Material on the topic: Autumn matinees. Autumn matinee in the preparatory group for school. Scenario


Children run into the hall to the music, stand near the chairs

VED Here is an artist, so an artist! Gilded all the forests! Even the strongest rain did not wash this paint. We ask you to guess the riddle: "Who is this artist?"

Children: AUTUMN!

1.A cold autumn came to visit,

2. She lay down on the ground like a gray fog.

3. The rain comes and goes from the clouds.

4. The wind carries leaves from the trees.

The dance "We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves"(Fanfare sounds in the record, children come out - three autumn months: September October November)

September: Attention attention! Today our mother Empress Autumn has deigned to invite all her subjects and guests to the holiday!

October: Attention! Attention! There is a strict order for everyone: to have fun, sing and dance until you drop, and whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will, to be sad until winter!

November: Listen everyone! The Empress Autumn herself will arrive for the holiday! And for this, a song about autumn should be played now.

The song “Autumn summer saw off»

Leading: And here the Queen Autumn has arrived! Please welcome!

(Children-months go to meet Autumn, take her by the hands and dance to waltz music, then they escort Autumn to the throne, which is located at the central wall of the hall, and they themselves go to the children)

A girl and a boy come outwhichstart to dance.


A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash, A maple leaf is circling over the foliage. Oh, Autumn, again you took us by surprise, You again put on a gold outfit.


You bring with you a sad violin, So that the sad tune sounded over the fields. But we, Autumn, greet you with a smile And we will open the ball with a cheerful dance.

(Exclamations are heard at the door of the hall:"Let me in, let me in!"Runs into the hall Garden scarecrow with a broom in his hands, falls at the feet of the Queen of Autumn)

Scarecrow: Mother, my dear, our Queen, they were not ordered to execute! Tell the word to say!

Autumn: Who are you? Where? Why did you come to the holiday in this form?

Scarecrow: (rises to her feet)

I dress out of fashion, I stand like a watch for the whole century. Whether I am in the garden or in the garden I catch fear in the flock. Magpies, jackdaws, are afraid of more than sticks!

Autumn: Stop talking in riddles here! Answer plainly the question of the Queen!

Scarecrow: Empress, I'm not some kind of bum and lazy person! I am a labor garden scarecrow! All summer I have been standing in the garden. In any weather: under the sun, rain, wind. I guard the master's harvest. I don't sleep, I don't eat, I work tirelessly. Yes, I have witnesses. (Oaddressed to children) Tell me, am I chasing birds in the garden and vegetable garden?

Children: You drive.

Scarecrow: And also, I protect fruits and berries from winged robbers?

Children: You protect.

Scarecrow: Well, they don't let me go to the holiday, they say - the outfit is not fashionable! They gave me this! And then, if I stand in a garden in a beautiful suit, neither the bird nor the animal will be afraid of me.

Autumn: Don't be offended, Scarecrow. Now we figured everything out. Come in, take a seat, be a guest. (The scarecrow sits on the highchair next to the children)

September: Dear Mother! We are your beloved sons: I, brother October and brother November, decided today to amuse you, to amuse you, and to show what we are capable of. Each of us has faithful helpers who are great for different things. Let me start our holiday, Mother!

Autumn: Allow me to start the holiday, let's have fun today, otherwise someone came up with the idea that autumn is a sad time!


In a golden carriage, which with a playful horse, Autumn galloped through the forests and fields. The good sorceress altered everything, Painted the earth with bright yellow color.

Performed byXia song–« Golden song»

Child: A large army Gathers an old stump. Thin-legged guys are growing up every day. Troops are marching across the grass, Mushroom pickers will already be found here. Just bend down a little, And you see, it's full of a basket.

ExecuteThere is a reenactment of the song "We are walking in the forest "

September: Guys, do you want to play, show your dexterity?


"Who will collect more mushrooms in baskets with blindfolds?"

(Scarecrow plays with children)

Leading: Here is the Tsarina Autumn, you see what kind of guys we have dexterous, fast, funny!

Autumn: Yes, guys are great!

November: Of course, brother September, everyone knows that you are rich in mushrooms, and what else will you amuse us with?

Scarecrow: Let me amuse you. (Sings to the music "Is it in the garden",NS.m)

Whether in the garden in the garden the Scarecrow stood. It drove away the birds with an old broom. Whether in the garden in the garden Fruits were poured. But their birds did not peck, the Scarecrows were afraid. Ooooohhhhh! (dances, everyone claps, then bows in all directions)

Scarecrow: Do you know how to guess riddles about fruits and vegetables?

Makes riddles

They dragged the Fox out of the mink by the curly tuft. To the touch - very smooth, Tastes - like sugar sweet.

(Answer: Carrots)

What's that creak? What a crunch? What is this bush? How can I be without crunch, If I ...

(Answer: cabbage)

This fruit tastes good And looks like a light bulb.


I will get the round, ruddy one from the tree, I will put it on a plate, "Eat, mommy," I will say.


Leading: Queen Autumn, and we also have our own garden.

A round dance is performed"Garden"

1st child - presenter:

You are generous with beauty, Golden autumn, And the miracle is also rich in harvest: Cucumbers and tomatoes, There are carrots and lettuce, Onions in the garden, sweet pepper, And a whole series of cabbage!

2nd child - presenter:

You need to work hard, Gather a big harvest, And then have fun - Sing and dance songs!

1st child - presenter:

Which of all vegetables is both tastier and more tender?

2nd child - presenter:

Who will be most useful for all diseases?


You will be very pleased, Having eaten a lightly salted cucumber. And already a fresh cucumber, Everyone will like it, of course. It crunches on your teeth, crunches. I can treat you!


I am a ruddy radish, I will bow low to you - low! And why praise yourself? I am already known to everyone!


Let me say at least a word! Eat beets for health!


Beetroot, shut up! Cabbage is used to cook cabbage soup. And what delicious cabbage pies!


The story about me is not long, Who does not know vitamins? Always drink carrot juice, And gnaw a carrot. You will always, my friend, Strong, strong, dexterous!

Autumn:(stands up)

All of you are right, do not argue! To be healthy, strong, There is no doubt about that, You need to love vegetables All, without exception!

Autumn: Well, now your hour has come, my second son, October is golden.

Show your skill, And present your creations!


Autumn at the edge of the Paints bred. On the foliage quietly With a brush drove. Hazel turned yellow, And the maples blushed, In purple aspen, The oak is still green. Autumn is comforting, Do not spare the summer, Look - autumn is dressed in gold.

PerformedI am the song "Leaf fall "

Leading: And now, Queen Autumn, listen to the poems about you.

! th child

The forest, like a tower painted, Purple, golden, crimson, Merry, motley wall Stands over a bright glade.

2nd childnok

Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, the Christmas trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue, here and there in the foliage through the skylights to the sky that little windows.

3rd child

The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it dried up from the sun, And Autumn as a quiet widow Enters into its motley tower ...


Well read poetry, And you are not tired of sitting? You guys are not too lazy, Braid the wattle?

NSThe game "Wicker" is being played(Autumn plays with children)

The players stand one after the other in a long row. Children and the presenter are holding hands. All, dancing, follow the presenter and sing:

Around the birch we go, All around us weave, A lash-lash is woven, Around the trunk is circled. The weave is twisted, weaves, In the song, drags into the forest.

Autumn entangles the round dance, until the "curling of the wattle".

Dressed up outfit-Of a hundred guys, All in one row, They are tied together.

Then Autumn is carried away by the round dance with a run, while he dodges, makes circular turns, and whoever does not stay on his feet drops out of the game.

Leading: Guys, did you notice what a beautiful mountain ash autumn gave us? How many berries are on it!


The mountain ash grew bright and juicy. Mom dressed her daughter for the holiday. Red scarf, Red boots. Became like a mountain ash The girl looks like.

A round dance is performed "Ryabinushka» ( (Girls with red kerchiefs)

Autumn: Thank you, son Oktyabr. I also liked your assistants. And now it's your turn, my most serious son, November is frosty!


Already the sky was breathing in autumn, Already less often the sun was shining, The day was getting shorter. The forest's mysterious canopy With a sad noise was revealed. Quite a boring time, It was November already at the yard.

- I can’t imagine, Mother, how to please you. You yourself know what a dreary time it is - late autumn.


I will also ask you a riddle: "A drop of one, a drop of two, Very slowly at first. And then, then, then, Everything is running, running, running."

Children: Rain!


We are not at all scared to Run in the rain. If the rain is heavy, we will take the Umbrellas.

The song "Rain of a Tear" is being performed

Autumn: Yes, guys, I can be different - funny and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet. I am very glad that you love me for my generosity, beauty, for rare but glorious warm days. Thank you for coming to the holiday in the autumn fairy kingdom. Low bow to you. And for this I want to treat you. There is a magic mushroom in my forest kingdom, here it is. (Takes and examines him)

This mushroom is not simple. It is beautiful and large. I will take off its hat, what is in it? I will show you.

(He treats the children with cookies "Mushrooms", says goodbye and leaves)

Leading: I think our holiday has lifted your spirits!

I want to sing, always smile, Children, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

(The presenter invites everyone to tea, everyone leaves the hall to the music)

Autumn holiday script


v senior group DOO.

Targets and goals:
Promote the development of musical and aesthetic taste and feelings in children, enrich artistic ideas about autumn; continue to develop in children a sense of collectivity and goodwill towards each other; create a festive atmosphere. To the song
"Guests have come to us"
children come in, noise instruments in their hands (they sing and play music instruments) ...
I looked into the autumn holiday in kindergarten, To please both adults and children. Today in our hall, we, friends, have gathered you, So that on our autumn holiday, children's laughter would ring. So that the friendship does not end, so that the music sounds, So that there are enough songs and jokes for everyone! Summing up the results of the contest of crafts "Autumn fantasies" and presents the pupils with certificates and letters of thanks ... It suddenly became twice as lighter, The yard is like in the sun - This dress is golden By a birch on the shoulders. In the morning we go to the yard - Leaves are falling like rain, Rustling under our feet And flying ... flying ... flying ... The cobwebs are flying With spiders in the middle, And the cranes flew high from the ground. Everything flies! This must be our summer flying away ...
The song "Summer has flown by"

: Summer flies away, and the golden sorceress is in a hurry to meet it ...
Children (in chorus):
Autumn! Children read poetry:
Autumn invited us to her ball Today, so that no one was late, Autumn asked. And, behold, we are here The hall is sparkling, Faces are warmly warmed, It's time to open our ball And spin in a dance.
But where is Autumn? Suddenly she, Forgot the way to us? With business, maybe she hesitated a little? Let's call autumn; All together we will say: "We, Autumn, are waiting for you at the ball!"

A maple leaf will slowly fall on the path. This autumn is golden On the path to us is coming!
Let's put together an autumn bouquet. How bright and good it is! And he looks a little like a golden sun!
What a time of year - It's drizzling. It's just autumn In a hurry to kindergarten!
: Come to visit us, Autumn, We all ask you very much! (Autumn enters to the music, scatters leaves)
Are you talking about me? How glad I am! Bow to the ground, friends. Well hello! Did you call me? And I came to you for a holiday, Although business did not let go, But I still found the time.
: Come in, come in, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to see you! Here, listen to what poems the guys have prepared for you! 6. Autumn looked into the garden - The birds flew away. Outside the window in the morning yellow blizzards rustle. The first ice is underfoot Crumbles, breaks. The sparrow in the garden will sigh, And to sing - Shy. 7. We cannot live in the world without miracles, They meet us everywhere. Magic, autumn and fabulous forest invites us to visit. The wind will whirl to the song of the rain, Leaves will be thrown at our feet. This is such a beautiful time: Wonderful Autumn has come to us again. 8. Autumn has come, Our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch are burning with gold. Do not hear the merry Songs of the nightingale. The birds flew away To distant lands. 9. How good it is to visit the autumn Among the golden birches ... It would have been longer if the gold would not have been thrown off, The forest would have stood, crimson and quiet. More often the tired sun stayed in the golden forest, To protect the late forest beauty from the naughty wind.
: Now we guys will sing about autumn. We will start a round dance with the leaves.
Well, get up in the circle quickly, Sing a song together!
The song "Autumn rustles with leaves"

10. It's raining down the street, The road is wet, There are many drops on the glass, And a little heat. Like autumn mushrooms, we wear umbrellas, Because autumn has come in the yard. 11. If the rain is pouring, I take my umbrella with me, Very bright and large, Yellow-red-blue. Whoever meets, is very surprised. All around the people are saying: "That's a miracle! The umbrella is coming!" It's even a little offensive that I can't be seen at all ... (
The dance "Dance with Umbrellas" is being performed
: And after the rain, mushrooms immediately grow ... Leaves fall, leaves fall - In our garden, leaf fall ... Yellow, red leaves In the wind they twine, fly. Birds fly to the south - Geese, rooks, cranes. Here is the last flock Waving in the distance. Let's take a basket in our hands, Let's go to the forest for mushrooms, Hemp and paths smell like Tasty autumn mushroom.
: And now hurry up, guys, Guess the riddle! Even kids know Red-white mushrooms, Those that are not friends with flies. Do not take them for dinner - This mushroom is inedible, Though it looks handsome. For a long time they have called that Mushroom - red ...

12 I guys are fly agaric. I decorate the forest. I, like a bright light, Flicker everywhere in the forest. They say to me: You are a fly agaric, And among the mushrooms toadstool. But I am proud of my beauty And red panama. 13. It doesn't matter that boletus is the King of the forest kingdom. Everyone knows that fly agaric is a medicine for animals. I am noticeable in a forest clearing, Therefore, I am handsome, so cheerful. There would have been more mushrooms here. We would have started a dance.
The dance "Fly agaric and boletus" is being performed

You danced so merrily, That you were a little tired, So let's rest, we will sort out my harvest. What's for borscht, what's for compote, Who can sort it out faster. Guess, guys, my autumn riddles ... (for each correct answer, candy) 1. I was born wonderfully well, My head is white, curly. Who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them. (Cabbage). 2. It is so green ... We will pour water on it. How a big baby Sweet will grow ... (Watermelon) 3. With a green arrow He grows in the garden, Everyone cries from him, What is it, guys? (Onion) 4. This delicious yellow fruit, It floats straight from Africa, It gives food to the monkeys in the zoo all year round. (Banana) 5. Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying: "What will happen for lunch?" After all, she sat down tightly In the garden. (turnip) 6.It itself is from a cam, Has a red barrel, Touch - smoothly, And bite off - sweet. (Apple) 7. Little bitter, Brother Luka, Seasoning for food, And for microbes - uprava (garlic) 8. Round, crumbly, white, She came to the table from the fields. You salt it a little, After all, it's really tasty ... (potatoes)
we will play and see which of you will harvest potatoes faster. But you will not pick potatoes with your hands, but with a spoon (explains the rules of the game)
The game

"Transfer the potatoes in a spoon" (play music for the competition)
(2 people each with 4-5 potatoes. At a distance - on a basket, where you need to transfer the potatoes in a spoon)
And now, guys, guess one more riddle: For the tops, like for a rope, you can pull (a carrot) Now we will see who will bring the carrot faster (explains the rules of the game) ...
The game "Transport the harvest" (play music for the competition)
(2 teams of 4 people each. At the signal, the first participant runs into the "field" (a hoop with 4 carrots inside), holding a toy truck by the string. Having reached the field, he puts one carrot in the back and takes it "home", there puts the carrot in the basket and passes the rope of the truck to the next player (whose team will transport the entire crop faster).
It was good fun, we had a lot of fun.
: Gather people, In our merry round dance, Who is not afraid of work, He dances and sings! Well, get up in the circle quickly, Sing a song together!
The song "Harvest the harvest!"


Well you sang the song, Immediately evident, everything was in time! You did not waste your time in vain, Harvested quickly!
14.Autumn decorates squares with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the crops to Birds, animals and you and me. And in the gardens, and in the garden, And in the forest, and by the water. Nature has prepared all kinds of fruits. The fields are being harvested - People are gathering bread. The mouse drags the grain into the hole, so that there is lunch in the winter. Squirrels dry roots, bees store honey. Grandma makes jam, puts apples in the cellar. The harvest is bouncing - Collect the gifts of nature! In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather The harvest will come in handy! 15. Someone painted the forests with yellow paint, Became for some reason Below the heavens, Brush of rowan trees glowed brighter. All the flowers have withered, Only fresh wormwood. I asked my dad: - What happened suddenly? And dad answered: - It's autumn, friend.
: Our children are so good-looking, They all look like artists, They don't get tired of singing songs, everyone will sing ditties for you! (Guys come out, performing ditties) And now, rather, all Prune up your ears! We will sing about autumn Merry ditties! We will sing autumn ditties now for you! Clap your hands louder, Greet us more merrily! How beautiful everything is around On a golden autumn day: Yellow leaves are flying, They rustle underfoot! There is no tastier than ripe apples, the kids know that. As we see the apples, we all shout at once: "Hurray!" We love beets, carrots And there is also cabbage, Because there are vitamins in vegetables and fruits! On ourselves, we always catch the admiration of the eyes! Tomatoes give us beauty and health! We are no longer sick with the flu, we are not afraid of the draft! All pills are replaced by a head of garlic! We brought vegetables to our autumn holiday! After the holiday, our chef will cook cabbage soup for us for a year! Autumn is a delicious time, autumn loves children! Hey guys, don't yawn - the harvest is ripening! In the garden and in the garden I will find fruits and vegetables. Oh, what is not here, you can make a vinaigrette!
Autumn, Autumn golden, It's good that you came! You and apples, you and honey, You brought bread! We have a large turnip, they dragged the whole family, They admired for an hour, and then boiled it! A goat climbed into the garden, was very surprised, He found a large head of cabbage, almost choked! Our pumpkin was watered in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon! The pumpkin has grown big, And now we live in it! Who has worked hard, who has not been lazy all summer, He will be full all winter - autumn will generously reward! How beautiful our garden is, apples hang everywhere Yellow and red, and the taste is wonderful! Potatoes have grown in the field, our harvest is ready! We planted a little - we dug up seven sacks! We sang ditties to you, You tell me from the heart, Our ditties are good, And we are good too! 16. Outside the window, the autumn leaf turned yellow, Torn off, whirled, flew. The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze, Everyone is spinning and playing under the window. And when the cheerful wind flew away, The yellow leaf on the asphalt got bored. I went into the yard and picked up a leaf, brought it home and gave it to my mother. You can't leave him on the street, Let him live all winter with me. 17. The rain of leaves swirled over me mischievous. How good he is! Where else can you find - Without end and without beginning? I began to dance under it, We danced like friends, - Leaves and me. 18. Leaf fall! Leaf fall! Autumn forest caulk. The cannabis flew, The edges of the forest became red, The wind flew past, The wind of the forest whispered: - Don't complain to the doctor, I'm flying freckled: I'll cut off all the redheads, I'll throw them into the grass! 19. Something mother was sad ... Maybe she forgot, How she rode in the rain In her blue raincoat. As quite a girl, Kaplyam laughed loudly to the beat. She needs to be reminded as soon as possible. Well, cheerfully and amicably We put on boots And run out into the rain. One, two, three, four, five Autumn we are going to look for ...
: Well done boys! What good poems you have read about autumn.
The song "Autumn has knocked on us with a golden rain ..."

: What a beautiful song! Yes, in the fall, birds fly away to warmer regions. But we will not be sad: the birds do not fly away forever, in the spring you will still meet them. And our holiday, unfortunately, is coming to an end.

Gloriously we had fun, Danced, frolicked, And now the time has come, To part us, friends!
: And we thank you for everything, you come to visit again!
Thank you, dear friends, I will not forget your holiday! I am parting with you for a little while. I'll be back here in a year. (Leaves to the music).
: Our holiday has come to an end. Everything that they knew and were able to dance and sang. The hour has come to say goodbye ... Our guests, goodbye! Thank you all for your attention!

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.




Scenario of the holiday in the junior group "Autumn Fairy Tale"

To the music, the children flock into the hall, examine its decoration, go to their chairs and sit down.

Educator : Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall!

Autumn wanders along the forest paths.

It walks majestically near slender pines.

All of us are comforted: "Summer has flown by,

But cheer up, children! It's not scary! "

Walks along the paths Autumn slowly,

Hear how the leaves rustle around us?

Guys, let's take a walk and collect colorful leaves!

Children move to the music with a calm step around the hall and pick up two leaves from the carpet.

Leading What beautiful leaves you have collected! Let's dance with them. Performed "DANCE WITH AUTUMN LEAVES"


While we were playing with the leaves, clouds ran across the sky and the rain will soon come to us

Gloomy weather and rain outside, It got very cold in (October).

Leading: (listens). Someone is running here to us, Someone is hurrying to us here ... Let's clap, we stomp better, Let him find us soon!Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and a Cloud runs into the hall, holding two sultans in her hands. Cloud. I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue, Let it be small, but very strong! If only I want - I will wet all of you with rain!Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and "sprinkles" them with a rain-sultan. Leading. Cloud, Cloud, wait, Take your rain away! We know a song about the rain And we will give it to you! Performed song "Who's playing naughty outside the window"lyrics by N. Solovieva, music by M. Partskhaladze.

Cloud. What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys! In the fall, it really rains very often!

Cloud : Guys, let's play with you the game "rain"

The game "Rain" is being held.

Rain, rain more fun! Lei, lei, do not regret!

Drip-drip on flowers, trees and bushes. (they run scattered around the hall with the sultans, lift them up, perform swings)

The rain, the rain stopped, the rain stopped pouring.

The drip-drip rain sleeps, does not knock on the paths. (the sultans hide behind their backs, squat down)

Drip-drop-drop, drop-drop-drop, the rain wakes up Drip-drop-drop, the rain starts! (they rise, perform the swings of the sultans and scatter around the hall)

Cloud: Rain dripped on the grass

Trees and foliage.

I did not catch up with your children,

I got angry…. stopped.

You are wonderful guys, I'll tell you honestly

It was very interesting to have fun with you!

At the end of the dance, the Cloud runs away from the audience.

Educator: For the autumn holiday, the children learned poems:

1 child: Yellow leaf on the palm of your hand

I'll put it to my cheek.

It's a sunny summer

I hold in my hand.

2 child : How quiet the autumn garden,

Leaves fly from the branches

They whisper quietly, rustle,

They want to lull you to sleep.

3 child: The leaves suddenly turned yellow - this is autumn,

Take a look around - it's autumn

A mushroom has climbed under the Christmas tree - this is autumn,

He calls you and me into the forest - it's autumn!

4 child : Nice in the autumn in the forest,

Leaves are falling.

In a clearing by the river

Mushrooms have grown ...

5 child : The sun is radiant

Laughs affectionately

Fluffy cloud

Smiles from the sky.

Music sounds, Autumn appears


Are you talking about me? How glad I am!

Bow to the ground, friends.

Well hello! Did you call me?

And I came to you for a holiday,

Although business did not let go,

But I still found the time.

And my animal friends also promised to come to you for a holiday.

Educator: Autumn, the guys and I were really looking forward to you and prepared a song.

Song "Autumn"

A sad hedgehog comes out to the music:

Hello guys! Hello, autumn!

Autumn: Hello hedgehog! Why are you so sad?

Hedgehog: I walked in the forest since the morning,

And I was looking for mushrooms.

Only there are no mushrooms in the forest,

Eh, in winter I will be lost.

Autumn: Do not be upset hedgehog! I know that you love mushrooms more than anything else, and I have prepared a gift for you!

Hey mushrooms come out

Yes, dance for us soon!

Mushroom dance (boys put on mushroom caps, perform a dance)

Hedgehog: Oh, how many mushrooms! How can I collect them all!

Presenter: Don't be afraid, hedgehog, the guys will help you!

Game "Gather mushrooms"

Autumn (hands the basket with mushrooms to the hedgehog) Here is the Hedgehog, look how many mushrooms the children have collected for you.

Hedgehog: Many thanks! Now I'm going to hang all the mushrooms in my burrow to dry! Goodbye, guys!

Autumn ... Someone is still in a hurry to us,

Someone is flying here!

And flies to us

Little bird

And her name is (children) titmouse!

Music sounds, a titmouse flies in

Titmouse ... Chiv, chiv, hello guys, hello, Autumn!

Autumn ... You didn't fly here in vain,

She was in time for me,

I've been waiting for you for a long time

And I have a gift ...

Like red peas

Light up outside the window

Not viburnum, not raspberry,

This is a rowan berry!

You mountain ash go out,

And dance for us soon!

Mountain ash dance (performed by girls).

Titmouse. Very tasty, very bright,

Your sweet gifts!

We will not be lost now

And we will live all winter!

Thank you very much, Autumn!

It's a pity, kids,

It's time for me to fly

Have fun, don't be bored

And meet the guests!

Goodbye! (titmouse flies away)

Bear : Hello, guys, I was in a hurry for the holiday.

I have toys for you - These are the rattles.

The bear gives out tools to children.

Playing with rattles

Hare: And now it's time

Dance for us, kids!

We will threaten with a finger

Beat very hard with your foot.

Let's not forget to spin

And, of course, bow!

The dance "Fingers-pens" is performed.


I will tell you from the bottom of my heart -

All the guys are good!

But I'm curious to know

do you like to play?

Then I invite you to play an interesting game!

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held.

Cheerful, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. During the dance, Autumn covers one of the children with a large transparent scarf.

Autumn: One! Two! Three!

Who is hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn!

Answer quickly!

Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you've guessed right, then the handkerchief is raised (the child who was under the handkerchief jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else claps at him). The game is played several times.

During the game, the teacher imperceptibly covers the basket with apples with a handkerchief. Children call the name of the child who, in their opinion, hid under the scarf.

Educator: No! All the guys are here! Who, then, hid under the handkerchief?

We raise our handkerchief

What is under it, now we will find out!

What is this? Basket!

(Pushes back the leaves covering the apples.)

And in the basket ...

Children: Apples!

Autumn : I had a lot of fun!

I fell in love with all the guys.

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

What to do? Waiting for business!


Everyone leaves to the music. The teacher invites the children to the group to eat apples.


Scenario of the holiday "How the children were looking for autumn" (middle group)

Children run into the hall and stand up in a semicircle.

Vedas: Mom dad attention

We ask you to hold your breath.

We start the presentation

For the kids in surprise.

Have fun with us

Come back to childhood together.

Clap and sing along.

Meet the Autumn Festival.

Comes to music Autumn

I am a golden autumn, it’s been here for a long time.

Magic, golden, always my name.

We have not seen each other for a whole year,

Over the summer, it's my turn again.

I worked so hard, painted,

She decorated everything with bright colors.

My dear friends, tell us about me.

1 child What a beautiful autumn

What a golden carpet.

And visit the guys today,

A holiday has come to us today.

2 children Yellow leaves in the garden

The wind is sweeping.

It's only once a year

It happens in the fall.

Song "Holiday in Autumn"

Autumn : Look how beautiful it is around.

At the edge of the forest is dense

It will open the doors for us.

Here we will meet different trees.

Guys, do you hear, it seems someone is coming to us. Cheerful gnome, little man. Let's play it, hide behind the leaves.(Children pick up leaves from the floor and hide behind them)

(A Dwarf enters, looking out for something)

Dwarf : How much work has become.

How many leaves have fallen.

I hurry to sweep them,

I'm putting things in order.

I'll take a broom

I will collect the leaves in a bunch.

(Sweeps, children run into a small circle and wave their hands, turning to face the audience)

Gnome: That's order.

Autumn : A cheerful breeze,

His path is not close, not far.

Flies around the world

And inflates the leaves.

(Children sit down and again hide behind the leaves)

Dwarf : What, you are the wind, really?

All the leaves were scattered.

I'll take a broom

I will collect the leaves again.(Sweeps)

Oh, you leaves are mischievous,

Bright, but painted.

So they don't dare to fly away.

I must catch up with you all.(Children run to places)

Dwarf : And these are not leaves at all, but these are children, girls and boys. They decided to play a trick on the old grandfather. Well, hello, mischievous people. Tell us why they came to the autumn forest?

Ved. Dear, gnome, we came to your wonderful forest to look for mushrooms, berries and of course to admire the wonderful autumn nature.

Dwarf : Welcome.

Autumn : I'll tell you a secret

And I really love poetry.

Guys, tell me the poems.

1 child Leaves fall, fall, fall. And the clouds are floating in the sky

Happy again with bright colors

Long-awaited this time.

2 children Leaves are spinning in a dance

And they will make friends with me.

Dance with leaves

(thunder roars, children get scared)

Ved. What's up, what's up?

Everything around has changed.

An autumn cloud flew to us,

I wanted to spoil the holiday for my friends.

A cloud enters, beats the drum

Cloud: I am an evil, stormy cloud.

I don't like having fun.

All the guys in the cold rain

I'll pour it now.

(Children are hiding, a cloud waters them (touches them with a blue sultan))

Here's a rain for you.

What, are you playing with Autumn?

If you don't know my rules.

Everyone is bored, afraid of me.

And don't sing or laugh. (Bends fingers)

I take the golden autumn from you,

And I leave the cold rain for you.

Autumn : No, no, we do not need rain or a cloud,

Better, you don't torture me. Let me go to the guys

Why do we need rains on the holiday?

Cloud: How is that why?

Autumn : We don't need rain.

Ved. If the sky is gloomy and threatens with rain, who guys will hide us from the rain?

Children: Umbrella.

1 child The pouring rain is not terrible,

After all, you and I have an umbrella.

We will have fun walking.

Slap and jump through the puddles.

2 children If the rain is pouring

I take my umbrella with me.

Very bright and large,

Red, yellow, blue.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's drive the cloud away.

Dance "Cloud"

Ved. And let's, guys, chase away the evil cloud. Let's say it out loud

Children : Cloud, cloud, run away,

And don't scare the kids.

Ved. Apparently someone was silent.

Let the whole hall help us.

Dads, mothers, help.

Speak with us.

Cloud: Oh, you, so. Then I definitely take Autumn,

And I leave the cold rain for you.

(Thunder roars, the cloud grumbles)Izh, what are there. Ah, have fun. Let's see how it rains. I’ll also let you thunder. Pushes out autumn.

Dwarf : Guys, what should we do now? What is a holiday without golden autumn?

I know what we will do. Together we will go to the autumn forest and of course we will find a beautiful autumn. And a magic pipe will help us in this, a pipe - a whistle. As soon as we play on the pipe, we immediately find ourselves in a forest clearing.

The gnome plays the pipe, wild berries appear.

Berry: We are laughter girls

We are mischievous girlfriends.

We are sitting under a leaf

And we look at the sun.

Dwarf : You, funny sisters,

Give us a quick answer.

Where can we look for our autumn?

Do you know or not?

Berries: No, no, no,

The answer is from the berries.

Dwarf : Play the pipe again

Who will come to us, guess.

Squirrels appear Ved. We meet together our forest guests. Proteins: We are squirrels,

The girls are laughing.

We are not too lazy to work

We ride all day.

Squirrels love russula

They are tearing nuts from the branch with their paws.

All supplies in the pantry

They will be useful to us in winter.

We also have a request.

Very needed for the winter,

We have salted mushrooms.

Dwarf : There are countless mushrooms in my forest,

There are different mushrooms.

And you and the guys play a game,

And pick up the mushrooms.

Squirrel : Guys, let's go for a walk in the forest,

And collect mushrooms.

But remember, he lives in the forest,

Angry and terrible gray wolf.

Ved: Guys, in order for us to collect more mushrooms, we need to sing together a funny song about mushrooms

"Mushroom song"(children collect mushrooms to lose)

Children walked in the woods, And they collected mushrooms. There is a fungus, there is a fungus, Here is a full box.

Ved. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an evil and terrible wolf appeared. Wolf : I am a hungry, angry wolf, I clicked my teeth all day. I haven't eaten for a long time, I will eat you guys.(catches up with children)

Dwarf : What, squirrel, we played a game with you,

And they scored mushrooms for you.

You jumped on the branches, jumped,

Have you seen golden autumn there?

Squirrel : No, no, no, the answer is from the squirrel.

Gnome: It's a pity.

Play my pipe

Guess who will come to us.

Lesovik: (laughs) Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Vedas: Who's laughing so merrily? Do you guys hear?

Dwarf : And this is my friend, old Lesovichok. Oh, and he's funny.

Lesovik. (stretches) Hello, guys! Oh, and he made me laugh!

Gnome: Who?

Lesovik. Yes, old Lesovichok!

Dwarf: So it's you!

Lesovik. So I made myself laugh, do you want me to make you laugh too?

Dwarf: Of course we do!

Lesovichok. Let's play with you"Edible - inedible".

If edible you say: “Yum, yum, yum”, and if inedible: "Fu, fu, fu."

1) Crispy rolls(Yum Yum Yum)

2) Slippers flooded(Fu Fu Fu)

3) Puff pies(Yum Yum Yum)

4) Boiled felt boots(Fu Fu Fu)

5) Cheese balls (Yum, yum, yum)

6) Greasy napkins(Fu Fu Fu)

7) delicious gingerbread(Yum Yum Yum)

8) Crispy apples(Yum Yum Yum)

What are you guys attentive!

Vedas: Thank you Lesovichok, you really amused us with your game. Tell us, have you seen autumn?

Lesovichok: No, no, no, the answer is from the forestry.(Lesovichok leaves)

Dwarf : What guys do we do? Nobody saw autumn, nobody saw it. We'll never find her. We need to come up with something else. Let's sing Tuchka's favorite song. When she hears, she will come to us. And the golden autumn will bring with it.

The song "Autumn Cap Cap Cap"

Cloud Leads Autumn

Cloud: Thank you friends,

I heard my favorite song.

After all, without a cloud and without rain

There is no fall.

Just as there is no autumn without sunny days.

Ved. Kohl you came to the holiday

You must make friends.

Right, guys?

Children: Yes.

Autumn : For the sake of our friendship,

Let's dance.

Dance "Girls and Boys"

Vedas: Well done, guys, we sit down and have a rest.

Autumn : How can I thank you guys?

You walked through the forest with a gnome

And they found a golden autumn.

I will perform a miracle now

And, of course, I will treat you.

1,2,3,4.5, I begin to conjure.

The Dwarf comes out and carries a basket

Autumn : We raise a handkerchief, what is under it, we will now find out. Has prepared gifts

For your beloved kids. ( Treats children)

Autumn : Well, it's time for us to say goodbye, Goodbye, kids!

Dwarf, Cloud and Autumn say goodbye and leave.


Scenario of the autumn holiday "Magic brush of autumn"

Senior group

Children enter to the music

Vedas: How loud the music sounded!

A wonderful holiday awaits us today

And I learned in secret

That Autumn will come to visit us.

She should have been here for a long time.

Let's go with you, kids. We will glorify autumn with poems. We will ask you to come here as soon as possible.

1. Today I looked into every house for a holiday

Because Autumn wanders outside the window

I looked into the autumn holiday at the kindergarten

To please both adults and children.

2. Oh, you are an artist Autumn. Teach me to draw like this. Then I will help you in your work

3. The stupid cloud didn’t know That Autumn had come here Fiery forest outfit extinguished with rain for an hour in a row.

4. Oh, the trees turned yellow In the wind they sway

It's a shame summer days

End so quickly

5. Autumn again! Birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.

And again an autumn holiday

Comes to us in kindergarten.

6. There are clear days in autumn:

Leaves flutter like moths

The spider webs on the bushes shine

Yellow leaf fall pours down the path.

SONG "Leaves are Falling"

Vedas: Well, here, inaudibly Autumn has come

And quietly, she stood at the gate:

At the entrance, Autumn is silently waiting,

But no one opens the door for her.

Let's call together together:

Autumn, come in, we are waiting for you!

Children : Autumn, come in, we are waiting!

Autumn enters - ugly, dull, in faded clothes.(Sounds of nature)

Autumn: How beautiful it is in this room!

A world of comfort and warmth.

Did you call me poetry?

Finally I came to you!

Vedas: How, are you Autumn? I don't understand

Why are you like that?

Not bright, dull

And no one is cute.

Where is your gold outfit?

Autumn: This is the whole trouble, but I don’t know what to do.

I have lost my gold brush.

The magic brush that I paint with

All autumn nature, both trees and fields.

Vedas: Has your brush gone gold?

What to do, Autumn dear?

Autumn: Do not be sad, dear ones, I know the answer.

There is a miracle in the world that will give color!

This miracle is called friendship.

Are you guys good friends?(Yes)

Are you kind guys? (Yes)

So there is a brush!

"Dance of Kindness"

Autumn: What are you guys great!

Rain runs in jumps to the music(with rain sultans)


Hello kids: both girls and boys.

I am a rainbow laughter, I am an autumn girlfriend

How wonderful my outfit is, droplets hang everywhere.

Because the rain and I are bosom friends!

Vedas: Well, rain, stay, have fun with us.

The rain is also friendly with us, we all know

Children: (in unison) rain is needed!

Rain: Do you need? Well, now we'll see!

Whoever gets into the rain will go home now!

(catches up with everyone "wets" sultan) children scatter on chairs.

(For rain)

Vedas: The rain is dripping on the roof

Here I see the droplets!

But the rain is not scary for us, because we know the song about umbrellas

"Song about umbrellas"

Vedas: You see a little rain, what kind of guys we have, no rain is terrible for us.

Rain: Well, hold on now, if I have come, I will take up my wet business!

Vedas: What are you, what are you, Rain, wait! Autumn was not yet golden!

Rain: So hello! Where have you been? Know you slept through your time?

Vedas: Rain, listen, wait.

Autumn had a terrible trouble:

The magic brush disappeared without a trace.

How to paint the forest with gold?

How to create miracles without a brush?

Rain: Is the brush missing? Why suffer in vain?

We urgently need to take action.

Okay, I'll help you, so be it!

It is necessary to wash off the green color from the leaves.

I have familiar umbrellas, they will help us call the rain to wash the leaves better.

Dance "5 Umbrellas"

Autumn: No, you washed the trees in vain,

The leaves are green as they were!(shows where the green leaves are)

Vedas: Don't be sad Autumn, we know"A song about rain", can he help us?

"Song of the Sad Rain"

Autumn: Again, nothing happened….

Rain: Okay, okay, Autumn, don't be sad

The rain comforts Autumn and they leave.

Vedas: The rain has passed, and under the stump

The mushrooms have grown quickly!

Mushrooms have grown

In a small forest.

Their hats are big

And they themselves are different.

Lead: The mouse ran past

And I saw the mushrooms.

Mouse: Here are beautiful mushrooms

I'll take them to my daughter.

Host: What are you a mouse

What are you a mouse.

You ask the kids

All the guys say.

Children : Mice do not eat mushrooms.

Lead: The little kitty ran past

And I saw the mushrooms.

Kisa: That's how many mushrooms are here

I'll take them to my daughters.

Leading : Oh, you don’t need a little kitty

Don't feed your kittens.

All the guys say.

Children : Kittens don't eat mushrooms.

Lead: The bear passed by

I almost crushed the mushrooms.

Bear : Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here

Eat them let them warm the blood.

Lead: You are funny, lazy bear

You ask the kids.

All the guys say.

Children : Bears do not eat mushrooms.

Lead: A hedgehog with a squirrel ran

And they saw the mushrooms.

We will ask our guys

Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.

Lead: Do squirrels eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.

Squirrel : I will dry my mushrooms

I'm on a sharp little bitch.

Hedgehog : I'll take my mushrooms

Straight to the hedgehogs in the bushes.

Gather mushrooms in baskets(Lemonade Rain)

Hedgehog : I roll my way, looking for yellow leaves.

I want to insulate the mink for the winter with leaves.

Only I do not see them, there are no gold leaves.

Why hasn't autumn come? Forgot your business?

Squirrel: If you are looking for a yellow leaf,

You don't seem to know

Autumn has lost the brush.

She has nothing to paint the leaves!

Hedgehog :

I need to help her soon

After all, she can't do without leaves.


Hedgehog Hedgehog wait!

You are one, and there are many of us here.

The guys will help us find.

Child: Let's visit the vegetable garden

We will harvest the harvest

And I hope Autumn

We'll find a brush there.

Round dance and cineration:"Harvest"

Leading: Guys ... well ... you have not accidentally met the Magic Brush that Autumn has lost.

Child : There is no brush in the garden, but listen to the advice

Hurry along the path forest dwellers ask!

Maybe someone saw the brush, maybe he took it for himself?

Children sit on chairs.

Vedas: This is the story, guys,

The brush has really disappeared somewhere.

Autumn is there somewhere sad walks,

The gold brush is nowhere to be found.

The music is playing ... Baba Yaga enters with a gold brush, paints the hut

Vedas: So this is where it is, the magic brush. Come on, Baba Yaga, give her here!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! What got to me is gone.

Lead: But Autumn has lost this brush. She knows what beauty she will bring! Trees will give golden outfits, cover the earth with a golden carpet.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you sly ones! Themselves will bring beauty, but what would you order me to live out my century in such a shabby hut? No, now I’ll bring beauty to my place, but I’ll live happily ever after. And I won't let anyone in!

Veda: ( appeals to children)What to do? How can we lure out the magic brush from Baba Yaga? I came up with it!

Baba Yaga, you must be bored of living alone.

Baba Yaga: Is this boring for me? Yes, I'll arrange such fun, I want to sing, I want to dance!

(Baba Yaga starts dancing,(Baba Yaga dance) while Baba Yaga dances, Squirrel changes the brush to a broom).

Baba Yaga: Oh, what am I doing, dancing? I have no time! The hut over there is not worth it.(Takes a broom, starts painting).

Baba Yaga:

What is it, I don’t understand? Why doesn't the brush paint?

Lead: Don't you get it yet? It's your broom!

Baba Yaga. How's the broom? Where is the brush?

Leading. Look, do not be lazy (B. Ya. Walks around the hall,"Looking for a brush")

Baba Yaga: Apparently I can't find a brush, I'll have to paint the hut with my own broom!

Vedas: And you play with our guys, and they will help you paint the hut.

GAME "Vortiki"

During the game, the presenter turns over the hut (with a beautiful side to the audience)

Vedas: Baba Yaga, look how beautiful your hut has become!

Baba Yaga: Wow, what a beauty! I'll go and heat the stove, and warm my bones!(Baba Yaga goes to the hut).

Beautiful music sounds and Autumn enters in autumn dress

(2 Fall Out)

Vedas: And here is the Golden Autumn!

Autumn: I don’t know how to thank you.

I will perform so many miracles!

I'm going to gild the whole forest,

Autumn, accompanied by music, touches each leaf with its magic brush, the leaves turn into autumn leaves.

(Autumn repaints the leaves)

1. Autumn, how glad we are to you!

A motley leaf fall is spinning.

Leaves near trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

2. It's autumn like a queen

He comes to us slowly.

And the leaves are flying, circling,

Quiet rustling song.


Autumn: For this bright, bright holiday, accept gifts from me.

Here are my autumn gifts for children(shows the children a basket of apples).

1. Thank you Autumn

Thank you very much!

For generous gifts -

For a patterned sheet, bright,

2 .For a forest treat -

For nuts and roots

For lingonberries, for viburnum

And for a ripe mountain ash

All children: (in chorus) We say thank you, Autumn we thank!

We will ask you to come here as soon as possible.


So autumn is knocking on our windows

Gloomy cloud, cold rain.

And will not return back

Summer with a warm sunbeam.

The wind will whirl to the song of the rain, Leaves will be thrown at our feet. Our city is beautiful, golden grass: A miracle came to us again - autumn!

Presenter: Guys, let's sing about our autumn city! I think autumn will definitely hear us and come to visit.

Song "Autumn City"

Autumn enters to the music

Storyteller - Autumn:

Hello dear guys!

I am golden autumn, Today I rule the ball. Queen of the harvest, Anyone would recognize me! I am generous and beautiful, And I shine with gold. And now all wonderfully, I will treat the guests!

Children : A hot summer ran away in the distance, Warm days dissolve somewhere. Somewhere golden rays remained, Warm sea waves remained!

We cannot live in the world without miracles, They meet us everywhere. Magician, autumn and fairy forest, He invites us to visit him.

Trees get wet and cars get wet, houses and shops get wet! Autumn sings its song in the rain, We will sing it quietly for you! Song: "Autumn, honey, rustling!"


Autumn is a glorious time

Loves autumn kids. Plums, pears, grapes - Everything is ripe for the guys.

There is a harvest in the garden, collect whatever you want! Cucumbers and tomatoes, There are carrots and lettuce, Onions in the garden, sweet peppers And a whole series of cabbage.

Storyteller-Autumn- So in my garden and vegetable garden, different vegetables and fruits ripened: strawberries ripened, apples turned brown, pears were poured with honey, watermelon was sugared and carrots were ripe, radishes were ripe. The good-natured zucchini warmed their barrels, the tomatoes turned red, and even the mischievous cucumbers were already ripe in the sunny garden.

Girl: If you water in the summer

The garden is right,

These are the goodies

Will grow as a reward.

"Dance of vegetables and fruits"

The cucumbers remain in the background of the stage (the rest of the vegetables scatter to the chairs). Mum-cucumber walks from behind, stroking their heads.

Mom - Cucumber: In the beds, like on chairs,My Cucumbers are sitting.My boys are growingGreen pants.Cucumbers: We are mothers' sons -Funny brothers.(together)

Summer in the gardenWe are fresh, green.

And in the winter in a barrel - Strong, salty.

We have young barrels, We are mischievous brothers.

Fields of water for us, Let the family grow!

"Song of the Cucumbers"

Storyteller - Autumn:

And there was one very naughty prankster in the cucumber family. He could not sit in the garden bed, he was spinning, jumping and wanting to run away all the time, and his mother had to calm him down.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:But one day Cucumber did not obey, looked out from under the leaf, turned on the barrel and rolled off the garden bed. And then suddenly a strong Wind swooped down.


I break everything, I rip everything, I overshadow the white light. No one is spared!

Storyteller - Autumn:And everything spun, spun, away we go ...Leading:The Gherkin Wind has carried it far away. The kid began to look for his home, his garden.

the cucumber "rolls" to the music

Storyteller-Autumn -And I met an important Tomato Cucumber.


In the spray of the sun it ripens soon And it is called a tomato. Fat, important, red-faced, And he is not afraid of the heat!

A tomato:(Important)-drum dance

I grow up in the garden, And when I ripen, They cook a tomato out of me, Put it in the cabbage soup and eat it like that.

Storyteller - Autumn:And the Cucumber Tomato teaches.

"Lullaby to Gherkin"

Storyteller-Autumn- The cucumber with the tomato said goodbye and ran on. He met a beautiful radish on the path.


I am a ruddy radish

I'll bow low, low

Why praise yourself?

I am already known to everyone.

(dance of radishes and cucumbers)

Storyteller Autumn:

And she began to teach the Cucumber Radish.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:Gherkin listened to Radish, but did not obey and ran further to look for his mother. Suddenly a cheerful Carrot runs out to meet him.

Carrot:Carrots, except for braids,There is also a long nose.I hide it in the garden!And I'll play hide and seek with you.

Dance of carrots and cucumbers "Polka"

"Lullaby to Gherkin"

Storyteller - Autumn:But he did not obey Carrot Gherkin, ran on and met someone very big.

Watermelon:I'm as big as a soccer ball!When ripe, everyone is happyI taste so good.Who am I? What is my name?

All vegetables and fruits: Watermelon!

"Hopak Watermelon!"

Watermelon:Now listen to me carefully!

"Lullaby to Cucumber!"

Storyteller - Autumn:

Didn't listen to the watermelon cucumber and ran on ... suddenly got into the garden, where he saw the Apple fall from the branch.

Apple: I am a ruddy apple, poured with juice. Look at me, what a delicious.

Storyteller - Autumn:And then Pear came up to Apple.


I am a ripe Pear,Apple's girlfriend.Three of us akimboAnd let's go to a merry dance.

"Dance of the Apple, Pear and Cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:And the apple and pear began to teach the cucumber ..

"Cucumber Lullaby"

Storyteller - Autumn:Cucumber did not obey either the Apple or the pear and ran on to look for his garden. He met lazy zucchini on the path.

Girl:Zucchini lie in the sun

Good-natured people love to warm up

They ripened in the summer

And you like the color.

(Zucchini dance)

Storyteller - Autumn:And the zucchini began to teach Gherkin.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Autumn -The cucumber said goodbye to the zucchini and ran on. Small strawberries met him on the path.

(Strawberry dance)

Look, look:

We are strawberry beauties!

Children of our arrival

Oh, how they are waiting.

We fall asleep together with the sun

There will be a golden ray of us

Scarlet cheeks glow

We wash ourselves with dew

Bells fondant

Our best friends

Can't find girls sweeter

Than a strawberry family.

Storyteller - Autumn:And the strawberries began to teach Gherkin.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Storyteller-Autumn -Gherkin looked at the beauties of strawberries and did not even notice how he wandered onto that terrible path, to that end of the garden where Gray Mouse lived.

The mouse catches up with the Pickle.

Storyteller - Autumn:

This is how it works in nature -

The mouse lived in the garden.

I didn't like candy canes -

I loved cucumbers!


This is how I will grab this stupid Cucumber by the barrel now! He's probably so tasty, so crispy - delicious!

Storyteller - Autumn:

The Gray Mouse wanted to eat a cucumber, but out of nowhere a ginger cat appeared.


Oh, you gray mouse! Go away, pick me up - I'll be good to my hole! Otherwise I will grab you and trample you.


Oh, oh, oh, don't trample me, the red cat, I won't eat your cucumbers anymore, I will eat candies.

Storyteller - Autumn:

And then Ogurchik's mother came running, was glad that she had found her son.

Mom - Cucumber:

Finally, my son,

You naughty friend!

How I was looking for you,

I suffered all night long.

She said:"Do not go!",

She said:"Sit down!"

From now on you will not be like this

Naughty, mischievous.

Storyteller - Autumn:

It ended well. The cucumber found his home, his mother. The gray mouse did not eat it. To celebrate, the cucumbers called their friends withvegetable gardenand from the orchard to visit and everyone began to dance.

"Dance of Friendship"


A fairy tale is fiction, a hint!

A great lesson for all children:

Fruits, children, eat,

Always listen to your mom.

Storyteller -Autumnbrings out a tray of fruit and treats the children.

Galina Gelmetdinova
Autumn Matinee Scenario

Autumn Matinee Scenario

"Enchantress - Autumn»

Middle group

MDOU kindergarten number 15 "Smile"


Adults: Host and Autumn.

Children: Cloud, Sun, Hare.

Cheerful music sounds. Children, together with the presenter, enter the hall in pairs. They go around him and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today!

How many colorful leaves around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Of course, a holiday autumn!

The leaves were filled with the sun,

The leaves are soaked in the sun,

Poured, got heavy

And flew in the wind….

They rustled through the bushes ...

You can see them here and there.

The wind is spinning gold

Rustling like a golden rain!

1 Child: In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly ...

2 Child: Admire - the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit

He took off the green one, measures the new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

Leading: So here the breeze brought the leaves to us! Oh how many of them

(points to leaves scattered or hung in the hall)... Take a look!

3 Child: Leaves are all on an autumn day

Such beautiful,

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves!

Song: « Autumn is a wonderful time»

The presenter invites the children to sit on chairs.

Leading: Autumn- a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

Poems about autumn. (2-3 children).

Leading: (listens)

Someone is running here to us,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us….

Let's clap, we stomp on friendly terms.

Let him find us soon!

The music is playing: children clap their hands, stomp, and a cloud runs into the hall, holding two sultans from the New Year's rain in her hands.

Cloud: I am a cloud autumn, blue - blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I just want to -

I will wet everyone with the rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and "Splashes" their rain-sultan.

Leading: Cloud, cloud, wait,

Take your rains away!

We know a song about the rain

And we will give it to you!

Song: "Rain"

Cloud: What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys!

“Rain, rain all day

Drumming into the glass.

All earth, all earth

I got wet from the rain. "

Leading: And we will take umbrellas,

Let's go for a walk in the rain.

The presenter takes out two umbrellas and conducts the game: "Umbrellas".

Children are divided into two teams, each team is given an umbrella.

The first players with an umbrella in their hands run to the trees at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, pass the umbrella to the next player. This is how the whole team should run.

Cloud: We played a lot,

They showed their dexterity!

But as always -

We are missing someone ...

Leading: We don't have the sun, friends!

Music sounds, enters the hall "Sun".

Sun: Hello, here I am!

All the guys know the sun

The sun is highly respected

The sun is shining brightly

And it's very hot under the sun!

The sun is the most important

The sun is most needed!

Cloud: Sun, sun, wait,

Look at me. (spinning) .

I've got water inside

And water is always needed!

So I'm more important

So I am more needed!

("Sun" and "Cloud" they argue, stamping their feet, which of them is more necessary and more important).

Leading: Calm down, calm down

And please don't quarrel!

Become a better dancer

Have fun with us!

Dance, if not lazy

It will help you to make peace!

"Dance in pairs"

Sun: Well, thanks, kids!

We danced heartily!

Cloud: They danced merrily,

We became very close friends!

Leading: Well, well, if everything is in order, then you can continue the holiday!

The harvest in the forest is ripe. Everyone takes baskets.

What are we going to collect on the forest paths?

What are we going to collect, you have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill, under the birch and under the tree,

Round dances and in a row, well done in hats!

Children: Mushrooms!

4 child: Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

Hemp and paths smell

Tasty autumn fungus!

Song "For mushrooms" muses. Abelian.

("Cloud" and "Sun" take toy mushrooms from baskets and place them among the trees).

Cloud: Well, well, everything is ready! Here are the glades, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are here too.

Sun: It's time to go for mushrooms!

The game: "Collect mushrooms".

(Children 4-5 people) pick mushrooms in baskets while the music is playing.

As soon as the music dies down, mushroom picking stops. The player who has the most mushrooms wins.

Cloud: We played interesting,

We quickly collected all the mushrooms!

Sun: But now it's time to say goodbye,

We must return to heaven.


To the music "Cloud" and "Sun" run away.

Leading: Oh guys, quieter, quieter,

I hear something strange….

Some visitor is in a hurry to visit us

And it seems to be trembling.

Whoever you are, come in

Yes guys have some fun!

Runs into the hall to the music "Hare".

Leading: Oh, yes, this is the Bunny-coward to visit us.

Hare: Hello guys! So I was in a hurry, so I was running. That I almost got to the wolf. Frightened, oh - oh - oh .... I'm a little alive from fear!

Leading: You, Zaychishka, calm down, don't be afraid of anything else! We are with the guys now, we will sing a song for you!

Song: "Heads of cabbage"

Hare: Oh, what a delicious song. You probably left a head of cabbage for me too?

Leading: Of course, Zaychishka!

Hare: But, where, cabbage?

Here's the secret! On the right, no. And not on the left. (looks around).

Who can tell me how to find cabbage?

Leading: We will give you advice, you want to listen, you want not….

Hare: Of course I want! Give your advice soon! So you want cabbage!

Leading: Good. Listen carefully! If the guys and I clap quietly, like this (shows that there is no cabbage nearby. Well, if we clap loudly and loudly (claps loudly, then the cabbage is somewhere nearby. Understood everything, Hare?)

Hare: (gladly)... Of course of course! Everything is very simple. Now I will quickly find my cabbage (closes his eyes, the presenter hides).

The game: "Quiet - Loud"

Hare: (looks at the head of cabbage)

Oh, what a beautiful head of cabbage.

Both heavy and crunchy.

Not a head of cabbage, but just a miracle,

It is immediately obvious - the real one!

(chewing on a cabbage leaf).

Leading: Found a head of cabbage, Bunny!

Well, now it's yours!

Hare: Thank you guys! I'll run home quickly, I'll show everyone my head of cabbage and I'll tell you about you!

Children: Bye!

(to the music, the Hare runs away with a head of cabbage in his hands).

Leading: Guys, what is it? Here, on a holiday, the Cloud came to visit us, and the Sun, and the Bunny! And here There is still no autumn and no ...... Let's read poems about her, invite me to visit, so that she can find us as soon as possible!

5 child: Cranes fly south,

Hello hello, autumn!

Come to our holiday

Very, very much we ask!

6 child: Here we are a joyful holiday

We meet merrily

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn golden!

(Music sounds, enters the hall Autumn) .

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello my friends!

I came to your holiday

Sing and have fun

I want with everyone here

Make good friends!

Leading: We are all at the holiday together

Let's have a nice time!

To make it more fun

Let's start our dance!

Round dance: "Harvest"

Autumn: Here, guys - kids

We danced from the heart!

Autumn: Guys, I walked through the forest and collected a lot of cones. Let's play with them.

Game with bumps.

Autumn: I'm glad that you respect me, children,

You meet with dances, poems, songs!

I picked apples in my garden autumn,

Take a treat from me, children!

(Autumn treats children with apples, children thank).

Autumn: It's time for me to say goodbye,

Get ready for the return journey! Goodbye!

Children: Bye!

What to cook:

1. Costumes: Autumn, Cloud, Sun, Hare.

2. Triangles.

3. Umbrellas - 2 pcs.

4. Christmas trees (small).

5. Baskets.

6. Mushrooms for the game.

7. A head of cabbage.

8. Apples for children.

9. Leaves for decorating the hall.

Autumn holiday scenarios

"Friends of Autumn visiting kids"

To the song “Autumn song music by T. Miraji children

with leaves go into the hall and stand up in a semicircle.

Presenter: Autumn in a red sundress, a headdress in the leaves,

Anyone will look into the corner, where the autumn forest is rustling.

Feet walked along the damp path.

If the puddle is large, we can see it from afar,

We will go around the puddle, choose where it is drier.

You don't need to go around a small puddle.

Become, children, in a row, let's jump over everything - jump!


Falls in

Autumn: Hello guys!

I’ll dance with you, have fun, and play.

And I’ll also call my friends.

Sunny, come out! Bring a cloud with you!

Lei rain, lei, blow the breeze harder!

Children come out, SUN, WIND, CLOUD AND RAIN.

Sunny: I will paint the leaves red,

I will send greetings to the bushes.

The outfit for the trees is new,

Orange, crimson.

Presenter: Now let's sing a song.

Song "AUTUMN SONG" music by T. Miraji.

Cloud: Rain, rain, rain lei,

Do not regret your drops!

Whirl in a friendly dance

And give the land to drink.

Rain: I am autumn rain, I will water everyone,

And I'll drink some water.

The game "SUN AND RAIN"

Presenter: Rain, where is your friend - the breeze?

VETEROK comes out

Breeze: I am the autumn breeze,

And already cold

I am friends with leaves

I circle them in a round dance.


Autumn: Well, here are my guests.

1 child: We walked in the forest, collected leaves.

We collected the leaves, sang songs merrily!

Presenter: Now let's sing a song about leaves.

Song "LEAVES" music by R. Rustamov.

Autumn: Well, friends,

How I liked visiting you.

And my friends, how happy are mine,

How we had fun together.

And I will give you an autumn leaf as a keepsake.

It is not simple, but magical.

AUTUMN gives a magic leaf

Presenter: We will dance for you Autumn goodbye.

Dance “OH, WHAT IS THE PEOPLE? "Music" Oh, the hoop burst "

Autumn: Thank you, my little ones, friends,

Until next time!

AUTUMN leaves

Presenter: Here is a magic leaf flying,

Where will he fall?

This is where he landed.

Oh, yes, these are gifts,

From our beloved Autumn.

The presenter treats the children with apples

Scenario - Autumn is a wonderful time

All roles are played by adults
Music sounds, children enter the hall.

Guys, today I invite you to the autumn forest! But the way there is long, and so that our legs don't get tired, let's go by train!

Children are being built by a train, the leader is in front. All together with stomping steps move through the hall to the music.

In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves are raining down
Rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly!
So many leaves have flown to our forest! Both yellow and red, very beautiful! Truth? Do you know who decorated our forest so beautifully? This is the sorceress Autumn! She tried very hard, the leaves are like golden! Do you hear? .. And now the breeze has blown. Let's make some noise with the wind. Now let's take a piece of paper and sing a funny song about them!

The song "Autumn", lyrics by I. Planida, music by I. Kishko are performed.
Autumn is beautiful everywhere: in the forest, and in the garden, and in the yard!
1st child.
A holiday in the autumn in the forest,
Both light and fun!
Here are some decorations
Autumn is hanging here!
Each leaf is golden
Little sun
I'll put it in a basket
I'll put it on the bottom!
2nd child.
I take care of the leaves.
Autumn continues!
Long at home with me
The holiday does not end!
3rd child.
The wind plays with the leaves
Tears off the leaves from the branches.
Yellow leaves fly
Right under the guys' feet!
Ay, well done, guys! And they sang the song loudly, and read the poems about the sorceress-Autumn! Now let's give our legs work, let's start a merry dance!

Any dance is performed at the discretion of the music director.
We danced - now we will rest. Let's sit on stumps and listen to what the forest is whispering to us ... Guys, I can hear someone coming to us. Well, guess who it is!
Rises with the sun
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" he sings.
There are spurs and a scallop.
Who is this?
And it is true, this is Petya the cockerel, a golden comb!

To the music, Cockerel enters the hall and sings a song to the words of M. Raikin, music by S. Wolfenzon “Cockerel”.
Hello guys! How beautiful and smart you are! And I am also very handsome and smart! Truth?
Cockerel, and the guys even know a rhyme about you. Here, listen!
Cockerel, Cockerel, golden comb,
Butter head, silk beard!
That you get up early, sing loud songs,
Don't you let the kids sleep? Ku-ka-re-ku!
Oh, what a good rhyme you told about me! But I wonder if you guys saw how it rains? Very good! The rain is small, quiet, quiet, like this! (Quietly claps his hands, the children repeat after him. Soft music sounds). And there is a lot of rain, strong, strong, like this! (Claps her hands harder and faster. Children repeat after him. Old music sounds, but louder). That's how hard the drops knock, make noise!

The game "What rain?" The cockerel commands: "Quiet rain!", "Heavy rain!", "Downpour!" Children clap at an appropriate pace.
Cockerel, we know a song about the rain! Do you want to listen?
Of course I want!

Performed the song "Rain", music by E. D. Makshantseva.
Oh, guys, we sang a song about the rain, and the cloud, in fact, swooped down, brought the rain. (Shows a cloud-model with raindrops. Rain music sounds, children clap their hands, imitating the sound of rain). But then a breeze blew! (Children blow on a cloud). He drove away a cloud, and looked out ... (Shows a model of the sun).

Any dance music sounds, children go for a walk. Then the game "The Sun and the Rain" is held. After the game, the Cockerel coughs, clings to the neck.
Guys, who is this coughing? Has our Cockerel got sick, caught a cold?
Oh-she-she! I ran in the rain and lost my voice, caught a cold in my throat. Now I can’t sing my own song. (He tries to crow, but nothing happens).
Guys, let's help our Cockerel, sing him a song!

Performed the song "Our Cockerel Sick", lyrics by A. Passova, music by V. Vitlin.
Oops, thanks guys! I felt better immediately! And the neck doesn't hurt anymore! I'll run, I'll probably tell everyone how kind, funny, skillful you are! Goodbye!
So our Cockerel ran away. But ... I hear something again. Do you want to know? The leaves rustle, the twigs crunch ... Who else is in a hurry to visit us?

Music sounds, Fox runs into the hall.
I am a funny Fox
I am a beauty to the whole world!
I ran next to me,
I heard your songs!
I want to play with you
Songs to sing and dance!
Chanterelle, we are very glad that you came to us! And we will dance with you with pleasure!
Very very good! But all of you guys are so small. Can you really dance? Show me how your hands are dancing! (Children show movements with their hands to the music). And the legs? (Movement display). Yes, you really are real dancers! Then get into a round dance soon!

The dance “One! Two! Three!".
Someone else is jumping to us
Along the forest lawn.
Long-eared, fast-footed.
Who is this?

Music sounds, Bunny runs into the hall,
Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
Hello, Fox-Fox,
Our forests are beautiful!
And what kind of holiday you have here?
Why is it so much fun?
And we, Zainka, are celebrating the Autumn holiday! Look how beautiful it is all around!
I want to frolic with you,
Songs to sing and have fun!
Tell us, Bunny, why everyone calls you swift?
And this is because, dear Fox, that I run fast!
Oh, don't brag, Bunny! Are you running faster than me?
Of course! You, Lisonka, won't even catch up with me!
Oh, Bunny, you really are a braggart!
And you try, catch me! Once! Two! Three! Do not snooze! Catch up quickly!

Cheerful music sounds, children clap their hands. Fox tries to catch up with the Hare, but nothing works.

Bunny, you really run very fast. Well done! And you guys probably know how to run too? How fast?
Then let's play with Chanterelle! The game will not be simple, but magical! Now we are all going to turn into bunnies! (Adults help children put on mask caps). That's how many bunnies! Well, bunnies, while the Fox sleeps in his burrow, we will go for a walk with you!

A game is performed to the song "Bunnies and a fox", lyrics by V. Antonova, music by G. Finarovsky.
That's how bunny! Well, you run fast! I didn't catch anyone, well done!

Children are helped to take off their caps-masks.
And now it's time
Dance for us, kids!
We will threaten with a finger
Beat very hard with your foot.
Let's not forget to spin
And, of course, make up!

The dance "Quarreled-Reconciled" is performed, music by T. Vilkoreyskaya.
Nice we had some fun
Played, frolic!
But it's time to say goodbye
Return to your burrows!

Chanterelle and Bunny run away to the music.
Guys, what is it? Here to visit us on a holiday, and the Cockerel came, and the Fox, and the Bunny-coward! And the sorceress-Autumn is still not there! What do we do? Maybe we'll tell you a poem about her? Autumn will hear him and come!
Autumn is a wonderful time!
Children love autumn!
We go to the forest with baskets,
We find a lot of mushrooms there!
We are about autumn songs
We sing together.
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden!

A waltz sounds, Autumn enters the hall.
Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello my friends!
I lingered a little
All worked, dressed up!
I gave out to all aspen
Multi-colored kerchiefs
Bright, noticeable,
Noticeable from a distance!
And while I was visiting you,
Here's a handkerchief I found.
Multi-colored, painted,
Unusual, challenging!
I suggest you friends
I'll play with the handkerchief!
Want to? Then get out!

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held.
Cheerful, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. Suddenly the music changes to a quieter, more calm one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn, having spread a large scarf, bypasses the children to light music and covers some of them with a scarf.

Once! Two! Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed correctly, then the handkerchief is raised. The child, under the kerchief, jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else claps at him. Playing for the last time, Autumn covers the basket of apples with a handkerchief, which was inconspicuously brought into the hall. Autumn speaks its words again. Children call the name of the child who, in their opinion, hid under the scarf.
No! All the guys are here! Who, then, hid under the handkerchief?
We raise our handkerchief
What is under it, now we will find out!
What is this? Basket!
(Pushes back the leaves covering the apples.)
And in the basket ...

Cheerful music sounds. Autumn treats children with apples.
I had a lot of fun!
I fell in love with all the guys.
But it's time for us to say goodbye.
What to do? Waiting for business! Goodbye!

Autumn leaves the hall to the music, the children wave after her.

The script for the autumn holiday. Junior kindergarten group
Children and the presenter enter the hall to the music, become a ruler.
Presenter: Autumn walks so quietly
And he picks off the leaves,
Under the feet of passers-by
He throws it in handfuls.
The rain is knocking on the window
And he is afraid to go.
Song about autumn
It flows and flows.
Children sing "Song of Autumn", then sit down.

To the music, the Hedgehog (an adult in disguise and make-up) enters the hall and sings "The Hedgehog's Song"
Hedgehog: I heard the kids were singing
The sound of music flew!
I brought the game to the guys
To entertain them in the right way!
The hedgehog plays with the children the game “Collect the leaves”: large multi-colored leaves are scattered around the hall, and 2 - 3 children with baskets collect them to music. Then the game is repeated with other participants. All winners, no losers. The game is played several times.

Presenter: Autumn follows a path,
She leads a round dance!
The children, the presenter and the Hedgehog dance the Autumn round dance, then the children sit down.
Hedgehog: The rain is dripping on the roof,
Here I see the droplets!
Girls - droplets dance an individual dance "Kap-Kap", after the dance they sit down.
Hedgehog: The rain has passed, and under the stump
The mushrooms have grown quickly!
The boys dance the individual "Dance of the Mushrooms", after the dance they sit down.
Presenter: We know poems about autumn,
And we honor them to the Hedgehog.
They will be told from the heart
By heart, all the kids!
Children take turns reciting poems about autumn.
Presenter: Brought us autumn
A generous harvest.
A song about autumn
Sing along!
Children sing the song "Golden Autumn"
Hedgehog: I was looking for gifts for you,
I collected the harvest
There will be a feast in the group
On the holiday of golden autumn!

The hedgehog takes a huge mushroom standing in the distance, full of "gifts of autumn".
The presenter, the Hedgehog and the children go to the group to the music.

Matinee script for children 2-4 years old
Cheerful music sounds (at the choice of the music director), children with a teacher - the leader enter the hall, examine how the hall is decorated.
HOST: Autumn wanders along the forest paths.
It walks majestically near slender pines.
All of us are comforted: “Summer has flown by,
But cheer up, children! It's not scary! "
Walks along the paths Autumn slowly,
Hear how the leaves rustle around us?
Guys, let's take a walk and collect colorful leaves!

Children move at a calm pace across the hall and pick up two leaves from the carpet. At this time, the musical director performs "AUTUMN SONG", music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by N. Frenkel, collection "Music in kindergarten": Issue number 1.
HOST: What beautiful leaves you have collected! Let's dance with them.
Performed "DANCE WITH AUTUMN LEAVES" (as musical accompaniment, you can use any dance melody to the text I have proposed).
Together we walk, collect leaves.
The leaves are painted, the leaves are dry. (walking with leaves around the hall)
We will cheerfully raise the painted leaves.
We will all try and wave them. (waving leaves overhead)
The leaf is yellow, the leaf is red, spin around.
Turn around with us, don't be lazy! (spinning)
You leaves, rest, fall on the path.
Again we will pick up the leaves and wave them. (squat, stand and wave leaves overhead)

HOST: While we were playing with the leaves, clouds ran across the sky.
Gloomy weather and rain outside,
It got very cold in October (November).
Music sounds, Rain runs into the hall (a girl from preparatory group).
DOZHDINKA: Hello, dear children!
I am the Laughing Rain.
I am Autumn's girlfriend!
How wonderful my outfit is
Drops hang everywhere
Because the rain and me
Old friends!

MODERATOR: Well, Rain, stay,
Have fun with us!
The rain is also friendly with us.
We all know rain is needed!
It often rains in autumn - it is cold, sad, and I suggest everyone turn into raindrops.
DOZHDINKA: I have magic hats too!
MODERATOR: We will put them on and dance.
Babies are put on "droplet" hats, and they are given sultans made of waste material (cut polyethylene bags).
Performed "DANCE OF RAINS", Ukrainian folk melody "Gopachok", collection "Music in kindergarten": issue # 1 on the text I have proposed.
Rain, rain more fun! Lei, lei, do not regret!
Drip-drip on flowers, trees and bushes.
(they run scattered around the hall with the sultans, lift them up, perform swings)
The rain, the rain stopped, the rain stopped pouring.
The drip-drip rain sleeps, does not knock on the paths.
(the sultans hide behind their backs, squat down)
Drip-drop-drop, drop-drop-drop, the rain wakes up
Drip-drop-drop, drop-drop-drop, the rain starts!
(they rise, perform the swings of the sultans and scatter around the hall)

MODERATOR: Now let's play!
The presenter takes a large umbrella and conducts the game "SUN AND RAIN", music by M. Rauchverger, collection "Music in kindergarten": issue №2.
RAIN: The rain, the rain is getting stronger!
HOST: Hide under the umbrella as soon as possible!
Children run to the presenter and hide under an umbrella. The game is played 2-3 times.
RAIN: Rain dripped on the grass,
Trees and foliage.
I did not catch up with your children,
I got angry ... .. stopped.
You are wonderful guys
I'll tell you honestly
Have fun with you
Very interesting!
Well, it's time for me to go home
Mama cloud is waiting for me.
I leave the hats as a gift,
And I say goodbye to you, goodbye!

Music sounds, Rain runs away from the hall.
HOST: The rain ran away, something became sad!
Can we clap our hands? (clap)
Shall we knock our feet together? (stomp) Shall we dance?

Performed "DANCE OF LEGS AND LADOSHEK" (as a musical accompaniment, I propose to perform the Russian folk melody "BARYNYA" on the text I have proposed.

Lady-lady, lady-madam,
Come out to dance, show your prowess! (walk around the hall)
All the legs are on the heels, let's dance "Gopachok"
Lady-lady, lady-lady! (put the leg on the heel)
We all lift the handles, turn the handles together,
Lady-lady, lady-lady! (rotate with the hands)
Hit the knees, dance "Lady", as of old,
Lady-lady, lady-lady! (hitting the knees)
They made friends with "Barynya", bowed low and low,
Lady-lady, lady-lady! (bowed)

HOST: Oh, guys, quieter, quieter.
I hear something strange.
There is a small house in one of the corners of the hall, the presenter invites the children to come closer to it.
HOST: Guys! See what beautiful house! Do you want to know who lives in the house?
The kids answer. The presenter knocks on the door of the house. Squirrel appears (a girl from the preparatory group), she has a basket of mushrooms.
MODERATOR: Who are you?
Squirrel: I - Squirrel - a skilled worker, I live in this house.
I need mushrooms for the winter - honey agarics, mushrooms, boletus.
And I love to eat berries,
There are countless of them in the clearing.
HOST: Squirrel, do you only like mushrooms and boletus?
Squirrel: No, I like all edible mushrooms.
MODERATOR: We will help you collect them!
The game "WHO WILL PICK MUSHROOMS FASTER" is being held.
Flat mushrooms are laid out on the carpet, the children, at the command of the Host, collect them in two baskets. The girls are carrying mushrooms to Squirrel's basket, and the boys are carrying mushrooms to the Presenter's basket.
Squirrel: Haven't had fun for so long
I, guys, from the bottom of my heart!
I am grateful to you for your help,
Dear kids!
For the sake of a holiday
I have a surprise too.
The squirrel runs away to the house, and returns with a treat (there are “Mushrooms” pastries on the tray).
MODERATOR: Thank you, Squirrel! Goodbye!
Guys, we will take mushrooms to the group,
And now we're going for a walk,
We're waiting for Autumn to visit.
Children walk through the festive hall, light music sounds, Autumn appears (the second teacher) with the animals: Hedgehog, Bear, Fox, Hares (children of the preparatory group).
AUTUMN: Hello kids!
Are you looking for me? Here I am!
I dressed everyone around
The trees were all gilded.
With friends in a circle, can I get up,
Dance with you.
Do not be afraid of us, smile,
Become a couple!

Performed by "PAIR SHELF", music by E. Tilicheeva, collection "Music in kindergarten"; issue number 2.
AUTUMN: Guys! We danced merrily,
But we haven't played at all.
I visited with forest friends in a neighboring village. I went to see how the apple harvest was harvested, so I brought a basket of apples for you.
Autumn puts a basket of small balls in front of the children. The hedgehog also hurries to look into the basket and, as if by chance, stumbles, the basket turns over.
AUTUMN: What are you, clumsy brother, scattered all the apples.
Kids and tree friends, help me pick apples!
The "GAME WITH APPLES" is being held.
After the game, the adults quickly change the basket of balls for a basket of real apples.
AUTUMN: There will be enough autumn apples in the basket.
Take a treat from me, children!
All participants in the entertainment are treated to apples.
AUTUMN: Guys, isn't the bus waiting for you? (a fake bus is in one of the corners of the hall) It's time for you to return to the kindergarten, to your group. Goodbye!

Autumn Festival
(for older preschool children)

Characters: Leading, Leshy, Baba Yaga.

(The recording contains a play from the pop song "The Cranes Are Flying Away", A Derzhavin. Children in pairs from two opposite sides go towards each other, form a semicircle.)

The red summer has flown by
The golden autumn has come.
The cranes are flying away
Far away, to the ends of the earth.
For the fields and for the meadows,
For tall haystacks.
In a dress of bright gold
Autumn wanders, rustling.
Leaves fly in the wind
They want to catch up with the cranes.

(They sing the song "Golden Leaves".)
Leading. It is very beautiful in the autumn in the forest. There is a carpet of leaves on the ground. Evergreen trees. Mushrooms are hiding under the trees, berry glistens in places. Guys, let's play. (Mushroom relay.) Now let's talk about how to behave in the forest.

(Cheerful music sounds, Leshy runs in.)
Goblin. I AM! I know! You can pluck everything, break the branches, litter the streams, trample mushrooms and berries, scare everyone! Ooh!
Leading. Calm down, please. Who are you? Didn't even say hello.
Goblin. Is it really necessary to say hello?
Leading. Of course. After all, the word "hello" means "be healthy"!
Goblin. That's great! Hello! Do you know anything about me? Yes, when I am not sleeping in my hollow, the forest is restless, no one will pass: neither horse nor foot, because I ... that's right, Leshy!
Leading. All clear. Now listen to us.

I'm on a bush, by a spring
Didn't touch the spider's web.
I stared at the ants
They have a home - be healthy!
I walked through the forest for a long time
And he didn't scare anyone.
Hasn't muddied the water anywhere -
I just stayed in the forest.
Goblin. So, you need to go to the forest as a visit?
Leading. Of course, Leshy, because this is a home for animals and birds.
Goblin. Yes ... And I’m the Goblin because I live in the forest. But it’s boring to live like that. Where can I put my energy? I have how much of it! I just want to do something.
Leading. This is from idleness. But those who are busy with business simply have no time to get bored. Listen to the proverbs about labor.
Human labor feeds, but laziness spoils.
The bee is small, but even that one works.
Not the one who is good, who is good-looking, but who is good for business.
Skillful hands do not know boredom.
Business - time, fun - an hour.
Goblin. And I don't know how to do anything.
Leading. If there was a hunt, work would go well. In the forest, animals and birds prepare supplies for the winter from morning to evening. And in the clearing you can dig up a garden and fence off with a wicker.
Goblin. Let's play.

Game "Wicker" (collection "Music in kindergarten", preparatory group)

(The swift music of flight sounds, Baba Yaga flies in on a broomstick with a number.)
Baba Yaga. Dryn-melon-melon! Has died out. So! Emergency landing. Hello, good people! Oh, Goblin! Did you ride my broom again without asking? Here I am!
Goblin. I won't anymore.
Baba Yaga. Okay, well, let's get acquainted! I am Baba Yaga, bone leg. Wherever I want - I fly there! What do you have here?
Leading. You, grandmother, are on the autumn holiday.
Baba Yaga. If it's a holiday, let's dance!

(The boys are performing Russian dance.)
Baba Yaga. Boys are great! And the girls?

(The girls sing ditties with a dancer.)
Baba Yaga. Oh, how fun! Leshy, what are you thinking about?
Goblin. They advised me to dig up a vegetable garden, plant vegetables. And why are they needed, because sweets are tastier?
Baba Yaga. Exactly. Both cakes and cookies!
Leading. Guys, let's tell you what you need to eat to be healthy? (Onions, garlic.) Which vegetable supports good vision? (Carrots) What vegetable helps us grow? (Cabbage.) Which vegetable strengthens bones? (Radish) What vegetable can you get sugar from? (Beet)
Baba Yaga (to Leshem). Have you heard?
Goblin. Yes.
Baba Yaga. So much for you, uh-huh!
Leading. We sat down for something, well, guys, come out! Round dance backwater!

Children perform the Russian folk round dance "Cabbage in the Garden" (Russian folk game"There was a duck", collection "Accordion-talker", No. 8, 1991).
Baba Yaga. Leshy, what is this with you?
Goblin. I don’t know myself. Guys, what is this?
(surprise played out)
Baba Yaga. Oh, Goblin! I forgot to turn off the porridge!
Goblin. Let's run quickly!
Baba Yaga. You have to run on foot. Goodbye, guys!
Leading. And we have to go

Autumn Festival

Host: Hello guys! Hello guests! Today our holiday is dedicated to the most beautiful time of the year - autumn. Poems, songs, riddles will be performed at the holiday. We will see interesting scenes and dances, we will play different games, you will take part in various competitions and learn a lot about the autumn months. So let's get started!

The song "Oh, what an autumn!" (Words and music by Z. Root)
Where are you, where are you, sweet autumn?
We have been waiting for you for a whole year.
Into the autumn forest along the path
We're going to meet you.
Oh what autumn, oh what
All of yellow leaves- gold,
And rain drops of silver
They sing songs.

In the cobwebs between the birches
The sun hides the rays.
Berries, mushrooms, nuts
Save it for us.
The chorus is repeated.

Multicolored leaves
They fly in a joyful waltz,
The wind dances with autumn,
And the leaf fall is spinning.
The chorus is repeated.

1 child:

Autumn! Glorious time!
Loves autumn kids.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.

2 child:

The cranes fly south.
Hello hello autumn!
Come to our holiday
Very, very much we ask.

3 child:

Here we are a joyful holiday
We meet merrily
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden ...

Autumn appears in a multi-colored outfit.

Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends!
Are you glad to meet me? Do you like the forest outfit?
I came to your holiday to sing and have fun.
I want to make friends with everyone here!

The song "GOLDEN AUTUMN" is played (Lyrics and music by L.A. Starchenko)

The sun came out
But there is not much heat.
This is a misty cloud
I crossed the road.
Rain, rain, rain, droplets are knocking.
Bunches of beads hang on a mountain ash.
Ripe lingonberry leads a round dance.

Golden autumn is coming to visit us.

Colorful boats
They swim in a puddle.
Carefree leaves
The breeze is playing.
The chorus is repeated.

Thank you guys! I have heard a lot of good things about myself. And I came to your holiday not alone, but together with three brothers - in the autumn months. They will help me spend our holiday.

Our school garden is empty
Spider webs fly into the distance
And to the southern end of the earth
The cranes reached out.
School doors opened ...
What month came to you? ... (September)

September is the younger brother of autumn. The name September comes from the Latin "septimus" and means "the seventh." In the Old Russian calendar, September was the seventh from the beginning of the year. March was then considered the first, and not January, as in the modern calendar. In ancient Russia, the first day of September was the first meeting of autumn and was called the flight guide - the wires of summer. September is the driest month of autumn. These warm days of autumn are called Indian summer. Indian summer usually lasts one to two weeks. Exactly this the best time for collecting mushrooms.

The song "MUSHROOMS" is played (Words and music by M.D. Bystrov)
Like mushrooms grew in the autumn forest.
Dad is a mushroom, mom is a mushroom and a fungus is a son.
A very friendly family grew up on a hummock.
Dad is a mushroom, and mom is a mushroom, and a fungus is a son!
We will take a box and go to the woods.
Collect delicious mushrooms for lunch.
One, two, three, four, five!
We cannot collect all the mushrooms.
Let's count to five and try to find.

Host: Which team will collect the most mushrooms? To collect mushrooms, you need to solve my riddles.

(there are many riddles, they are collected in three groups of difficulty. Choose some of them, in accordance with the age of the children)

This mushroom lives under the spruce, under its huge shadow.
A wise bearded old man, a resident of the bor - ... (boletus)

I grow in a red cap among the roots of aspen.
You will see me a mile away - I am called - ... (aspen)

Brothers are sitting on a tree stump. All - freckled rascals.
These friendly guys are called ... (honey agarics)

In the forest, to the delight of people, among the young pines,
A fungus grows in a shiny dark hat ... (oil can)

Girlfriends dance round the edge in thin dresses.
Dresses - striped silk: red, white, pink, satin.
On an autumn day at the edge of the forest, how beautiful you are ... (waves)

They wear red-haired berets; they bring autumn to the forest in summer.
Very friendly sisters - golden ... (chanterelles)

Near the forest at the edge, decorating a dark forest,
Grew up motley, like Parsley, poisonous ... (fly agaric)

Look, guys: there are chanterelles, there are honey mushrooms
Well, and these are poisonous in the meadow ... (toadstools)

There are no mushrooms more friendly than these, - both adults and children know, -
They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose. (Honey mushrooms)

There are many white legs along the forest paths
In multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance.
Some in gray, some in green, some in pink, some in yellow
You take them, do not hesitate, because these are ... (russula)

Autumn: Everyone easily coped with your riddles, but let them try to guess mine!

Who stands among the grass under the pine tree by the path?
There is a leg, but there is no boot, there is a hat - there is no head. (Mushroom)

Children run under the aspen, play hide and seek.
Where one appears, there will be another. (Boletus)

I do not argue - not white, I, brothers, are simpler.
I usually grow in a birch grove. (Boletus)

He stood in the forest, no one took him,
In a fashionable red hat, worthless. (Amanita)

What kind of guys on the stumps crowded together in a tight bunch
And holding umbrellas in their hands, caught by a cloud? (Honey mushrooms)

Chocolate brown mushroom - the leaf stuck to the slippery hat.
The openwork collar is thin - this is the name of the mushroom ... (butter dish)

In a pink shaggy hat - but does not look like a muddler.
Like a plush ear for salting ... (wave)

Host: I also know difficult riddles! Try to guess them! And parents can participate too!

Pale hat, skirt on a leg,
Looks down - handles on the sides.
Beautiful and important - but no one needs it. (Death cap)

A man went into a pine forest, a man found a slug,
It's a pity to quit, eat it raw. (Milk)

In a white wig and a white jacket,
In a bright red hat, beautiful and dangerous.
Whoever takes it with him will take a sip. (Amanita)

There is a cake on the ground, it grows from the rain,
As soon as you touch it a little, it will immediately be torn apart!
Puff! And the fire burst out like a smoky cloud of disputes! (Raincoat)

Host: You have coped with difficult riddles. Well done! We collected many mushrooms. Which ones are inedible? (Amanita, pale toadstool, raincoat)

Autumn: And while you were picking mushrooms -
Autumn at the edge of the paint bred.
I gently drew it through the foliage with a brush.
Hazel turned yellow and maples blushed.
In the purple of autumn, only green oak.
Autumn consoles: “Don't spare the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold! "

The song "SPIRED AUTUMN" (Words and music by M.D. Bystrova) is played

Autumn whirled yellow blizzard
And leaves fly past all the alleys.
Red and yellow are flying in the wind.
And, probably, they want to sing a song.
Autumn leaf fall again in our garden.
Autumn leaf fall is circling, foliage is circling.
Autumn leaf fall in sad silence
Drops a leaf into his hands as a gift about himself.

For some reason, it saddens me to look out the window.
The sky is so sad, it sheds tears.
Cold droplets beat against the glass.
And it is very difficult for the droplets to keep warm.
The chorus is repeated.
We cannot live in the world without miracles. They meet us everywhere.
A magical autumn and fairytale forest invites us to visit.
The wind will whirl to the song of the rain, the leaves will be thrown at our feet.
What a beautiful time it is: the miracle autumn has come to us again!

To the soundtrack of A. Ukupnik's song: “Autumn leaf, wait, don't fall. Autumn leaf, you are so radiant. Still stay with me, do not fly away, autumn leaf ... ”girls perform a dance with leaves.

Host: Autumn is the golden time. The fall artist plays with all the colors of the rainbow. On one tree you can find yellow, orange, red, purple leaves. It is this wealth of colors that attracts artists. And although we are not real artists yet, we will also try to convey all the colors of autumn in our drawings. We cut out the name of our holiday from white paper. Your task is to paint them with autumn colors. Each one will paint one letter at a time with felt-tip pens, and then from them we will compose the name of our holiday: "Golden Beauty - Autumn!".

To the music of PI Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. October ”children and guests of the holiday paint letters. The name of the holiday is composed of multi-colored letters: GOLDEN BEAUTY AUTUMN!

Host: Do you want to play? ... We will collect the leaves.

The same amount is scattered on the floor autumn leaves different color. Several people are tasked with collecting leaves. Each of them collects leaves a certain color... Who will collect more?

Leaves are laid out on the floor in a circle (their number is one less than the players). While the music is playing, the boys run in circles. When the music stops, everyone should grab the sheet. Who does not have time, he drops out of the game.

The face of nature is getting gloomier -
The gardens have turned black
The forests are bare
The bird voices will be silent
The bear fell into hibernation,
What month came to you? (October)

Autumn: October is called the pinnacle of autumn. Why? (this is mid-autumn). Hmuren - that was the name of October in the old days. They call it in the evening of the year. At this time, nature is preparing for sleep. Everyone has a lot to do. Trees need to drop their foliage in time, insects need to hide in the forest litter or huddle in cracks, the last birds must hurry to fly away.

The ducks gathered and flew on the long journey.
A bear makes a den under the roots of an old spruce.
The hare dressed in white fur, the hare became warm.
A squirrel carries a whole month in reserve of mushrooms in a hollow.
Cleverly hides the nutcracker in the old moss for the winter.
The wood grouses nibble the needles ...
Northerners-bullfinches came to spend the winter with us.

Host: Indeed, the days and nights have become colder, not only animals, but also people are preparing for winter: vegetables are being harvested in the fields and gardens. What vegetables are harvested for the winter? Guess my riddles!

The cramped house has split
In two halves
And fell into the palm of your hand
Beads-pellets. (Peas)

Like a plum is dark
Like a turnip is round
I saved up strength in the garden,
I got to the hostess in borscht. (Beet)

The lady sat in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We prepare tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

I am green and mustachioed
Slightly prickly, striped.
I keep myself cool
I quench my thirst in the heat. (Cucumber)

The cheeks are pink, the nose is white,
I sit in the dark for the whole day.
And the shirt is green
She's all in the sun. (Radish)

For curly tuft
They dragged the fox out of the mink.
Very smooth to the touch,
It tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot)

I grow up in the garden.
And when I mature
They make a tomato out of me
They put it in the cabbage soup and eat it like that. (A tomato)

Thrown off Yegorushka
Golden feathers
Yegorushka made
Crying without grief. (Onion)

As you guess riddles characters the next scene, they go on stage and put on their hats with the image of vegetables.


Our harvest is good, it was born thickly:
And carrots, and potatoes, white cabbage,
Green zucchini, red tomato
A long and serious controversy ensues.
Which of us, from vegetables, is tastier and more necessary?

Peas popped out - well, a braggart!

Polka dots (fun):
I'm such a pretty little green boy!
If only I want, I will treat everyone with peas!

Blushing from offense, the beets grumbled ...

Beets (important):
Let me say a word, listen first.
Beets are needed for borscht and for vinaigrette
Eat and treat yourself - better than beets - no!

Cabbage (interrupting):
You, beets, shut up! Cabbage is used to cook cabbage soup.
And what delicious cabbage pies!

You will be very pleased by eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And as a fresh cucumber - everyone will like it, of course!

Radish (modestly):
I am a ruddy radish, I bow low to you.
Why praise yourself? I am already known to everyone!

Carrots (flirty):
A short story about me: who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and gnaw on carrots -
Then, my friend, will you be strong, strong, dexterous.

Then a tomato pouted, and said sternly ...

A tomato:
Don't talk, carrot, nonsense, shut up a little.
The most delicious and enjoyable, of course, is tomato juice.
There are many vitamins in it. We drink it willingly.

Place a box by the window. Water only more often.
And then, as a faithful friend. A green ... onion will come to you!

I am a seasoning in every dish and always useful to people.
Have you guessed? I am your friend. I am a simple green onion!

It's time to end the dispute! It's useless to argue!
(There is a knock at the door. All the vegetables fall silent.)
Someone seems to be knocking ...
(a student in a suit of Aibolit enters)

Vegetables: (in chorus):
This is Doctor Aibolit!

Well, of course it's me! What are you arguing about, friends?

Which of us, of vegetables, is the tastiest and most important of all?
Who will be the most useful for all diseases?

Aibolit: (pacing):
To be healthy, strong, you need to love vegetables.
Everyone, without exception. There is no doubt about that!
There is also a taste in each of them, and I do not presume to decide:
Which of you is tastier, which of you is more needed!

All the participants in the scene sing the song "Harvest" and lead a round dance.

The host brings out the vegetables cut into small pieces on a plate. Blindfolded children taste vegetables and guess them to taste. And after the game, both the participants and guests of the holiday are happy to eat vegetables prepared for the game.

The field has become black,
It rains and snows.
And it got colder,
The waters of the rivers were frozen in ice.
Winter rye freezes in the field,
What month, tell me? (November)

Autumn: November - last month autumn. Its ancient Greek name is breast, from the word "pile", which meant a broken, bad and frozen path. In November, the sky is often covered with heavy clouds, snowing in half with the rain.

Autumn walks along the path, soaked in the puddles of the legs.
It rains, and there is no light ... The summer is lost somewhere.
Autumn rain poured puddles, you need to cross them as soon as possible!
Five boys and five girls are participating. Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor. Make two tracks. The guys should run, stepping only on sheets of paper. The rest of the space is flooded with water. Who will cope with this task faster and more accurately?

Host: Nature is beautiful at the end of autumn. Bright red berries adorn the rowan trees, but the calendar is relentless, the bright colors of autumn fade away. Winter is coming soon. It was customary among the people to arrange farewell to autumn. And they arranged this farewell after the whole harvest was harvested. Let's spend the autumn too - we'll sit over a cup of tea.

Festive tea party.

Host: It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye. You accept our gift, come to visit more often.

"Autumn" brings in a basket of apples and treats children and guests of the holiday.

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