line with God's Providence. And this good should be directed both to oneself and to the entire surrounding World, the Universe, the Biosphere. This is necessary because if a person ("part" of the Unified Universe) cares only about himselfitself, then the energy-informational support from the Biosphere, from the Universe as a whole, from its constituent "parts", he practically does not receive. A person who cares about the entire Biosphere, about the entire Universe, receives from the Almighty support, and protection, and God's guidance. You need to do good not episodically, but throughout your life, and you need to do it not out of fear of going to hell, not out of self-interest to go to heaven, but from the bounty of your soul: this should be the normal state of a reasonable Man of goodwill. True good comes from Love for the surrounding World, Motherland, people, family, yourself and your life. All this must be Love, but one must be able to and always be ready to protect him from the encroachments of a variety of malevolent sub-people.

2. It is necessary to study in order to improve your mind all your life. The present stage in the history of mankind is characterized by the fact that now information, technical and technological processes in society proceed faster than the change of generations . Under these conditions, applied knowledge and work skills quickly become obsolete. And if a person wants to be in society "at the height" of the position and be healthy, then he must continuously learn,to master new knowledge, new technique, new technologies, as old knowledge quickly becomes obsolete and goes out of use. Under these conditions, mastering the methodology of cognition becomes the main thing, which allows a person on one's own to master new knowledge, more perfect technique, modern technologies and improve labor skills. This also applies to the science of not getting sick, the science of a healthy and righteous lifestyle.

3. Get exercise. It is also necessary to maintain your biological body at the proper level throughout your life, since a weak body has a small margin of stability, and tissues and organs that are little used atrophy and even die off. Great sport does not add health to athletes, since sports achievements always border on the limit of human capabilities. And it is no coincidence that most outstanding athletes do not live long. In a crowd - "elite" society, big sport is used as a business, which brings profit to some, injuries to others, and spectacles to others (the crowd).

4. Temper your body . Hardening of the body also needs to be done all life, it leads to an increase in immunity and the reserve of the body's stability when living conditions, physical activity, climate, weather, etc. change. Special meaningfor hardening has a Russian bath with a steam room and pouring cold water.

5. Follow the rules of personal hygiene, home and workplace hygiene. But it should be borne in mind that excessive sterility of the environment can eventually lead to a decrease in the performance of the immune system. People who returned from long Arctic and Antarctic expeditions began to get sick upon their return, which confirms the correctness of this conclusion.

6. Eat rationally and correctly. Malnutrition is wasting, and overeating- to obesity, poor health and even -to ruin. We need to eat and drink what our Russian land will give birth to. This is due to the fact that genetically our body is best predisposed to assimilate those foods that are close in their biochemical composition to the foods used by our ancestors. We are made up of what we eat and drink. You should not get carried away with "overseas" foods and drinks: "Pepsi", "Cola", "Sprite", etc.

7. Do not give in to bad habits, give up them completely. Alcohol, tobacco, beer and other intoxicants - drugs not only destroy health, but lead to personality degradation.

8. Participate in community service. Social work brings joy and satisfaction, improves mood, and benefits health. The "mechanism" of nature excludes lazy people from life ahead of time as useless for the population.

9. Combine physical and intellectual efforts in the process of life. This increases the efficiency of the body, since the transition from physical labor to intellectual, and from intellectual to physicalis a rest.

10. Don't overwork. Working in a state of extreme fatigue is unhealthy, unproductive and even dangerous, as the likelihood of making mistakes increases dramatically and labor productivity drops. Tired - take a break. Rest can be both passive (sleep) and active (change of activity). You need to sleep on average 8 hours a day.

11. It is very important to have a clear conscience. You should not succumb to temptations and self-interest. It is important not to commit bad deeds, to live without fear for your life, for the health and life of your relatives, for your property. Living in fear negatively affects health.

12. Live according to cosmic cycles. Work during the day and rest at night. Do not shy away from seasonal work. Eat food that is appropriate for the season. Moving away from cosmic cycles weakens health and shortens human life span.

13. Take an active life position. He who is outside of politics is outside of life. He who does not do good and does not suppress evil, he multiplies it. A loner is doomed to degradation, illness and premature death. Communication with like-minded people brings satisfaction, gives confidence in life. Serving the people and the Fatherland is the highest happiness for an honest person: in return, he receives energy and information support from millions of people, protection from Above, God's guidance, and therefore health and life potential.

14. Live with a family honor parents and elders, nurture children, take care of the elderly. A strong family is a strong Power. Each family must have at least three children; for every woman, the reproduction rate must be at least 2.3. Only in this way will our people ensure the reproduction of generations.

15. Everything in life must be done on time . It's time to learn - learn, because what Vanechka cannot learn, Ivan Ivanovich cannot learn. It's time to get married - get married, start a family, children. The time has come for maturity - work for the good of society and family, pass on your skills to the young. Old age has come - be wise, pass on your knowledge to the young, guard them against mistakes. Go through, experience and fully experience all stages of life, do not linger in your development, do not stop on the path of knowing life.

16. Subordinate your personal interests to the interests of society, family, Rod, a team of like-minded people, people, Fatherland. Do not put your interests above public ones, do not give in to your desires. This is the righteousness of your actions.

17. Fulfill Your Purpose in Life. The main purpose of a man is to protect himself, his family, the people, the Motherland, the Russian multinational civilization, the Biosphere, the World of Kindness and Love. Its second function is to produce and provide them with everything they need. The third is the reproduction of a healthy and virtuous generation. A woman is a keeper of "home warmth and hearth", she was created by God for Love and the prolongation of the Kin, this is her main purpose.

18. Listen and sing songs, create new ones, sing Eternal values. Thus, a connection is maintained between the individual and the people (between the "particle" and the whole). This has a beneficial effect on human health, in fact, being sound therapy. Western rock-pop music, its "ragged" rhythms destroy the psyche, morality and health of people, are preparatory stage to drug addiction.

19. Communicate with good and kind people, having a high level of spiritual and physical development. "Whom you lead with, from that you will gain" - folk Russian
proverb. Try not to contact evil, bad people.

20. When receiving information, evaluate it: “Is it good or bad for oneself, family, clan, people, motherland, humanity, biosphere”. Information is divided into useful and useless, that is, meaningless in content.

21. Make it a rule: never lie or cheat. It is easy and pleasant to tell the truth, the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie, but measures for disguise and disinformation should be carried out against the enemies of the Russian-Russian multinational civilization, humanity, the Biosphere.

22. Communicate with native Nature as much as possible, love her, take care of her. Communication with native Nature - the vital need of the human body is the same as air, water and food.

23. Stay as little as possible in large settlements. Noise, dust, dirt, high air pollution, crush, negative information and energy impact - all this negatively affects human health.

24. Avoid watching immoral TV shows, movies, advertisements , reading empty and immoral newspapers, magazines, books. Do not fall for the foreign ideology of consumerism, debauchery and permissiveness, protect children from it. Enter the restriction on the use of the computer for yourself and your children until the necessary useful time. Empty computer games take a lot of time, distract from real life, develop computer addiction, and negatively affect health.

25. Do not abuse the benefits of civilization. A number of "benefits" of Western civilization are carefully disguised weapons of genocide: the constant use of diapers (diapers) leads to sterilization (infertility) of boys, to persistent urinary incontinence in both boys and girls up to adulthood; the use of tampaks by women leads to chronic diseases of the pelvic organs and even infertility; shaving the legs removes the protective layer (epidermis) from them, facilitates the penetration of infection and leads to the same diseases of the small pelvis;a number of cosmetics have psychotropic poisonous additives. A woman should smell like the purity of a woman, and from a man, the purity of a man.

26. Avoid mutilating the body: circumcision of the foreskin in boys and men, tattoos, persing (implantation of metal jewelry into the skin). All this leads to disruption of the work of the brain, consciousness, human outlook, to its degradation. God gave us nothing superfluous, but endowed us with unique beauty, harmony in combination with Nature.

27. Be chaste. There is no safe sex. Since ancient times, the phenomenon of telegony has been known - the recording in a woman's biofield of information from all men with whom she had sexual intercourse. The chastity of a woman is her main value in the continuation of the purity of the Family. Both girls and boys should be chaste, and Not only in premarital relationships, but also married. Debauchery is the main reason for the spread of AIDS and all sexually transmitted diseases, which destroys the health of a person and a family. The sexual revolution is one of the means of the "world mafia", it contributes to the creation of a slave herd with a reduced genetic potential for development in accordance with the plan of the "new world order".

28. Take care of conceived children. Abortion - killing a baby in the womb, the gravest sin (apostasy). Women pay for this at least with infertility and diseases of the genitals, men who push a woman to this sin, like doctors, become accomplices in a crime against God.

29. Study and know how to apply traditional medicine, Do not go to a doctor with medication for every sneeze. Nature has everything to restore health.

30. It is necessary to have normal housing. A person's dwelling must correspond to natural and climatic conditions and national traditions, be comfortable and cozy. It is best to have a wooden block-type manor house with a garden and a vegetable garden. You cannot sacrifice a comfortable home for the whole family to please the desires of a man or a woman: to have a "cool" car, or the like.
31. Dress for the season according to the weather, in accordance with the nature of work and national traditions. Clothes should be beautiful, comfortable, comfortable, warm in bad weather, not hot in the heat. You can not chase the fashion, which is formed in order to pump out money, without caring about the health of people.

32. Live best in the area where your ancestors lived, since genetically the organism is best adapted to these natural and climatic conditions. With age, the body's ability to adapt to new natural and climatic conditions decreases, so a change of place of residence is undesirable.

33. In dealing with people, be kind, exclude foul language, rudeness and swearing. Do not distort the Russian language, do not replace Russian words with foreign ones, remember that Russian is the base language for all other languages ​​in the world. Build oral speech and written work so that the meaning is clear and specific, avoid verbiage, exclude ambiguity in the interpretation of the meaning, so that wordsin oral speech and in written works it was cramped, and ideas were spacious. Examples and examples of written works are the works of Russian classics A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, M.Yu. Lermontov, etc.

(Based on the materials of the newspaper "Honor and Rodina" No. 39 of December 5, 2006, article "Healthy and righteous way of life of the people - the basis for the security and revival of Russia", the authors of the article : captain A.A. Vdovenko, research doctor; 1st rank captain Karandashov V.D., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Colonel, Doctor of Medicine Kramarenko G.I. and etc.)

Human health has three components: the health of the physical body, mental health and morality. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is defined as "a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects."

A healthy person is a person in whom all tissues, organs, systems and the body as a whole perform their functions without failures and disturbances, he does not have physical disabilities, his state of mind is balanced, calm, there is no pain, heaviness, emotions of anger, fear, envy, hopelessness , obsessions, he is the owner of positive morality, righteous (good-natured).

A healthy person with a holistic God-centered worldview correctly perceives the surrounding reality and calmly (not to be confused with indifference) reacts to various information and to any changes in the situation, since he has a holistic picture of the universe and gives an accurate assessment of all events and phenomena. This allows him to fully reveal his spiritual and mental potential. He has no restrictions in the choice of the profession he likes and can, if necessary, perform any job offered to him (from a digger or loader to a submariner or astronaut). A healthy person does not have any restrictions in this regard. A person with good health can realize his genetic potential for development, not only in terms of life expectancy (at least one hundred and fifty years of full and active life), but also in terms of disposition to one or another type of activity.

Now there are extremely few absolutely healthy people, but in a normal society they should make up the absolute majority and this should be striven for. The health of the People is the most important reason that directly affects the security of society and the state. The solution to the problem of a healthy and righteous lifestyle of people depends on their worldview, for it is this that describes their life position and behavioral activity, including actions that affect health.

At the same time, materialists proceed from the principle: "In a healthy body - a sound mind" and place emphasis on the development of the physical body of a person. This principle does not fit reality. This is confirmed by the fact that a lot of good and even outstanding athletes in the course of "state reforms" went to criminal and even gangster structures. This testifies to their low spiritual level. From the standpoint of the materialistic worldview, it seems that in order to lead a healthy and righteous life, it is enough not to smoke, not drink alcohol, not use drugs, eat well and have good quality, exercise and do sports. Recent studies by Russian scientists show that this is only partly true, but this is clearly not enough.

Idealists, on the other hand, believe that a healthy and righteous lifestyle is led by one who often goes to church (mosque, synagogue, etc.) and strictly follows all the rituals prescribed by the interpreters of the "holy" scriptures. They motivate this position by the fact that everything worldly and earthly is not permanent and insignificant, and the main task of a person is to prepare himself for an endless afterlife in order to go to heaven after death. The most orthodox ministers of the church (idealistic atheists) say that everything carnal in a person must be suppressed, the main thing is the spiritual formation of people in accordance with the provisions of the confession to which they belong.

The most natural question arises, which of these two approaches is more correct? Materialistic or idealistic? In fairness, it should be noted that both the first and second approaches have positive aspects: it is necessary to simultaneously develop both the physical body of a person and improve his spiritual essence, but not go to extremes. In almost all religious teachings, there are many wise positions, the adherence to which has a positive effect on the well-being and life of a person. It is impossible to deny the commandments given from Above to Moses, for they speak of what a person should not do in order not to kill himself. The teaching of Jesus Christ about Love is of great value, and there is so much wisdom and benefit in the Koran, in the Vedas, in the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, Rama, Krishna and other righteous people. Revelations were and are being given now through the righteous for all nations, taking into account specific historical and natural-climatic criteria. Our task is to take from all the teachings of the past and those that are now all useful in relation to modern conditions.

It is best to consider this problem from the standpoint of a holistic worldview. Speaking about a healthy and righteous lifestyle, one should take into account the fact that a person and a human community at all levels of the organization are not just biological systems, in which different biochemical reactions take place, but represents biological information and energy supersystems. Man is connected with the whole universe both through food chains, air and water consumption chains, and informationally and energetically. We must not forget that the overwhelming majority of diseases are psychosomatic, that is, informative in nature (according to American scientists - more than 75%, and according to Russian scientists - by all 90%). Diseases are the main factor that shortens the duration of an active and fulfilling life of people.

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Question number 87

Anyone on earth who leads a righteous life will go to heaven, regardless of their religion?

Igor 05/04/2002

Dear Father.

Why has the Orthodox Church ceased to be with people? Temples must be open 24 hours a day! After all, these are the temples of God, not the abbots! A person should be able to communicate with God around the clock! And what are these fees for the rituals? After all, God baptizes and crowns, and not priests! It turns out that if I have no money, then I cannot be baptized? But now in churches everything works out for money! They trade in the name of God, and also in His image. Yes, I myself will give as much as I can for development and construction! But to sanctify everything in the name of God: Mercedes, restaurants, casinos, etc. this is normal now, but building shelters for the underprivileged in every town is no way! And it is also normal to divide into all kinds of patriarchies and movements, and it is also normal to incite Orthodox Christians against Catholics! And all this in the name of God! Yes, 99 percent will burn. of today's Orthodox priests in hell! One Christian faith! I am Orthodox (in the past), and now I am just a Christian! The Church interprets too literally that we are sheep, and priests are shepherds. Any person on earth who leads a righteous lifestyle will go to heaven, regardless of their religion. God is one! And it is not the fault of a native from a distant island that he does not know about the existence of Christianity. He calls God by a different name. The main thing is how you live! Forgive me if I wrote something wrong. This is not at all angry from the heart, but simply thinking and seeking the truth.
God will understand me. God bless you. May God keep us all.

Father Oleg Molenko's answer:

Igor, you are confusing the Church of Christ, which has neither spot nor blemish, but there is a pure Bride of Christ, with false churches like the "Moscow Patriarchate" and others like that. They have what you write is the norm! And their god is triune - MONEY + POWER + ROOT!

As for the round-the-clock communication with God, then you are mistaken, believing that it depends on the priests or can only be in churches. It only depends on yourself! For you by yourself, like every person, are called to be TEMPETS OF THE LIVING GOD! And temples made with hands, if true servants of God, standing in truth and grace, serve in them, these are places of God's special presence. But you can't be there 24 hours a day. How impossible it was to drag out the earthly Transfiguration of the Lord at Tabor, or the conversation between Moses and God at Sinai.

The division of the earthly manifestation of the Church in its historical reality into local churches, patriarchates, districts and metropolises is INEVITABLY NECESSARY, for the convenience of being and for many important reasons. But this visible division does not deprive the Universal Church of spiritual unity!

Many of today's bishops, priests and laity, alas, will go to hell. But it is not our business to judge them and condemn them to torture. This is the work of one God! But He commanded us not to judge or condemn any of the people! Maybe some of them will still repent and wash away their sins with their blood, and you will go to hell! After all, the Lord will judge you with the same strict judgment! And are you sinless and blamelessly holy that you are not afraid of His judgment? Take better care of yourself and your eternal destiny! After all, in hell it will not be easier for you to think that 99% of priests are burning somewhere nearby.

And God's judgment concerning them is the same for us: "Leave them." Leave them both in the sense of all communication with them, and in the sense of condemning them. It is necessary to expose crimes and their lies, but not out of sinful passion, but to prevent the destruction of other people and with meekness.

Alas, there is more than one faith on earth. It is your desire for it to be one, but not an objective reality. Faith, as a spiritual gift of God, is one, but there are many distortions and perversions of its manifestations by people. There is demonic faith, for according to the word of the Apostle James, demons also believe. There is a faith of heretics. There is the faith of the hypocrites. There is a crafty faith. There is apostate, and many other non-saving faiths. And only one faith is needed - the TRUE and SAVING faith, and certainly HUME, which only unites with God.

As for comparing people with shepherds and sheep, this is not an invention of the Church, but the words of the incarnate God Jesus Christ.

And your phrase that "Any person on earth who leads a righteous lifestyle will go to heaven, despite his religion." - absurd and false! It consists of two mutually exclusive statements! From the first statement, which is correct in itself, the next one does not come out in any way. The opposite comes out of it. If a person is truly righteous, then he knows and observes the righteousness of God. And this truth is not only that the true God is one, but also that the truth is ONE (for how one and the same God can have two opposite truths), and the path to God is ONE, and life with God is also ONE ... And with this Path, Truth and Life is the Lord Jesus Christ, Who conveys all this and manifests His One and Only One through the Church! Therefore, the Church for us is also the path to God, the truth of God, and life with God and in God! There is no other grace-filled and saving life in reality and cannot be! And if a person professes some other religion (say, bows to Satan, or idols, etc.), then he is not a righteous person at all, but a lost and proud arbiter who has no place in life with God.

As for the native, in your understanding, this is also all abstraction and charm. God has no untruth! If he called a person to life, then he enlightens every person who comes into this life, as he says in the Gospel of John in the 1st chapter! Therefore, everyone will be unrequited before God! God allows the native to be wild, because the native himself wanted this! Was not Abraham a native before his election? And if the gods of the natives are idols and demons, so is this the same name for the true God? And how can he live righteously and godly, living with demons and worshiping them? Will not his life be demonic! After all, without God and His grace, a person cannot do anything truly good!

And Christianity is not an abstract science or teaching that must be studied from books, but a TRUE LIFE WITH ONE GOD. Reality is ONE: there is God the Creator and there is a creature, man. The man became proud, believed Satan and fell, damaging human nature and everything around him irreparably by sin. You need to restore the lost connection with your God - that's all for a person! God helped in this hopeless business for man, having descended to earth and took on human nature (except for sin) as His second Hypostasis - the Son and Word of God, whose name is Jesus (Savior) Christ (the anointed of God). That is why salvation is only through Christ in Christ and in His Church! Everything else is a lie and demonic charm!

May God grant you to find the truth in Christ Jesus and in His Church, which is the pillar and confirmation of the truth. It is a pity, "the soul that thinks and seeks the truth", that you have given up RIGHT-SLAVY, that is. from the correct glorification of God, in order to be himself properly glorified by Him. This and only such should be any true follower of Christ, who is called a Christian. And if not, then this name is in vain, which only covers up a kind of lie - KRYVO-GLORY or IMMEDIATE-GLORY of God!