Interesting events on traffic rules in the dhow. Traffic rules entertainment script

(prize-winner at the city competition "Green light" in 2014)

municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 170 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

Compiled by: senior educator of the first qualification category of the MOU Kindergarten No. 170 Kudryavtseva Natalya Viktorovna Volgograd, 2017

Purpose: the formation of older children preschool age basic skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.


  1. Consolidate traffic rules through game situations;
  2. To generalize the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the streets of the city, the main road signs studied at this age, traffic signals;
  3. Educate a literate pedestrian.


Masha is a girl of the preparatory group.

Misha is a teacher.


Children of the preparatory group for poems about road signs and for playing around problem situations.

Equipment and materials:

Costumes for heroes;

Models of road signs, a bus, a car, a carriage for dolls, a traffic light.

Road signs set.

Large floor layout with markings "zebra" .

Demonstration projector. "Magic Remote" with the help of which there is a movement in a fairy tale.

Preliminary work.

Preparation of attributes and costumes for the event. Learning poetry, songs, dance. V preschool groups- repetition and study of traffic rules, signs, various situations on the road and in transport; in the traffic rules room - reading stories, playing on mock-ups; on the transport site - repetition of traffic rules, outdoor games.

Hall decoration.

Center wall display screen, backlight for effect "Magic" , bus layout, traffic lights from balloons. The hall is divided into 2 parts with the help of balloons - spectators and a fabulous action. Mock-ups of road signs are placed throughout the hall. Later, for problem situation, a large layout with markings is spread on the floor "zebra" (fastened with Velcro to the carpet).

Screensaver-background on the topic of traffic rules. Music sounds, children come to the music and sit on chairs.

Educator: Hello children, today we will watch a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" but our viewing will be unusual because I have a magic remote control! It not only allows you to stop a fairy tale, but also to get into it, and in a fairy tale we will be able to communicate with the heroes. Well, are we looking?

The lights go out, the cartoon screen saver goes, then the lights above the stage come on. Dance number "Masha and the Bears" , after the dance, everyone leaves, only Masha remains, sits down at the table, and sees an album with a photo, begins to examine it. Background music sounds, and there are screensavers of the teddy bear in the circus slides.

Masha: “Oh! Vooot, what a fairy tale! Here it is yes-ah-ah ... Misha, Misha, Mishenka! (bear comes in) Mishenka, where do you go? I found this, Mishenka, well, read it! Read aaaay!

Bear: Oh! (scratches the back of his head) Masha is not a fairy tale ... this is a photo album! Look, I used to work in a circus!

There is a video of a bear in the circus.

Masha: How great! (claps his hands)... I also want to go to the circus! Want! Want! Want! (stomps his feet)

Bear: Good! I'll take you to the circus, but for this, we need to go from the forest to the city!

Screensaver "town" .

Bear: Just don't walk along the city streets just like that!

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get screwed!

How would you correctly explain how to behave in the city, on the streets?! ... The bear thinks and freezes. over the stage, the light goes out, turns on over the children. The teacher presses the remote control, referring to the children.

Educator: Well, guys, I invite you to a fairy tale. I think we must help Masha and Misha, because Masha does not know that in the city there are many dangers waiting for her on the road. Are you ready to get into a fairy tale?

The remote control presses, the light flashes, magic music sounds, Masha and the Bear look around in surprise.

Educator: Hello, Masha and Misha, and the guys from kindergarten decided to come to visit you to teach Mashenka how to behave on city streets, as well as the rules of the road. Masha, listen carefully and remember!

Children come out with road signs in their hands and read poems:

1 child:

The city we live in
It can rightfully be compared with a primer.
Here it is, the alphabet over the pavement,
Signs are hung over the head.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the ABC of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you.

Masha: ABC! Yes, I know what an alphabet is! We are scientists, you know, and you don't need to teach us!

Educator: No, Mashenka, the guys say about the road alphabet! In the city, you need to carefully look at the road signs, they will tell you how to behave correctly! After all, there are many dangers in the city, and in order not to get into trouble, you must follow the traffic rules! Listen carefully!

Child with a sign "Overhead pedestrian crossing"

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember you about the transition!
I am the Overhead Passage!
I am like a bridge crossing!

The safe path will show
And How railroad go over
Will promptly prompt!
Child with a sign "Underground crossing"

I am an underground passage
Every pedestrian knows!
Decorates nothing
Helps pedestrians!

Both children together:
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Look at the signs
Remember them

And on the road, don't go
Take care of your hands and feet!

Child with a sign "No Pedestrians"

In the rain and in clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
"You are not allowed to walk!"

Educator: You see, Mashenka, our guys know road signs, and now you know them too! Remember about them when you are on the streets of the city! Well, get ready for now, and the guys and I will continue to watch your fairy tale, but only when we see that our help is needed, we will prompt you again!

Presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music sounds.

Masha: Oh, how interesting! How I want to go to the city as soon as possible! Misha, Misha, can I take the ball with me?

Bear: No, Mashenka, it's dangerous! The ball can roll onto the roadway - onto the pavement, where cars, trucks, buses, trolleybuses, rush back and forth and the ball under the wheels will rush away forever ...

Bear: The ball can only be played where there are no cars! And we are going with you!

Masha: And the scooter? Can I borrow a scooter? I'll drive it quickly, quickly to kindergarten! Like this! (Shows how he rides a scooter).

Bear: What are you doing !? Masha, no, of course not! The scooter will only interfere with us, because the road ahead is long, long and dangerous!

Masha: Ugh ... well, you can't take anything with you! Then I'll take my headphones with me to make it more fun ... May I, Misha? (Masha puts on headphones, dances. The bear comes up to Masha, removes one earpiece and speaks loudly in her ear).

Bear: You can !!! We will only listen to music when we arrive!

(Masha takes off her headphones, puts them on her neck, sighs)

Masha: Oh, how complicated everything is! Nothing is allowed! Everyone forbids! And I'm still a child! I want to play!

(The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Educator: And here we are again! Masha, let's play with our guys and thus you will remember the traffic rules!

(Children play the game according to traffic rules, after which the teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Masha: Well, now it's time!

Misha: Masha, baby, wait! I have to put another kerchief on you!

Masha: Klondike? No way! What are you? Do you want to take off my scarf? I'm not giving it! (Grabs his head in his hands, runs away, Misha catches up with her).

Bear: Masha! Yes wait! Stop! Do not scream! Just look what she is ... (Puts a scarf on his head) There are luminous stripes on it, they are clearly visible in the dark from far away to any person: both a pedestrian and a driver of transport. You will be very beautiful in this headscarf.

Masha: Well, sit down ... Are you talking about stripes? Glowing, you say? In the dark, you say? Beautiful, you say? I don’t see anything glowing!

Bear: And now you'll see! Because they shine only when a ray of light falls on them. Look!

Dance of luminous costumes.

Masha: Okay! I agree! Come on, put it on. Just look that I would be beautiful!

(Misha puts a kerchief on Masha)

Masha: Misha, what about you? Do you need a scarf too?

Bear: Thank you, Mashunechka, for your concern! I'll put on a vest!

Masha and the bear are walking through the forest. On the video is the forest screensaver. The phonogram of the song sounds. Take out the mock-up of the bus and the sign "Stop" .

Screensaver "Bus stop" .

Masha: Oh, what is it?

Bear: This is a stop, now the bus will arrive and we will go.

(Masha starts to run around the bear and the sign, and clap her hands).

Masha: Hurray! Let's go, let's go! And I will also run on the bus, Mishenka, and jump on the seats, and more, more ...

(The bear slaps himself on the forehead and pretends that he feels bad. The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Educator: I think the guys and I should explain to Masha what this sign is, and how to behave correctly on the bus!

Children read poetry:

Sign "Stop"

For a very long time you walked
Finally saw
The sign that says -
Your bus is standing here!

There is a pedestrian in this place
Patiently transport awaits
He's tired of walking on foot
Wants to become a passenger!

Children read the rules of conduct in transport:


At the bus stop, the Bunnies were waiting for the bus,
They jumped like balls, galloped merrily.
Jump and jump, all around.
And old Mishka was pushed in the side with an elbow.

Wait at the bus stop, stop! And don't be cool!
And if you hurt someone - apologize right away!


A bus came up, bunnies in a crowd,
The doors are besieged, they are torn, as if into battle!
The bunnies have a crush,
They don't want to give way!

Hares do not allow passengers to get out.
They are rude to everyone, push, and yell at everyone.
First, those who go out must be skipped.
And then calmly go inside!


The animals rode, opened the window,
There is also some gray cat
I suddenly wanted to stick my head out -
The audience did not dare to object to her.

She rides the bus proudly,
And the head is visible from the window.
He sees a truck rushing towards
I drove nearby, and at the same moment

A big wind raised on the road,
He tore the hat off the cat in the window!
The gray cat was very upset.
Children, no need to meddle in the window!

Educator: It's time for us! Have a good trip!

Masha and Misha get on the bus.

Song "In the bus"

I. we got on the bus together
And they looked out the window,
Our chauffeur pressed the pedal,
And I ran to the bus.

II. On the road like a bird
Our bus is going fast.
We are going, we are going easily,
We're going, we're going far.

While singing, assistants lay the floor layout "Crossroads" .

A three-eyed traffic light comes out, gets into place, a two-eyed traffic light comes out - gets into place, children with big cars come out - they stand in opposite directions, signs come out "Bicycle is prohibited" , "Ground crossing" .

Masha and Misha get off the bus.

Bear: When leaving the passenger transport, be polite, always hold me by the paw and look carefully under my legs, get out carefully!

They approach the model to the zebra, the bear takes off the headphones from Masha, they try to cross the road, but they do not succeed. Masha is frightened and cries. Misha calms her down.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Educator: And now it's time to explain to Masha how to cross the road correctly! Well guys, can we help?

Three-eyed traffic light:

Here is a three-eyed traffic light!
He drives cars,
When to stand and go, he offers them.
The traffic light is of course strict

He is known all over the world!
He's on the wide street
The most important commander!
Red light - will say no to transport!

The yellow light advises you to wait a bit!
And the green light is on: "Drive through!" - is talking.
Two-eyed traffic light:
Here is a two-eyed traffic light!

He says to pedestrians:
“Red light - no passage!
You should never go to a red light!
And the green light is on -

"Drive through" , - is talking.
Sign "It is forbidden to ride a bike"
There's a sign on the road
Says in a stern tone -

"I forbid in this place
Ride a bike ”!
Sign "Crosswalk" :
Walking carefully, look beyond the street

And only where possible, cross it!
I am a ground crossing!
My sign will point to him,
Zebra will show you right away

Know that only the transition from trouble will save you!

Educator: Look, Mashenka, what situations happen!

  1. First, cars go, traffic lights show: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Traffic lights change signals: cars - stop, pedestrians - go.

Pedestrians go:

  1. the child is looking at the tablet
  2. child playing ball
  3. child with headphones

The bear runs clutching its head, stops everyone.


Children on the road
You don't do like these
You don't look at the tablet
And take off your headphones

And very, very carefully cross the road!
Be an example worthy always
And trouble will not happen on the road!

The situation repeats itself:

  1. First, cars go, traffic lights show signals: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Then cars stand pedestrians go Traffic lights show: cars red, pedestrians green.


Observe very strictly,
discipline on the road, and dear to you then,
will be a friend forever!
Intro: CIRCUS circus music sounds.

Educator: So you, Mashenka and Misha, have come to the circus, but you still need to go back, so do not forget everything that we taught you with the children! Goodbye.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Educator: Well, the fairy tale is over, but we helped Masha and Misha get to the circus, you are great!

Screensaver background - rules about road signs or just a picture

Music sounds - everyone leaves.

Targets and goals:

Contribute to instilling children's interest in the knowledge of traffic rules;
- instilling caution and attentiveness on the roads of the city;
-to develop and instill the ability to act in a team;
-to cultivate a sense of collectivism;
- involving parents in conducting educational entertainment.

Attributes: cones, sandbags, car handlebars, gymnastic bars, traffic signs, scooters, hoops, broomsticks.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, riddles on traffic rules; study of road signs; preparation of attributes for entertainment.

Event progress:

Children go to the hall to the music.

Leading: Hello dear participants of our event! Today we have gathered you to hold an interesting and informative competition, where everyone can show how well they know and apply traffic rules. Dear adults, you are an example for your children, so your active participation will help our children. Together we will show how good we are with the rules of the road. We wish all participants to have fun and once again conclude that the rules of the road should be well known and applied by both adults and children!

Leading: Today there are 2 teams

Contest Greetings

1 team

Our friendly family
This is you and this is me
We know the traffic rules
We do them well!

2 team

Don't yawn on the road
Follow the rules.
So that there is no trouble
All children should know them!

Leading: And now the guys want to remind everyone of the rules that you need to know.


A pedestrian! Stop!
And don't rush forward!
The passage is closed for you!
Be literate - you are a pedestrian!
Road sign closes the way!
No pedestrian traffic!
Think for yourself, what can happen there?
Let this sign help you. (sign "No traffic for pedestrians)


Leads down from the sidewalk
Under the road long entrance.
There is no door or gate
This means transition. (sign "Underpass") - show the sign

Child 3

You driver, take your time
And quickly slow down.
The sign warns you
What if the children are playing here (Sign "Caution Children") - showing the sign

Child 4

There's a ground crossing here,
People walk all day.
You, driver, do not be sad
Let the pedestrian pass ("Pedestrian crossing" sign) - showing the sign

Child 5

Helps for a long time
To children, our friend, traffic lights
Explains without stress
Traffic rules for children.

LIGHT appears: That's right, it's all about me! Why do you think you need to know my signals well? (children's answers)

Traffic light: I announce the competition: "Question-answer"

(the traffic light asks questions, the teams must answer quickly and correctly, the questions are asked in turn):

- Where do you need to cross the street?
- Where is it necessary to wait for public transport?
- Who regulates traffic on the streets of the city?
- A necessary item for a traffic police officer.
- What does a red traffic light mean?
-What does the yellow traffic light mean?
-Where can I play ball?
-Where can I ride a scooter?

Leading: Competition - game: "Take it - don't drop it"

(the players put sandbags on their heads, take the steering wheel and walk the distance to the music, following the traffic lights, passing the baton to the next player) - traffic signals are reflected on the screen.

Competition "UNDERGROUND CROSSING"(Obstacle course)

(To the music, the players move around the court, as soon as the screen displays the necessary signal that it is impossible to cross the road, the players take turns on all fours crawl under the gymnastic arcs, run around the cones and return to their place)

Competition "Fastest, most agile"

(11 people form a circle, there are road signs on the chairs standing in a circle, players run in a circle to the music, as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly take a seat, pick up the sign and raise it up. The eliminated player chooses any road sign and asks to explain its meaning.

Competition "And in our yard"

(Each team, to the music, must ride a scooter, going around obstacles in the form of cones, passing the baton to the next player)

Traffic lights: Yes, I see that your teams know and are friends with the rules of the road. And now I propose to rest and guess my riddles.

  • He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights,
    He takes turns by them, immediately looks at me. (Traffic light)
  • You can't take this tape
    And you can't weave it into a pigtail.
    She lies on the ground
    Transport runs along it. (Road)
  • The car won't work here.
    The main one here is a pedestrian.
    That not to interfere with each other,
    You need to keep the path to the right. (Sidewalk).
  • Under this sign, oddly enough,
    Everyone is waiting for something all the time.
    Someone is sitting, someone is standing ...
    What kind of place is this? (Stopping place)
  • What are the names of those tracks
    On which the legs walk.
    Learn to distinguish them exactly,
    Do not fly like a fire.
    Walking paths
    This is just …? (Sidewalk)

Leading: You see, dear Traffic Light, what good fellows our guys are! Traffic lights: Well done indeed! We did a good job with this task too!

Comic competition "On a Broomstick" ...

(An adult carries the child on a broomstick, observing the rules of movement, avoiding obstacles in the form of spaced cones. The task is to quickly and accurately transport all team members, the task is performed to the music: “I fly, fly, fly ...)

Contest "Taxi called?"

(adults, put on a large hoop, put the player in it and go with him to the opposite side of the site, “drop off” the passenger, return for the next “passengers, and so on until all team members are“ transported ”.

Final competition for parents

Homework- ditties.

(parents, picking up colored handkerchiefs - red, yellow, green, perform ditties prepared at home)

Dear pedestrians.
Listen carefully.
We will sing ditties for you
Just great.

You guys listen
What do we want to tell you.
Road rules
Everyone must comply.

Pinocchio, that's a shame
Didn't look at the traffic light
I almost got hit by a car,
And there the red eye was shining.

For passers-by, the sidewalk
Park, alley and boulevard.
Walk here without alarm
There is no road for cars!

Round-side soccer ball.
I jumped out of the field to the road,
Play the ball, children, plenty
On the site near the house.

So that there is no friend
You have misfortunes
Don't you ever play
On the roadway.

Leading: Well done. Now we will ask the teams to come out and stand in a circle.

Dear, our members. Our competition is coming to an end. And of course, I would like to note that today we have no losers, because you showed your knowledge, showed dexterity, ingenuity and once again showed how important it is to know the rules of the road and follow them well! And in conclusion I would like to say:

To live without grief,
To run, jump and play
Should you rules of motion
Always and everywhere observe!

To the music, diplomas are awarded to the participants of the event.

And get a certificate for attestation?

Holidays according to traffic rules are compiled in accordance with the program requirements of the preschool institution and age characteristics... Practice shows that activities and entertainment according to the rules of the road, which reinforce this knowledge, make an invaluable contribution to the development of a well-developed personality, a responsible citizen, and an attentive pedestrian.

Scenarios of holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Traffic rules, road signs. Quizzes, intellectual contests

Showing publications 1-10 of 3981.
All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Holiday and entertainment scenarios

Scenario of leisure time according to traffic rules "Travel to the country of road signs" in the middle group Scenario of leisure according to traffic rules"Travel to the country road signs» v middle group. author: Bashkirova Galina Viktorovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 36", Saransk. Target: to consolidate knowledge and adherence to the rules traffic children. Tasks: - to consolidate the ability to name familiar...

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« I single out only one goal of education - the readiness to survive.". T.F. Akbasheva

In order to release a child into the world, the task of adults is to partially prepare for the difficulties that he will face. One of these important points correct behavior on the streets and roads settlement... The responsible role assigned to the preschool educational institution is to prevent child injuries on the road. To this end, in preschool institutions classes, targeted walks, activities to familiarize with traffic rules are held. The task of such classes is to systematically familiarize with the rules of safe behavior on the roads, orientation in space, which will reduce the number of accidents.

The purpose of conducting classes, leisure, entertainment and holidays for the study and consolidation of traffic rules is:

  • Development of intellectual abilities.
  • Formation of cultural behavior on the streets and roads of the city.
  • The development of the psychophysiological qualities of children, which will help ensure the safety of the roadway.
  • Formation of self-esteem, self-control, self-organization.

Entertainment on traffic rules in senior group

"Red, yellow, green"

Target: prevention of road safety; prevention of child road traffic injuries.Tasks: 1) consolidation of the knowledge gained on traffic rules;2) improving the skills of orientation and coordination of their movements in the current situation on the road, street;3) the formation of interest in children in the study of traffic rules.Material: puzzles depicting cars and signs, landmarks, road. signs, footpaths, cardboard traffic lights, 3 benches, 3 tunnels, green, yellow, red circles according to the number of all children, large green, red circles, yellow flowers, 3 steering wheels.The course of entertainment . Children enter the hall and sit on the benches.

Leading : Sit backTake places soonFor a holiday in the country of traffic lightsWe invite friends

The city where we live with youCan rightfully be compared with a primerThe alphabet of streets, avenues, roadsThe city gives us a lesson all the time.Here it is - the alphabet above your head:We see signs everywhere with you.Always remember the ABC of the city

Runs in Traffic light Traffic light . Traffic light Traffic light : I was in a hurry, I was runningOh, did I get there?Is this house # 5 "PIN and GWIN"?(Children answer)

Traffic light Traffic light: Oh, sorry, I didn't say hello and didn't introduce myself! Hello! My name is Svetofor Svetoforich Migalkin, Doctor of Science in Road Traffic. I am the most important on the road! And here I came to check how the guys know the rules of the road and if they know how to behave on the street. And now I will first check how fast and attentive you are.

Music sounds, teams enter in breastplates. They build and pronounce their speeches. Little red ones. We are signals redDangerous for traffic.You follow the rulesAnd don't yawn on the road.Greens . Green signals aheadThey will tell you when to cross the road.Do you remember this, friend, always,So that disaster does not suddenly happen!


Here at the post anytime

A dexterous guard is on duty.

He controls everyone at once,

Who is in front of him on the pavement.

Relay "Who is faster!" ... Children are given 2-3 sets of paper parts with images of cars and road signs. Having assembled the mosaic, the children must name the car and the sign.Leading: Guys, please tell me, when we walk on the street, who are we?(Pedestrians) ... Right! Where should pedestrians cross the street?(Guys answer)

Leading: And the next relay is called"Pedestrians". Relay "Pedestrians" ... It is necessary to run around all the counters, walk along the pedestrian crossing and run back to the team - pass the baton to the next one.

Traffic light Traffic light: And these are my helpers, lights.You must distinguish clearlylight green, yellow, red.Get to know them.

Staging "Traffic Light" (4 children involved, prepared in advance) One has a cardboard traffic light on his chest, the others have circles of red, yellow and green on his chest. Children line up one after another. Ahead is a child with a traffic light.1st child: To help you, the path is dangerous,We burn day and night - green, yellow, red!Our house is a traffic light, we are three brothers,We have been shining on the road for all the guys for a long time ...2nd child: The strictest is the red light if it is on.Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed for everyone!3rd child: So that you can calmly cross, listen to our advice -Wait! You will soon see a yellow light in the middle!4th child : And behind him a green light flashes in front,He will say: “There are no obstacles, go boldly on your way!

Leading: Guys, please tell me how to cross the street?(by transition) What types of transitions do you know?(Ground, above ground, underground) Relay "Types of transitions". It is necessary to reach the bench by the "zebra"(ground crossing ), walk along the bench(overhead passage ), get into the tunnel(underground crossing ) and run back, pass the baton to the next one. There are corresponding signs in front of each crossing.

Leading: Well done boys! We did a good job! And in order to proceed to the next task, you must first solve the riddle:The sentinel looks keenlyBehind the wide pavement.How to look with a red eye-All will stop at once.And it winks greenAnd cars and peopleLet's go ahead! (Traffic lights)

Traffic light Traffic light: So now I will check how well you know the traffic light and know how to distinguish traffic light signals.Game with everyone "Find your color" ... Each has a circle of red, green, or yellow color... While the music is playing, everyone runs without touching each other. As soon as the music dies down, everyone should stand under the large circles of green, yellow and red according to their circles.

A road sign comes out. On his chest is a tablet with a road sign upside down. Leading: Guys, who is this?Road sign: I am a road sign. But I can't show anyone the traffic rules. I can only open when you answer my questions. Competition “What? Where? Where?" 1. How many signals does a traffic light have?(three) 2. Is it possible to start crossing the street at the yellow signal?(No) 3. Where should pedestrians walk?(on the sidewalk) 4. Where should cars go?(on the carriageway) 5. Where can you ride bicycles?(only on special tracks ) 6. Where do people expect passenger transport?(At the stop)

Road sign: Well done guys And now I can show the traffic rules! Do you recognize me?(Opens "No cycling") Where can you meet me?(Children answer.) Leading : Right. And the next relay is called"Road signs" Game "Road signs" ... The teams are shown the signs in turn, and the children must correctly name what this sign means. Number of characters by the number of children.

Traffic light Traffic light: Now, to rest a little,I'm starting a game for youI’ll ask you questions - it’s not easy to answer them.If you are acting in accordance with the rules of the road, then amicablyanswer: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends"Playing with everyone “It's me! It's me! These are all my friends! " - Which of you is going forwardOnly where is the transition?(Children answer) - Who flies forward so soon,What does not see the traffic light?(Children are silent ) -Knows who that red light-Does this mean there is no move?(Children answer) - Which of you, going home,Keeping his way on the pavement?(Children are silent) -Which of you is in the tram closeIs it inferior to the elders? (Children answer)

Leading: Guys, if we go by bus or trolleybus, then who are we?(Passengers) Right! Let's pretend now that we are passengers. Where should people wait for the bus?(At the stop) Is it okay to try to open the doors on the bus yourself?(no, the driver opens them with a special button) Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving?(no, he cannot be distracted. ) Can I lean out of the window?(no, it's dangerous) Is it possible to walk on the bus while driving?(no, you can fall) Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus?(it is impossible, it will disturb other passengers) Well done boys! You are very familiar with the rules of conduct on public transport.

Leading: And our next relay is called "Sit on the Bus"

Relay "Sit on the bus". At the signal, the last of the column runs to the counter, runs around it and sits at the end of the bench. These actions are performed by the whole team. The last to run is the captain with the helm. He sits down at the beginning of the bench. This is where the relay ends.Then, while the children are sitting on the benches, St. St. Children give way to him with the words: "Sit down, please!"

Leading: You see, Svetofor Svetoforich, how our children know the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the street and in transport! They never get into trouble on the street, right guys?Traffic light Traffic light: Yes, I see that the guys are well versed in road rules and know how to behave on the street and in transport, they know road signs. They are also very agile, attentive and fast. Well done boys!Be careful on the street, children,Remember these rules firmly.Remember these rules alwaysSo that trouble does not happen to you.
Leading: This is where our fun ends, and, in the end, the guys have prepared some tips!
Child 1 : To avoid trouble,
To make order
Road rules
No need to violate!
Child 2: If you want to be healthy
And live up to a hundred years
Don't you ever try
Go for a red light!
Child 3 : Caution on the road!
Take care of your hands and feet.
Observe traffic rules,
Otherwise, there will be trouble!


- to consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street;

- create conditions for understanding that the health and safety of people depends on knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street, traffic;

- improve the coordination of movements, the ability to easily and freely navigate in space;

- to consolidate the ability to follow the rules of the game, to cultivate endurance;

- to clarify and consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in public transport;

- to develop the prerequisites for the semantic and value perception of verbal, musical works on the topic of entertainment;

- to promote the formation of creative activity by participating in musical games, singing and other activities;

- to give the opportunity to feel the joy of participating in the event.

Preliminary work: Conversations on the rules of conduct on the streets of the city, in transport; memorizing poetry, songs, dance; outdoor game "Red, yellow, green", application "Traffic light", watching the cartoon "Uncle Styopa - policeman", drawings "Traffic rules".

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of entertainment, pictures depicting traffic rules, laptop, pictures depicting pedestrian crossings, transport, ball.

Leading. Guys, there is a road near our kindergarten, along which different cars drive by every now and then. But they only drive on the roadway, next to which there is a sidewalk. And along the sidewalk, you and your mother go to kindergarten every morning. To get to the territory of the kindergarten, you need to cross the carriageway. How do you cross this dangerous distance?

There are 2-3 children.

Sample answers:

- you need to cross only in a certain place where there is a traffic light or pedestrian crossing;

- you cannot run across the road in front of a driving car;

- you need to hold mom's hand

To be calm for your life and health, you need to know the rules for crossing the carriageway.

1st child

The city is full of movement

Cars run in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night are burning.

2nd child

Stepping carefully

Watch the street.

And only where possible,

Go over it.

S. Mikhalkov

Leading... Well, you crossed the street correctly and came to kindergarten. A day in kindergarten every morning begins with a fun dance exercise.

Children perform dance exercises (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance rhythm for children").

Pinocchio enters the music hall, limping.

Leading. Hello Buratino! What happened to you, why are you limping?

Pinocchio. I almost got hit by a car. There is a road near the kindergarten, and cars rush back and forth, back and forth. And I wanted to run across, and now it didn't work out.

Leading. And where did you cross the carriageway?

Pinocchio... Where he wanted, there he began to cross, or rather to run across.

Leading... Pinocchio, have you thought about walking to a traffic light and a pedestrian crossing?

Pinocchio... How do I know what a pedestrian crossing is. I don’t like to study, and Malvina didn’t tell me this. I was also in a hurry, because I ran away from my book in the library. And now I think I ran away in vain, because I can't go back, because there are so many dangers on the street.

Leading... Nothing, the guys and I will accompany you, but first we will explain what a pedestrian crossing is and how to properly cross the carriageway.

Find and Explain Game

The pictures show a road with correct and incorrect ways of crossing it. The pictures are upside down on the table. The child chooses any picture, turns it over and explains the depicted situation.

Leading... Pinocchio, now you understand how to cross the street correctly, but how can you not, so that trouble does not happen?

Pinocchio... I understood a little, but how will I get to my book in the library, suddenly I confuse something and again find myself under the wheels of the car.

Leading... Guys, let's spend Pinocchio and explain how to behave in different situations on the road. And we'll go to the library by bus. Take your seats there.

Children sit on chairs, which are placed, like in a bus, in front of the driver's seat. Pinocchio sits down with the children.

Children perform the song "Our bus is blue" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Leading... Look, Buratino, how many different cars are on the streets of the city.

Pinocchio. I see red and small. And here is the big one, and the horns on the roof. Oh, what kind of car is this?

Leading... This car is called a trolleybus, and now the guys will tell you about the cars that help people get to work, the circus, the zoo and other places in the city.

1st child

A little awkward, he rustles softly with tires.

Horns are stuck to the wires, the sun shines in the windows.

And inside, everything is like a toy - here is a soft row of seats.

I hope you will be glad to make room for an old woman.

Without it, it is difficult to get to kindergarten and in the movies.

We cannot do without a trolleybus a long time ago.

N. Knushevitskaya

2nd child

At work, who will travel the whole city in a day?

Save us a minute, of course, a taxi.

Best of all, he knows every address, every house,

We will not get lost with him, even in a foreign city.

Here a green light flashes welcomingly to us,

No one will be late with him, all taxis will be delivered on time.

N. Knushevitskaya

3rd child

Under a cheerful chime, he appeared:

Two wagons with an arc and inexpensive travel.

The path has been paved for him here, just be careful -

Don't walk on the rails yourself, get off them as soon as possible.

Know that rails only help a tram to run fast.

N. Knushevitskaya

While reading the verses, pictures of these types of transport are shown on the screen.

Pinocchio. Look, the old woman got on the bus, she's so old! (He continues to sit in the chair.)

The old woman (the presenter puts on a scarf). Dear children, who will give way to me?

Children give way.

The old woman takes off her handkerchief.

Leading... Well done, that gave way to the old woman, but Buratino did not even get up. Don't you know, Pinocchio, that the elders need to give way everywhere, and in transport too?

Pinocchio... I didn’t know, but now I’ll give in.

Leading... And now one more game.

Taxi game

Children are divided into two teams, a "driver" in a cap with a hoop in his hands. He runs to the team, one player joins him, and both run to the rack (stop). The "driver" runs after the next player. The winner is the team whose players get to the rack faster.

Leading... Our bus arrived at the Biblioteka stop. We leave the bus and cross the street along the "zebra".

Pinocchio. I will not walk on the zebra, I am afraid of her.

Leading. Listen to what they call "zebra" on the road.


Why at the crossroads

Black and white stripes?

This is a zebra, but not a horse,

And the road through the square.

Along the "zebra" pedestrian

Safely walks.

N. Strozhkova

Leading. And in big cities there are pedestrian crossings like this. (Shows pictures.) The underground are the safest. And also be sure to look at the traffic lights and around when you cross the road.

Children perform "Song of the Traffic Light" (music by N. Petrova, lyrics by N. Shifrina).

Outdoor game "Red, yellow, green"

Children stand still at a red light, they go to a green one.

I walk along the road, leading my mother by the hand.

My friend a traffic light has been shining on people for a long time.

He is standing on the street, giving a signal.

And although he is always silent, here he is a general.

We stand at a red light and do not go to a yellow one,

Let's look at the green one and cross the road.

Here the green light is on, he tells us to look around.

Cars brake - stop! - boldly we go forward.

O. Kulakova

Pinocchio plays ball.

Leading... What are you doing, Pinocchio, because we are near the roadway, and there are many cars here.

Pinocchio. So what. They will stop if my ball hits the road.

Leading... Guys, tell Buratino why you can't play on the road.

Children... Cars cannot stop quickly. Playing on the road is dangerous to life and health.

Leading. That's right, you can't play on the road, and also on the sidewalk, because pedestrians walk on it. There are special stadiums and grounds for ball games. Play on them as much as you want.

Game "Who is faster"

Children stand in two teams. The first participant runs with the ball in his hands, runs around the rack, returns to the team and passes the ball to the next player.

Leading... Well, here we are at the library. Buratino, did you understand everything about the road, about the dangers that await us on the roadway, and how to behave on the street?

Pinocchio... I got it. Oh, what is this sign?

Children come out with signs and read poems about the sign they are holding in their hands.

1st child

This is a very important sign

It hangs for a reason.

Be careful chauffeur

Near kindergarten, school yard.

2nd child

There is a road on the way of the guys

Transport travels fast, a lot.

There is no traffic light nearby

The road sign will give advice.

We need to go a little forward,

Where the zebra is on the way.

"Crosswalk" -

You can move forward.

A. Weiner

Leading. Pinocchio, so that you remember everything better, the guys and I made drawings. You will look at the drawing and remember that you cannot cross the street at a red traffic light.

Pinocchio examines the drawings and comments on some of them.

It's time for us to say goodbye. We get on the bus and go back to the kindergarten.