Trainings on the relationship between men and women. Training "Man and Woman". What kind of women do men like? The formula of love or the secrets of a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman


"Honeymoon for Life" or "How to improve relations between a man and a woman in 2 weeks" is an effective training of relationships for those who want to restore and maintain relationships, return love.

How to fall in love with a man or a woman? - relationship training for those who want to meet and "hook" a man or woman, to fall in love with themselves.

Attracting love "or" How to attract the man of your dreams? "- relationship training for women who want to meet a beloved and loving man.

- relationship training in the format of a video course for women who want to get married for life and be happily married.

- online relationship training for women who want to build a happy relationship with a man using female strategies.

Woman, man plus money - relationship training for women who want to inspire their man for financial success, and those who want to meet a wealthy man.

Psychological training for men and women:
- For those who want to keep or return love,
- For those who want to improve or restore love relationships,
-For men and women who want to love and be loved again.

Man and woman. Two worlds.
How to understand each other?
How do you create a relationship?
How to keep feelings?
Where does love go?

In this psychological training, you will learn:

How relations between a man and a woman develop;
- what is the psychology of love;
- you will analyze how the roles are distributed in the relationship between a man and a woman;
- how is the energy exchange in the relationship in a couple;
- you will learn about how the feeling of love develops;
- why love often leaves or turns into hate;
- what the relationship between a man and a woman depends on.

Day 1. "Is loneliness a bastard?"

You will talk about your needs. Be aware of what you really need.

Face loneliness and find out how it is dangerous and how it can help.

And find yourself in relationships with yourself and with others.

You will learn how:

  • Allowing yourself to accept and love yourself no matter what
  • Asking for help with children or around the house and being understood and heard
  • How to explain your needs to your wife without criticism, reproaches and aggression
  • Relax if you feel sorry for the time for yourself
  • Raise self-esteem and change your partner's attitude towards you
  • Listen to your real self, not to the voice of your parents or companion in your head
  • Find and fix attitudes that interfere with the relationship
  • Understand yourself and your usual ways of building relationships
  • Directly talk about your secret needs and desires directly, without the danger of being criticized
  • Provide a supportive environment in which it is safe to open up and be yourself
  • Build deep, sincere relationships
  • Start dreaming again and realizing your goals

Day 2. "When Soap Bubbles Burst"

You will learn to meet your pairing needs. You will figure out what to do if you are disappointed in your partner. How to make it better, and is it possible. And how to preserve yourself and relationships when there is a crisis in the family.

You will learn:

  • What to do when you have little tenderness, attention, care
  • What to do when you want your partner to change
  • What do you really expect from a partner and is it realistic to get it
  • What your partner expects from you
  • What is more important to you: what you do not match or what you are on the same wavelength
  • Where do you coincide, and how do you coincide?
  • What to do with the things that do not suit you in family relationships
  • What kind of family model would you like to build
  • What to do if the partner does not have enough male skills (repair, build) or female skills (create comfort, feed deliciously)
  • How to act when your partner is not acting the way they used to
  • Do you need to let your husband go to see friends or go fishing, or do you need to hold him tighter so that your connection does not break
  • How to help your wife regain resources and feel loved and desired
  • How to help your husband to reveal his masculine strength with your love and lead the family to success and prosperity
  • How to get your wife to appreciate what you do for her
  • How, without criticism and quarrels, inspire a partner to become more responsible, decisive and encourage them to learn and change
  • How to help your partner switch from work to home and intimacy

Day 3. “Who will hold the candle.

Why do we need a triangular relationship? "

You will find out why you need other people in a relationship. What are we really afraid of when we think about or face cheating? Why and when is better to unite with other people.

You will learn how:

  • Your trust is built and what to do if you do not trust your partner
  • Maintain contact when you live with other people and feel embarrassed to fight and speak frankly in front of them
  • Save yourself from the mother-in-law and mother-in-law who constantly interfere in the relationship
  • How to neatly but confidently clarify your relationship with your father-in-law and become the head of your family
  • Endure and not fall apart when you are compared to others and you lose this battle
  • Better to do: be wise and patient or get out of this relationship
  • Be confident when criticized, not supported, or accepted

Day 4. “Ariadne's thread. When the Minotaur woke up inside "

You will learn what aggression is from the point of view of psychology and biology. Why does it arise and how to use this energy effectively. How to build boundaries in relationships and find healthy ways to express aggression.

You will learn:

  • What is the hidden reason for misunderstandings and conflicts
  • How to behave when your partner is impatient, aggressive, criticizing
  • What if the partner doesn't do anything about their aggression. Does not try to understand himself, does not relax, does not meditate
  • How to convey to your partner that it hurts, it is unpleasant and you cannot do this
  • What if the husband does not admit that the wife is also a person with her own opinion and rights
  • How to get out of conflicts without damaging your emotional state
  • How to solve long-standing conflicts and deal with mistakes that have already been made
  • What if you want to hit your partner sometimes. Especially when he does not understand calm conversations or shouts.
  • How to handle when anger gives way to tenderness
  • How to debate if your partner is silent and it would be better if he shouted
  • What if the partner has cut off all feelings and communicates without emotion
  • Which buttons turn on annoyance for each of you
  • How to conduct a dialogue in order to maintain both contact and yourself

Day 5. “Sex or not sex. How to feel an orgasm in a relationship "

You will become familiar with your myths about sex in the family and understand how they hold you back and what resources they provide. Understand what else is hidden behind the need for sex. And learn to say “no” if there is no desire - but in such a way as to maintain contact.

You will learn:

  • How to keep your relationship aroused and new
  • What to do if your partner is no longer interested in you
  • What to do if you get tired so that there is no strength for intimacy
  • How to regain lost contact when you've forgotten what it is like to have sex
  • How to refresh your senses and look at each other in a new way
  • How to feel attractive and see the attractiveness of a partner
  • How to explain what you like without blushing or turning pale
  • How to make up in bed properly

Day 6. “I am. You're. And if we met, that's great. And if not, it cannot be helped. "

You will feel the joy of "we are together." And face a conscious choice when divorce is a necessary end to a relationship.

This is such a complex topic that it is scary to be left alone with it. But until you look her in the face, the fear of separation will poison the relationship or interfere with your new life. Better to touch the topic of goodbye with our loving support and live the experience in safety.

You will learn:

  • How a relationship begins and how it ends
  • How to withstand when a partner decides to leave
  • How to let go when unbearably painful and scary
  • How to rejoice in another person in our life instead of lack of freedom and tension

At this meeting, we also live the completion of the training: acknowledge ourselves, others, forgive and say goodbye.

The final festive evening for the training participants!

Departure day!

There are different aspects that relate to how to stay in your place in a relationship, how to be located in yourself and be close to your partner. And before that - how to approach a relationship in general.

From questions of acquaintance, clarity, what is behind everything, are there any substitutions in relationships to much more - how to develop them.

  • How to build relationships without manipulation, in dialogue? What is needed for this?
  • How to learn to thank your partner and correctly identify areas that do not need to be aggravated?
  • How not to force him or her to do what he or she does not want, not to demand, but to learn to accept?
  • How to grow in a relationship together, not at the expense of one side?
  • How not to count who is inferior or owed, but to be on that wave when everyone wants to do for another, and there is a return with gratitude?

Often, personal relationships are not formed on the basis of what a person really is, who he is in society, but proceed from how he perceives himself (self-awareness can be greatly underestimated, or vice versa). Injuries, different perceptions, attitudes affect our personal life, from which starting point we build it.

And there is a manner of relationships in which the way we grew up in our family is constantly manifested.

There are people who hunt like catchers, and there are those who obey. There are many different models in personal relationships. And this is a whole whole system for life.

What key points can be found in order to build relations that will be a space of trust and security, joint development?

We propose to first see the system of relations from the outside, not coloring ourselves, but as a whole. Then, how we (each personally) build them: how we position ourselves in ourselves and approach the relationship, how we build boundaries, project what the partner should understand and oblige what he should do, what are the reasons for this, how much we immediately put this person in one row with our loved ones and demand how he should behave, we impose certain norms of compliance on him (and he can be completely different). And where does the wave of interaction come from, why do we catch this person in the lens of our attention and who turns whom to himself, and then how to develop relationships and how to develop in them.

Questions that we will work on during the training

Own starting position in relationships, awareness

  1. How you are in yourself, where you come from, how much you feel and what affects it - experience, self-esteem, status. What initially determines your choice and how you manifest yourself in a relationship is your sense of self. First of all, you need to look into how you are located in yourself and learn to look into it. What zone in you gives a request for a relationship, as far as you understand that not only you yourself, but also what is required of you from your relationship (gender, surname, family). Sometimes we are attracted to what we deny or forbid ourselves. We may want to provide a certain set of needs, we create an image of a partner from books, observations of parents, some ideas, and we ourselves are in a completely different state. What we want from a relationship doesn't always come from us. It's like a theory - expectations from relationships. You need to feel your objective state - not what you think about yourself, but from where comes what really corresponds to you. This is completely different. If we theorize and "mold" ourselves, it doesn't work. When we do not evaluate, but simply become aware of ourselves, more conformity comes to this relaxed state. And it is important to realize what else influences our choice - past relationships, fear of getting burned or making a mistake, or, on the contrary, the position that it is better to make a mistake, but to take a risk - everyone has different ways, and often it is uncontrollable, the gut chooses spontaneously. At the training, you will be able to open your attention to where you are going into a relationship and become more aware of what you choose based on, harmonize and strengthen your internal platform, on which you can rely, settle down more harmoniously in the starting position, from where you look into the sphere of relationships.
  2. How aware are you of your expectations, what is necessary for you in a relationship, what points should be provided? When we go into a relationship, we subconsciously mean a lot of everything that should be in them. But there can be one entry point, and then we just add whatever we are waiting for, as if it goes without saying. We often go from "I can't live without a relationship anymore", and then a lot of things are superimposed on them that are not immediately taken into account. We can simply start a relationship with a certain "part" of a person, some qualities that we choose consciously or unconsciously, and we attach the rest. If someone's interests in a pair are not taken into account, sooner or later this entails compensation. In a relationship, one cannot sacrifice the interests of any of the partners - one way or another, dissatisfaction accumulates and requires compensation from somewhere outside - a person can "run away" into work, hobbies or connections on the side, closeness or something else can appear. You need to see and begin to be aware of your true needs before you broadcast yourself and go into a relationship. Because if these interests cannot be realized in this union, it will have consequences. It is important to feel that your priority in the relationship is more important. To gain greater awareness in this matter is also a separate part of our training with practice.

The stage of acquaintance and the beginning of a relationship

You need to learn to see how you enter into a relationship, whether you close your eyes to something (with thoughts that you will cope further), how much you take responsibility or go by inertia, where your will stops working. And how do you know how to define your boundaries, how you broadcast yourself when you enter a relationship. What perspective, expectations do you set and how do you articulate it.

It happens in different ways and you need to start not being afraid to look into it in order to see yourself, to realize who or what you are when you start to be involved in a relationship.

This is very important, because interaction is when both have their positions and are responsible for themselves.

There are nuances of how we position ourselves and how we realize it, how we set and do not set expectations, which affects how we manifest ourselves.

It also needs not only to be filtered, but to learn to look into it consciously.

Interaction dynamics - manner, strategy, tactics, relationship development and relationship development

This part of the training is about how this joint dance develops, how thoughts, emotions are played out, characters and experience collide, how development takes place. What takes place within the relationship and what is around the couple, as a system of society, the people around them participate, who or what complements the relationship and how much we see it.

Often we pull the partner over to ourselves or simply please his rules, go over to his side. Relationships are in the middle. There should be a common psychoemotional space, in the content of which both are embedded. And it is important that the rules of both sides are read out and accepted, heard.

Most often, if you are ashamed or scared to speak, many moments in the union occur spontaneously - one does as he does, the other must adapt.

If the relationship is initially built on someone's side, sooner or later it is necessary to create an agreed common territory. You should not "wind up" the person on yourself and you do not need to "fall" into him. It is important to go out to meet and stand together.

Nowadays, there are a lot of interesting things outside and it becomes more difficult to stay in a relationship. It takes less time for them to run out, the relationship ends much faster.

When the speed of life increases, it becomes more difficult for two people to fully provide for each other and the requirements for interaction and communication increase.

You need to learn to maintain relationships not mechanically, but to have time to meet each other again.

What is especially important in our reality now is that the frames of perception of masculine and feminine are changing, new facets and requirements have not yet settled down, and the old scheme sometimes does not work.

In almost all cultures, the status of men is higher, while women are now becoming more progressive in many areas. And the system of society uses it.

Acceleration of social life captures female energy, and if a woman goes to earn money in a masculine way, her position in relationships changes and this greatly affects them.

And men are becoming more passive. A metropolis, a more or less secure life (when there is no need to "get food"), hibernates a fierce masculine position. Therefore, the search for adrenaline begins, and this affects stability.

At the same time, a man sometimes does not know what he can do without a woman. And a man may not know if he is able to provide this woman - not only financially.

It is not enough for a woman just money, gifts. She will accept it. But you need compliance, depth, progressiveness, and it is difficult for men to provide everything. Therefore, the time is when women take on more. A woman, if she is conscious, can be loyal, while leading.

Men are traditionally engaged in pumping up strength, business qualities, how to win, and women are much more involved in the topic of relationships, men are slightly behind in the development of this art.

One way or another, if we are talking about a joint dance, it is not enough just to meet, we must also dance. And this is a mutual work - a relationship.

Behind each pair there are points on both sides, on which each person relies in this union, there are key positions why the two walk together over and over again.

And in all respects there is something to work on. We choose to spend life with this person, and then there is already something that everything holds on to, and something that is incremented.

There are psychological and spiritual patterns of how to feed, maintain, develop relationships in a couple.

At this stage of the program, we will work with how to feel the rhythm of relationships, keep them alive and progressive.

The main task of the training- to help you move to building relationships honestly and beautifully, to express yourself harmoniously, to accept, to hear your partner, at the same time to feel the boundaries very clearly, to interact without substitution and without obligation, and to strengthen each other in relationships.

You will be able to openly look into these topics, gain more awareness, understanding, and learn a range of key points that are necessary for a relationship to be reasonable, adequate, harmonious.

  • You will see, realize in which zones you are stuck and what to do with it.
  • Get the missing knowledge you need.
  • Energetically raise your platform at each point.

Each topic will be accompanied by meditative practices to balance all aspects and provide a resource for relationships.

Group resonance gives amplification at every point - this is very important.

Everyone has their own experience and it seems to us that we all know. Any relationship affects all areas of life, but everyone goes through it in their own way.

When we designate together what is important to notice, what influences the fact that we already build relationships more successfully, everyone can reconsider how they have been in a relationship until now and what investments in this area of ​​their life they can make now, gets inspiration and resource.

Meditation and Initiation Training Program

  • Picking yourself up.
  • Correction of ideas, archetypes - to raise the platform on which you rely in relationships.
  • Ending a past relationship is to pick yourself up and let go of the ex-partner's energy.
  • Initiation of a resource for new relationships and the development of existing ones.
  • Other.

There will also be a practice with initiation, how to feel the energy of interaction.

When there is a circle in which masculine and feminine energies are present on a collective level, everyone can participate in what the exchange of masculine and feminine energy is, and this greatly promotes the skills of communication with the opposite sex.

Who is this training for?

  • For those who are in search - to build your willingness, deploy resources, integrate what you have in order to develop a relationship.
  • For those who are already in a relationship - to straighten your shoulders in order to be more productive and conscious, open, dynamic, easier and more comfortable in them, see deeper and experience more happiness.

If the relationship already exists, there is a resource for development in it. If everything is over, it can open up and life will continue on.

For some, this training is an opportunity to qualitatively prepare a launching pad for harmonious relationships, for others - to initiate their perspective.

Join us!

Copied from the site ""

Training program "Secrets of the relationship between men and women"

Target : actualization of attitudes regarding the relationship of opposite sexes, the formation of students' conscious and responsible position regarding relationships with the opposite sex.


    Form the skills of reflection when choosing a partner.

    Develop your own position regarding sexual relations and marriage.

    Get information on gender differences in behavior.

    Create conditions for the training participants to actualize the image of an ideal partner.

    Help to understand what the participant is doing as a man / as a woman.

    Help to understand and adjust the system of participant criteria associated with finding a partner.

    To create conditions for the training participants to understand their model of relations between a man and a woman.

Working hours : the program is designed for 1 hour.

Necessary materials : 2 sheets of Whatman paper, markers.

Course of the training session:

    Acquaintance with the rules of group interaction:

    "Here and now".

    Sincerity and openness.

    The principle of I.



2. "What do I do as a woman, what do I do as a man" (7 minutes)

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress, activation of participants, mood for further work.

Leading: “In every person, regardless of gender, there are traits inherent in both men and women. The feminine part in the man is called anima, the masculine part in the woman is called the animus. Men can read poetry, love theater, be artistic and highly emotional. Women, despite the stereotype, can behave tough, show strong-willed qualities, take first places in martial arts, be an excellent boss, and hold leadership positions. The boundaries and stereotypes of male and female behavior are blurred. "

Instructions: “Each participant is asked to complete two sentences:“ I do like a man… ”,“ I do like a woman… ”.

After that, the participants share their opinions.

3. Discussion "friendship - love - sex" (10 minutes)

Target: activation of participants, immersion in the topic of the lesson.

Instructions : Let's talk about such concepts as friendship, love and sex. In what proportions and ratios does this happen between a man and a woman? (The facilitator draws circles on the board during the conversation, in various combinations). Each circle is a concept.

Is there a friendship between a man and a woman?

How can it be expressed?

How do you understand that friendship develops into love?

How are relationships changing?

Is love possible without sex?

Sex without love? (We draw visually circles of relationships, various combinations).

Output: only with an equal balance of friendship, love and sex is a harmonious relationship possible.

4. "Types of love" (10 minutes)

The exercise requires A4 sheets, colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Target: to form in the participants the concept of love and building relationships.

Instructions: Each participant needs to draw how he imagines love. This task is given 3 minutes. Next, the participants need to break into pairs and discuss the following questions (5 minutes are given for this task):

My idea of ​​love;

Similarities-differences of drawings, ideas about love;

If our drawings met (if two people met with such an idea of ​​love), what would the relationship be like in a couple;

What are the relationship problems in a couple;

What are the prospects for a relationship in a couple.

Discussion (5 minutes)

Reflection on the lesson.

5. Exercise "7 stages of love" (5 minutes)

Target: to enable participants to understand the stages of the difference in love between a man and a woman.

Instructions: The relationship between a man and a woman is the path in which they are poisoned together. Whether it is long or short, interesting or banal depends on the two of them. And you can also say that relationships are a process, and like any process they have their stages or stages. It is about these stages of the development of relations that I propose to talk about. There are 7 stages of love. Let's try with you to determine the order of development of these stages.

1. Falling in love.

2. Stage of satiety.

3. Rejection.

4. Patience.

5. Service.

6. Respect.

7. Love.

6. Exercise "The Language of Love" (5 minutes)

Target: to convey to the participants the differences in the expression of feelings of love between men and women.

Instructions: The language of love is the form and way in which one person gives his love to another.

Love has its own languages. If you talk about your love in a language incomprehensible to your beloved, your love will remain incomprehensible to him. You need to convey your love to another person in the language that is close and understandable to him. And love has many languages: someone is closer to the language of words, someone is closer to the language of actions, someone is closer to the language of touch ...

Let's split into 2 teams, a team of boys and girls.

Each team has a list of the main love languages, you need to choose exactly the language that you use in relation to your loved ones.

The main languages ​​of love.

Touches and kisses - you want to touch your beloved, hold the hand, kiss ...

Time together - if loved ones spend time with anyone, but not with me, this is insulting. And if he wants to be with you, this is a joy!

Words of love - from a loved one I want to hear that you are dear to him, that he loves you!

Care - this is any effective help, including washing, going to the store and any small services by the way).

Listen - for the sake of a loved one, you can sometime not argue, but simply take and do. Why? Because for a loved one.

Attention to the beloved - when you remember and think about your beloved, you want to tell him about it. SMS, just call, small souvenirs from the trip, pick up a gift in advance - this suggests that the question: "Where is your soul?" you have the correct answer.

Present - your beloved wants to give the whole world. And if the whole world does not work out, then the gift is expensive, worthy and exclusive.

Revitalization ... If your face is more alive next to your beloved than with anyone else, it means that your beloved is really your beloved, that is, the source of life.

As you and I saw men and women express their feelings in different ways, therefore, in relation to a loved one, this must be taken into account so that you do not have conflicts.

7. Exercise "Serpent Gorynych" (20 minutes)

Target: Developing effective communication skills and identifying personal attitudes regarding marriage and sexual behavior.

Exercise progress: The group of young people is divided into three subgroups. Each of the subgroups receives its own task on the cards. After each of the subgroups gets acquainted with their task, you can start communication.

Group # 1 convincingly convinces group # 2 that it is right, group # 3 is an observer.

Group # 2 convincingly convinces group # 3 that it is right, group # 1 is an observer.

Group # 3 convincingly convinces group # 1 that it is right, group # 2 is an observer.

Exercise discussion: (important to ask the groups questions!)

What happened / what didn't?

Which group was the most convincing?

What group would you like to be in if you knew the conditions in advance?

Content of cards:

Legend # 1

You are one of the heads of the Serpent Gorynych. It so happened that you are madly in love with Elena the Beautiful and want to marry her. She also loves you. But your romantic period can be ruined by brothers (2 more heads of the Serpent Gorynych). In order to play a happy wedding, it is enough to persuade one brother (head). The third always follows the majority. Please find as many arguments as possible in favor of a happy and legal marriage.

Legend # 2

You are one of the heads of the Serpent Gorynych. It so happened that you decided to make a deal with Baba Yaga for a long time. She offered you a marriage of convenience. Baba Yaga needs you to improve her personal status. In return, Baba Yaga promises you material well-being. You decide while you are young and full of strength, you can earn in this way. And you can start a family later in the future. An important condition, according to the marriage contract, you will have to remain faithful to Baba Yaga until the end of the contract. In order to carry out the deal, it is enough to persuade one brother (head). The third always follows the majority. Please find as many arguments as possible in favor of concluding such a deal.

Legend # 3

You are one of the heads of the Serpent Gorynych. It so happened that you have long had a strong passion for Marya the Artisan. As a result of a passionate romance, you made the decision to live together (civil marriage). You are not yet ready to marry. Marya the Artisan also does not strive for legal marriage. You see a lot of advantages in such an alliance. In order to accomplish this, it is enough to persuade one brother (head). The third always follows the majority. Please find as many arguments as possible in favor of such an alliance.

8. Exercise "Claims to the opposite sex" (15 minutes)

Instructions : the group is divided into 2 teams - boys and girls separately. Then each team makes a list of reasons why they do not want to build a serious relationship with the opposite sex, a kind of claim. This task is given 5 minutes. After that, each team presents its list, the presenter records the results on the board (on one half of the guys 'claims to the girls, on the other half of the girls' claims to the guys). Discussion.

9.Exercise "Ideal" (20 minutes)

Instructions: the group is divided into 2 teams - boys and girls separately. Each group is given a sheet of Whatman paper. The task is to draw on one half of the Whatman paperideal , on the other half, describequalities of an ideal (guys draw and describe girls, girls, guys). The task is given 10 minutes. Then each group will present their poster. Discussion. The presenter draws the group's attention to the differences in the description of the ideal between boys and girls.

“The portrait of the ideal man / woman has been defined. Think about whether you can be perfect for your girlfriend / boyfriend? After all, in order to match the ideal image, you need to work on yourself.

10. Mini-lecture on the peculiarities of male and female psychology. (10 minutes)

Let's make a reservation right away that we will talk about some"Average" "typical" men and women. The variety of those and others is such that there are women who have more masculine features than any other man. There are also men who have more "feminine" qualities than a certain woman. But these are exceptions, which, as they say, only confirm the existence of the rule. Therefore, in what follows, under the word "man" or "woman" we will understand a certain "typical" representative of the sex.

More developed:

In men

Among women





general perception

attention to detail

tendency to abstraction


orientation in space and time

dexterity and sensitivity of hands

technical focus

humanitarian focus

success motive

motive of relationship with others

striving for leadership

ability to obey

desire to be the first for a woman

desire to be one and only

Compared to a woman, a man is more

Compared to a man, a woman is more







decisive, risk-averse














Features of perception

In the perception of a man, the main place is occupied by what he sees. For a woman, most of the impressions are associated with the perception of speech. Statements like"A man loves with his eyes, and a woman loves with his ears" ... In the speed of perception and mental mobility, a woman is noticeably superior to a man. Women, for example, read faster than men and are better at presenting what they read in more detail. They usually count faster than men, they remember better.


A man and a woman have a different process of thinking. Men tend to think more logically, abstractly and spatially. A woman, on the other hand, thinks more concretely and often relies on intuition.Men treat most things rationally, and women emotionally, spreading one thought to many situations. Women have less developed spatial thinking and spatial orientation, so they often confuse directions (left, right) and, for the most part, hardly park their cars.


The man grasps and evaluates the situation as a whole, the woman fixes her attention on the little things. For a woman in an ordinary situation, great observation is characteristic. In a situation of stress, danger, a woman is more likely to "lose her head", and with it her observation. In men, in a situation of danger, observation becomes more acute.


The observations of psychologists indicate thatin men, the predominance of choleric temperament traits is more common. It is for them that a distinct manifestation of volitional reactions, assertiveness, energy, impatience is characteristic. A man is usually characterized by more external aggressiveness, more persistence, the ability to resist a rough pressure. That is why choleric temperament can be considered as a "male" temperament.Sanguine and melancholic temperaments correspond more to the female nature. Women are characterized by mobility, a violent manifestation of feelings, a rapid change in mood. A woman is usually aggressive only if she is unhappy.


Women are usually much more emotional than men. It is customary for men to restrain their emotions; it is pointless to demand this from a woman. The swings in a woman's mood are enormous. The nervous system of women is less stable. Therefore, a woman quickly passes from one emotional state to another. Women react more sharply to rewards and punishments, react more painfully to conflicts and troubles at work and at home. The woman laughs when she can and cries when she wants to. Men express their feelings more difficult than women. Men are more aggressive, stubborn and courageous, more harsh in manners, speech and feelings. Women are more empathetic, responsive and shy, more emotional. Women tend to chew on unpleasant situations and negative feelings, especially when they relate to relationships with loved ones or coworkers. A man forgives and forgets, a woman forgives but does not forget.


Men are more balanced in self-esteem than women. Self-assessments are often underestimated in women, and overestimated in men. Men are more self-confident, they are more often satisfied with themselves.A man always measures himself according to his work and achievements, a woman's self-esteem depends on interpersonal relationships.


Women are much more self-critical about their role in society than men. But they are also more prone to the formation of stereotypes of behavior and it is more difficult to admit that it can be improved. Women are more critical of their appearance than men are of their abilities. Men are more critical of their interlocutors than women.


Men think more about their career, work, business - this is their driving force. In the first place in the hierarchy of their values ​​is very often professional self-realization, success in some business. Men are aimed at achieving a goal, gaining a certain social status and power, winning the competition and successfully reaching the “bottom line”. The focus of women's interests is communication, cooperation, harmony, love. For a woman, the first place is family, marriage, children and relationships with relatives.All studies on the priority values ​​of men and women show that 70-80% of men everywhere continue to claim that work is the most important part of their life, and 70-80% of women prioritize family.As a result, if a woman is unhappy in personal relationships, then she cannot concentrate on her work. If a man is unhappy at work, he cannot engage in personal relationships.

The need for communication

The average volume of communication among women is more than one and a half times greater than the volume of communication among men. The need for communication of many women is so great that if a woman is unable to “chat” during the working day, this negatively affects her mood, productivity and quality of work. In some “women’s” enterprises, breaks of 5-10 minutes were introduced for communication. On other tables, the workers were rearranged so that they could talk without being distracted from their work. These measures proved to be economically viable. The different needs of men and women in communication are the source of numerous conflicts in families. In most cases, the husband fully satisfies his need for communication during the working day. The wife is far from always, because her need is much greater. Therefore, she hopes to fill the lack of communication at home. But this does not always work out. The husband is silent or answers questions in few words. Telling him - does not listen, and even goes to the TV. The wife, of course, is offended: “You don’t want to talk to me, and you don’t pay attention to me,” and so on. And the point here is simply a lack of knowledge of each other's psychology.

Communication goals. For women, the process of communication is important, for men - the result. You need to talk to a man not in hints, but directly about what a woman wants.

What are they talking about . The weakness of many women is to gossip about home, renovation, and even gossip. Men talk more about work, politics and sports. Men like to talk more about their successes, while women like to talk about their failures.

Interrupting the interlocutor. A woman interrupts her interlocutor less often than a man; she sees the interlocutor better and understands his feelings.Having interrupted, the woman then returns to that moment of the conversation, which was then discussed. A man interrupts a woman 2 times more often than the one interrupts him.

Hearing. A woman listens attentively much longer than a man. On average, a man listens to a woman attentively for only 10-15 seconds, after which he is inclined to give an answer without specifying the information.

Reflections. A man prefers to think in silence, expresses only the final result. A woman thinks out loud, which is perceived by a man as chatter.A typical male question (not always, however, asked aloud): "When does she think, if she talks all the time?" Scientists from the University of Sydney (Australia) found that the female tendency to chat is explained by the peculiarities of the female anatomy: in women, the region of the brain that controls speech is 20% larger than in men.

Relationships with others

Women are more sensitive to human relationships, more sensitive to their nuances than men.If men have a more pronounced need to achieve goals, success, then women in the first place are relationships with others.Attention to others is one of the most attractive features of true femininity. Women "read" faces much better, subtly capture the mood of the interlocutor, and are much more sensitive. A man is less dependent on his environment, therefore, to a greater extent, he is capable of some actions, decisive actions, volitional decisions. A woman, on the other hand, often thinks about the consequences, about the opinions of others and how the people nearby (husband, children, parents, relatives, work colleagues, friends) will react.

Team relationships

It is much easier for men to coexist in men's groups than women in women's groups. A father-in-law with a son-in-law is much more likely to find a common language than a mother-in-law with a daughter-in-law. If we talk about collectives, the least conflicting are mixed ones, where men and women are represented in approximately equal proportions.If the team consists mainly of employees of the same sex, then the moral climate is better if the leader is of the opposite sex.Men are especially uncomfortable when negative judgments are given in the presence of women. ... Talking about cooperation, it can be argued that men most often compete, and women cooperate.

Perception of work

Traditionally, for a man, work is a means of realizing, expressing himself, for a woman - a place where she can feel respect and communicate.For a woman, good relations in the team, the personal qualities of the leader are the most significant motives when choosing and evaluating a place of work. Men prioritize the profession, its content, work functions and wages. For women, all this is also important, but not a priority. Women's productivity directly depends on mutual understanding in the team. Work conflicts among men usually affect the climate in the family. For women, the opposite is true - the lack of mutual understanding at home affects their relationships in the team, causes inadequate reactions to the behavior of colleagues. This is understandable: that which we especially value, and offends more.

So, there are so many differences between a man and a woman that I would like to say - they differ in everything. In any case, the words thaton Earth, as it were, coexisting, intertwining and interacting, but without losing their essence, two different civilizations, two communities - men and women, so necessary to each other and so different.

11. Exercise "A world without women / men" (15 minutes)

Instructions: the group is divided into 2 teams - the guys are separate from the girls. The guys are given the task to think over a world where only men would live. For girls, a world where only women would live. How would they manage the household? How did you arrange your everyday life? What would be the laws, how would children be raised? How would you spend your free time? What professions prevailed? Discussion.

12. Reflection of the lesson. (5 minutes)

Target: summing up the results of the lesson. Getting feedback.

Leading: Our training has come to an end. I want to hear the opinion of each of you about today's lesson. What did you like? What didn't you like? What was the hardest part? What have you learned new?

List of sources and literature used:

1. Psychology [Electronic resource]: Dictionary. URL:

2. Don Hamilton “Taking the Exam” (A Guide for Maximum Success and Minimum Stress) ISBN 0-304-70489-X.

3. Life in harmony [Electronic resource]:

4. We pass the exam. Anti-stress program. Natalia Vrublevskaya.URL:

5. Khachaturyan S.D., Rogov A.V. Training program for the prevention of stressful states of the penal system employees. - Moscow, 2010 .-- 24 p. under the general editorship of the head of the personnel department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Colonel of the Internal Service A.V. Romanov.

6. No-stress - the site of the professor of psychology of the Voronezh branch of the Moscow Humanitarian - Economic Institute Yu. V. Shcherbatykh [Electronic resource]: Methods of correction of examination stress (chapter from the doctoral dissertation of Yu. V. Shcherbatykh).URL:

7.D. Gray. "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus"

8. Alan and Barbara Pease "Why Men Lie and Women Roar"

9. T.E. Kosarevskaya, R.R. Kutkina Psychological problems of adaptation of first-year students to the university // Methodical recommendations. - Vitebsk: Publishing house of the educational establishment “Voronezh State University named after P.M. Masherova ", 2006. 42 - p.

10. Grinder D., Bandler R. From frogs to princes. - Voronezh: NPO MODEK, 1993. - 208 p.

11. Zakharov VP, Khryascheva N. Yu. Socio-psychological training. Tutorial. L .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1989.

12. Games - education, training, leisure ... / Ed. V.V. Petrusinsky // In four books. - M .: New school, 1994 .-- 368 p.

13. Practical psychology of education. Textbook. settlement, 4th ed. / Edited by I. V. Dubrovina. - SPb: Peter, 2004.

14. Pugacheva, M. What is the difference between male and female psychology? [Electronic resource] / M. Pugacheva // Journal [site]. - Access mode: http: // Id = 5996 (date of access: 13.04.14).

15. Sandomirsky M.E. Stress protection. - Publishing house: Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001.

16. Sheinov, V. P. Woman plus man. To know and conquer / V.P.Sheinov - M.: Harvest, 2002.

Have you ever experienced a wild, impossible despair from not understanding the psychology of love between a man and a woman? Feel complete emotional powerlessness, seeing the results of their actions, which turned out to be so far from expectations? ..

Have you ever wanted to understand what kind of women men like? To clearly see the psychological differences between a man and a woman and not to guess what a woman should be in order to get the desired attitude from a man, but to know it for sure.

Have you ever experienced a wild, impossible despair from not understanding the psychology of love between a man and a woman? Feel complete emotional powerlessness, seeing the results of their actions, which turned out to be so far from expectations?

When you are in despair ... You get tired of fighting against the icy wall of loneliness and melancholy ... When the desire to experience ordinary female happiness remains unfulfilled for many years and delivers excruciating suffering, you so want to believe the promises that you will be taught:

    see the difference in the psychology of men and women;

    determine which women are chosen by men;

    understand the psychology of men in relation to women and the psychology of friendship between a man and a woman ...

But who can teach this?

Training "Man and Woman" is a panacea for mental wounds, or ...

Once I went there, full of hope and inspired by the words:

    “Family happiness is in the hands of a woman”;

    "Awaken the feminine power in yourself";

    "Get power over any man" ...

Beautiful, spectacular women in high heels, claiming that they are loving wives, passionate mistresses and successful business women in one person, promised to reveal the special secrets of the psychology of women and men. Tell what women men want and what women men marry. Teach to be desired and manage men's thoughts, actions, decisions. To teach all the intricacies of dating a man and a woman.

Now, looking through the prism of the knowledge gained at Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", I understand all the stupidity of these strange meditations, visualizations and practices. Now I also understand the principles of forming a training program. Indeed, in almost each of them, special attention is paid to the method of "begging" gifts from a man.

The coaches convinced us that an independent woman is nonsense and the more gifts a woman manages to receive from a man, the more he will appreciate this woman. At these meetings, auto-trainings were also held, for a moment making you believe that a wonderful personal life awaits you ahead. Believing that crowds of men, whom they had already attracted by the power of their thoughts, were waiting for them outside the doors of this center, women again broke their hearts against the harsh reality ...

Complete misunderstanding of intentions, thoughts, reasons for the actions of men. Dating inappropriate men and unsettling relationships. Even greater than before, a feeling of powerlessness, resentment, misunderstanding of the psychology of love between a woman and a man. Feeling of one's own "wrongness", uselessness and lack of the right to female happiness.

So maybe, indeed, someone was born for happiness and power over men, and someone for suffering alone? And there is a strictly defined type of women that men love, and the rest simply do not fit this standard?

What kind of women do men love, or Who is worthy of female happiness?

Women's training makes one fatal mistake. They are built on the principle: "There is a type of women that men like, and every woman needs to fit herself to this type."

As a rule, these trainings are conducted (in the terminology of Yuri Burlan's systemic psychoanalysis). And this is natural. Nature itself has endowed these women with an innate ability to please. Indeed, any man will be happy to have such a woman.

But this does not mean at all that if another woman copies the model of behavior and even the appearance of a skin-visual woman, she will immediately be able to build a comfortable relationship with any man. Moreover, another woman does not need any man. She needs a strictly defined type of men. The one that suits her in properties and is able to share her desires with her. The one who will be desired by this woman and who himself will experience an irresistible craving for her.

There are strictly defined, nature bequeathed rules for the attraction of sexes. Men with certain qualities and a certain life scenario like strictly certain women, and vice versa. And a beautiful woman through the eyes of men is not the one who tries to follow some kind of standard, but the one to whom he has a natural natural attraction.

They do not love men with their eyes, but ... with their nose. By capturing the woman's pheromones and unconsciously determining that this is the one that suits him, the man begins to feel attraction to her, which creates in him a feeling of the special beauty of this woman. That beauty that can sometimes be invisible to others.

And all women's problems associated with relationships with men or with the inability to take place in social life are due to a lack of understanding of their unique characteristics. Because of attempts to find an external reference point and be equal to it.

Understanding her natural properties and desires with the help of systemic psychoanalysis, a woman learns to unmistakably find her way. Your men. Love and understanding with your soul mate. Its place in society. Your state of comfort. This is not a dry theory, but who have learned to see themselves and people around from the inside. Understand your own and others 'properties, desires, and even predict scenarios for your own and others' relationships in a team and in a couple.

Listen to what one of the training participants tells about the changes in her life that happened to her after undergoing Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology":

You can get an idea of ​​Yuri Burlan's training at the next cycle of free online lectures.

Proofreader: Galina Rzhannikova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-vector psychology»