Happy Valentine's Day toast. Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone. Wonderful toast for Valentine's Day in verse

Toasts to Love for Valentine's Day

My toast to love:
She turns poison into honey.
And from iron creates gold.
To heal the sick is given to her.
She makes wine from vinegar.

I want that in the world of screams they do not know
So that a woeful groan is not heard,
I want people to forget faster
Screams born of the horror of wars.
My toast: to always be distributed
The sonorous cries of newborns.
My toast: to make the world sound
Only songs of happy, songs of lovers

You are like spring, bright and good.
Everything is perfect - body and soul.
You gave me the light of the day and the light of the night.
Let me give you my love and drink to you.

My toast is to the wives - not only at this hour.
For them, lovely, lovely, dear!
For them to appreciate us
And lifted us up in the eyes of others!

Valentine's day, the holiday of all lovers,
I wish you joyful victories
Be happy, healthy and cheerful,
Forgetting the hardships of all the past years.
Stay kind, affectionate and sweet
May your dreams come true.
And always be so unique
And in dishes, and in habits, and in love!

"An intelligent person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool," wrote La Rochefoucauld. So let's drink to crazy love!

As Goethe said: A fool in love with stupidity is much: He will give the sun, the moon, and the stars To fireworks, to a beauty for fun! So let's drink to men in love!

The happiness of love is in action, love is tested by the willingness to do something for others. Let's be ready!

The chicken runs away from the rooster and thinks: "If I catch up - I won't give in." The rooster runs and thinks: "I will not catch up, but I will keep warm." Let's drink to the fact that there are no roosters and hens with such conservative thinking among us!

Let's drink to the phenomenon that, by shortening the life of each person separately, prolongs it for all of humanity as a whole. Let's drink to love!

The love of a young woman is like young wine - tart, unrestrained, intoxicating. The love of an aged woman is like old wine - aged, with a bouquet, intoxicating. All women are beautiful. For your love!

They say that first a person must study the theory, and only then gain practice. In love, the opposite is true: they become theorists when all practice has already ended. So let's drink to the fact that theory never breaks away from practice!

They threw the dog into the lion's cage. He wanted to eat it, but decided to play at first. Played and fell in love. And the dog began to live with the lion. So let's drink to love at first sight, capable of working miracles!

They say that a giant who does not know love will not even reach the waist of an ordinary man in love. Love uplifts. Let's raise a glass for the sublime love that raises us to heaven!

Let us drink, friends, for women who adorn our lives like flowers. Let's drink to the men who, like gardeners, tend to these flowers!

A journalist comes to one of the collective farms and sees three old men sitting at the collective farm board, deep in thought. - What are you thinking about, grandfathers-? - the journalist asks. They answer him: - When a baby is born. God descends to earth, and if he kisses the baby on the forehead, then a scientist will come out of him, if on the lips - a singer, if in the hands - an artist, if on the legs - a dancer. And here we are sitting and we all think, well, where did he kiss our chairman of the collective farm? So let's drink to men and women, whose divine kisses give birth to love!

For those who love once - and for the rest of our lives, for us to learn to love in such a way, and so that the first - only love does not have bitterness late autumn... "We all loved a little: someone and somehow ..." There is no greater joy in a successful marriage than remembering the first unsuccessful love. For the first setbacks that lead to future victories!

Love leads through the deserts And through the mountain ranges, And in the wind it does not freeze, And is not afraid of heights. For the fact that we care about blood, My toast, of course, to love!

When a man and a woman meet, then it comes to the law of universal gravitation. When a man and a woman diverge, it comes to the laws of opposition. So let's drink to the laws of love, thanks to which people meet who discover other laws!

Life with love is always soldered by inseparable threads. They are alone without the other Not a second to bloom, not a moment. Life is interrupted - And here the end of love comes, Here is the eternal law, Intended for all generations. I propose to raise glasses and drink For the unity of life and love!

Night, moon ... He and She. He said "Yes", She said "No". Years passed. Night, moon ... He and She. She said yes, He said yes. But the possibilities were not the same. So let's drink to timeliness in everything!

A good fellow is driving "Zhiguli". He sees a toad sitting by the road. She raises her paw and says in a human voice: "Have pity on me, good fellow, take me away from here." The fellow had a good heart, he drove the toad in the car. He stopped at his house: "Get out!" And the toad again asks: "Let me live in your garden!" - "Live!" - the guy waved his hand. I went into the house and made my bed. The toad jumped onto the windowsill and again asks: "Let me into the room!" - "Okay, jump!" - agreed the young man. The toad jumped onto the bed and turned into a beautiful naked girl. Our young man lost his tongue, and at that time his wife entered the room ... So let's drink to the fairy tales that we tell our wives with inspiration !!!

Three people argued about what love is. One said: - Love is a flower that grows from a seed accidentally dropped by the wind into fertile soil, beautifully blooming, but very quickly withering and unstable to the vicissitudes of the climate ... The second said: - Love is a drink that you yourself pour into your glass and you can drink for a long time in small sips, savoring it, or you can greedily drink in big sips, but all the same, at some point you will inevitably see the bottom ... And the third said: - Love is love: it is random and natural, momentary and eternal. .. And everyone was amazed at the beauty and wisdom of his words. Let's raise our glasses to love!

No pretense and tricks can neither hide love where it is, nor show it where it is not ... So let's drink to true feelings!

There are many sonorous words about her
Wise poets said.
For forever young love -
A source of joy and light!

* * *
My toast to love:
She turns poison into honey.
And from iron creates gold.
To heal the sick is given to her.
She makes wine from vinegar.

* * *
My toast is to the wives - not only at this hour.
For them, lovely, lovely, dear!
For them to appreciate us
And lifted us up in the eyes of others!

* * *
For you, beloved!
Oh, how insignificant all comparisons are,
Inspiration coming to me in moments!
One thing I know: I always need you -
With the sun, with the moon, in the crowd and in silence,
And even in a dark dream, at the very bottom -
I need you!

* * *
Let's drink to our love, dear!
Even if there are spots in the sun,
But our love will not have stains.

* * *
Life would be empty, of course,
If she is not marked by beauty.
And when they say "Beauty"
I always think of a woman.
No, that blood will not cool,
Who in beauty did not remain ignorant.
Where a woman is, there is love,
And with love - and faith with hope.
This is the largest capital
That will not be provided by itself ...
And I raise my glass
For the wonderful part of humanity!

* * *
Be calm my delicate
Timidly loving and beloved,
You are my fragrant autumn
Gently sad, necessary ...
Only in you I find healing.
For my necessary!

* * *
I'll give my whole life for you
My love, you are perfection!
You reign completely among people,
I raise my glass
For your happiness, for you,
To always have your love for me
Like a rose, it was on fire!

* * *
The love of a young woman is like young wine - tart, unrestrained. The love of an aged woman is like aged wine, intoxicating. Both love makes men happy!
Let's drink to beautiful women - the embodiment of love!

* * *
For a sick soul, love is the strongest poison, for a healthy one, love is like fire to iron, which wants to be steel. Let's drink to the steel of our love!

* * *
Darling, you do the impossible every day: you prove to me that my intentions are serious.
I congratulate you on the fact that we have each other, and I raise my glass to you - an intelligent, patient and only woman in my life!

* * *
When a person is born, the first feeling he experiences is the love of his mother. When he dies, the last feeling that he takes with him is love for the world he leaves behind and the love of those who see him off on his last journey. Hence the conclusion: everything gives birth to love, if there were no love - there would be no us. For love!

* * *
They say that first love kills boredom, and then boredom kills love. Let's drink to prevent boring love on our way!

* * *
The flowering of love -
Here's our reward.
I drink my full horn for her.
For a lover, the mountain is a barrier,
Like a small pebble at the feet.
And a pearl tablecloth!
After all, if
He was frightened by the sharks' grin,
In the sea underwater kingdom
He wouldn't find anything.
The shepherd, being afraid of wolves, will not be able to
Otaru to grow his ...
Love multiplies our courage.
That's why I drink!

* * *
Glasses are poured
They have a gleam of amber,
And the faces flare up
Like vernal dawn.
Longing sweeps with wine,
It excites the blood
And in my heart it asks again
Both happiness and love.

* * *
Let the years rush in a row
Let the winds howl and blow
You be the one to fall in love
Could someone always be in you!
May there be sun on a rainy day
And a generous, warm light - in the eyes!
May there be a lot of happiness in life!
And only occasionally - a tear.

* * *
I wish you a lot, a lot of happiness.
I want a young person in life
The road you took
Didn't become a narrow path.
I also wish you love
Huge clean as a tear
And so that they smile in life
Your happy eyes

* * *
Always be beautiful -
And soul, and myself,
Be loved all the time -
Both in winter and in spring,
Do not bow down with rowan,
If trouble breaks out,
Be, dear, happy
On this day and always!

* * *
I wish you to be beautiful
Always desired, young
In the bosom of the family - always beloved,
In the circle of friends - always simple.
I wish you many, many happiness,
As well as light and warmth,
And so that all your way
Was covered with flowers.

* * *
Morning will come, and their
In an instant, a rose will dissolve the petals.
May your tender eyes
They don't know what tears are
Let everything be as you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
They will become your reality!

* * *
I wish the sky depth
And joy without an edge
I wish you tenderness in love
Flowers bloom in my soul
May all days be clear
And life is without regret!

* * *
Everything that sounds beautiful in life
I wish you, darling, truthfully
So that love never ends
There was no trouble and sadness on the way,
Great happiness, great friends,
Health, success and sunny days.

* * *
Darling, I give you a bouquet of scarlet roses,
May your beauty live for a hundred years.
Your voice and your eyes are full of love and tenderness,
And a lock of your lovely hair
Like the clouds of heaven.
I wish you from my heart
Always be like that, don't get old,
Blossom and be always happy
Healthy, joyful in the future.

* * *
I wish you to be always beautiful
Kind, sweet, patient.
Always be a little new
Cheerful, healthy.
Stay young
And do not grow old in soul.

* * *
Darling! Everything is sick without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn ...
And even the sun shines on me sadly,
When you are not with me.
So let only happiness accompany you
Good luck will overshadow you with a wing.
And may my love, hope and participation
Protect and preserve your home.

* * *
I wish you bad luck
So that you called me for help:
Break your arms and legs
Lose your wallet in the hustle and bustle
Find yourself in the bear's den,
Drop boiling water on yourself
Have a cup of parked ink
Pour a new shirt with soup,
Step on the snake at the zoo
Get sick with the plague on your birthday
Fall off the train on the go
Get hurt by a thug's knife
Light up from an extinguished match
Sit in the woods on a big hedgehog
Wander into the swamp for a walk
Poke your finger with a needle
Fall on the fence from the helicopter
Serve with eggplant caviar ...
And when this happens
I will hasten to help you -
I will heal you, calm you down
I will shield, protect, extinguish.

* * *
I want you to be beautiful
Always in soul and appearance
So that separation does not threaten us,
Trouble did not divide us,
Kept from bitter jealousy
I want you to be kind
Intransigent with untruth,
Like a cold with a fire

* * *
If the girl is being led involuntarily down the aisle,
This is often the end of virtue.
After all, a spouse may be calm for his honor
Only on condition that he himself is worthy of love.
And if husbands have something on their foreheads,
Let them blame themselves - not wives and not fate.

Romance is good, especially today, Valentine's Day! But there is one "but" - pouring "snot in sugar" all evening is very boring and the evening may not pass in a very positive way, and this should not be allowed.

You can cheer the lady of the heart by saying some cool toast in the topic of February 14. Why not?

Humor and fun are almost always appropriate, and even more so here! Show yourself the soul of the company, even though there are two of you.

It may happen that you celebrate this holiday in the company of "bachelors" and "bachelors", and then the excess of romance will not "give a ride." And before draining the glasses, the topic will be just funny and comic toasts about February 14 and Valentine's Day. You look and having struck someone with your eloquence, you will ensure yourself a meeting of Valentine's Day on next year already in a different company.

Valentine's Day
You came home screwed up
Whole gloomy, with a sour face,
I was expecting you with a salary.
You said I was a cow
That the apartment smells like a dog
And left with friends again
Valentine's Day!
You made a face like a rat
Dispersed the mud with his hands
And pee in the aquarium
Valentine's Day.
And let the west not tease us,
Making us critical.
No, this is not a Russian holiday -
Valentine's Day!

A toast about how representatives of different professions love:

Who loves it ???
The cook is hot; fireman - fiery; photographer - instantly; pastry chef - sweet; a lawyer - eloquently; bathhouse attendant - hot; accountant - prudently; student - platonic; sprinter - swiftly; doctor - deadly; a madman is mad, and a fool like me loves faithfully and deeply.
For stupid love !!!

It is known that the Lord, when he made women, put a lump of sugar in each, and in one he put two lumps. Since then, all men are looking for the woman in whom there are two lumps of sugar.
Let's drink to those who found it!

Toast to the love everyone deserves:

There is student love: when there is someone with someone, there is something, but there is no where.
There is lonely love: when there is where, there is something, but no one with whom.
There is unhappy love: when there is where, there is with whom, but no what.
There is philosophical love: when there is where, there is what, there is with whom, but - why?
So let's drink to the love that each of us deserves!

Love opens the way to heaven. Don't believe me? Then we read and remember the following toast:

One person fell into the next world. He walked, walked and saw: the people were crowding, the stairs to paradise were hanging.
He asks: "What's the matter, guys, that you don't want to go to heaven?"
“Well,” they answer, “the ladder is different for everyone, and there are as many steps on it, how many women loved each of us. Well, the people got stuck - some on the first, some on the second, and some didn't budge ”...
This toast is to those who love you!

Happy Valentine's Day,
I tenderly congratulate the lovers.
Do not forget about gifts,
This day I wish.

And the contacts on the phone
It is always true to keep.
To "love you" to another,
Suddenly do not accidentally say!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Let love be mutual
So as not to shed tears from grief,
To live without personal suffering.

I wish you a glass
For everyone to meet a couple
So as not to swear with your beloved
And kiss more often.

Among dozens of weekdays
There is one special one.
Valentine's Day
Cupid is all our lord.

And I can't sleep from feelings.
Oh, how I strive for you ...
Arrows in the heart, an awl in the pope:
I can't wait for the meeting.

To prove my
All-encompassing love
I am sending a valentine.
You catch her quickly!

Valentine's Day
Congratulations, accept.
No need for grateful words -
Just hold it tight.

You sit closer to me.
And I whisper in your ear:
"My gift," Kamasutra ",
Waiting for you under the pillow.

Oh, do not sleep now neighbors
Together with us until the morning!
Happy Valentine's Day,
And I give myself to you.

I have a disgruntled mine:
Do not dare to approach - I will kill!
I curse forever Valentine
For his unfortunate fate.

They did not send postcards for the holiday,
Even the simplest greetings!
Dandelions or daisies
Or a flower dried since summer!

If only sweet candies are presented,
Listen to the wise man's advice on Valentine's Day.
Swap a robe for a dress, find some lipstick.
You never need to scour your husband's pockets.

It's hard work in the position of Cupid,
Because a miss on the target is not allowed.
You need to take a closer look - at the heart and figure,
That is, it is important to see who is vulnerable and in what.

Be merciful, needed for each other!
All who love sincerely, congratulations!
Be kind in life and friendly in work,
So that the fire in your soul never goes out!

Love is in the stomach and blood!
I dream so much to be loved.
But my days are running out
And the arrows all go by.

On a wonderful holiday - ringing in the heart:
I hope again for a miracle!
Tell me, ill-fated cupid:
Will I be happy this time?

Or my congratulations to anyone
Didn't you like it on your love day?
Curly fool how could you
Miss again with an arrow?

Curly Boy Cupid
He's been naughty today in earnest.
There is a ringing in the February air
Arrows flying every minute.

Not even a minute - every moment,
Having impregnated an arrow with love poison,
This mischievous person beats in the hearts,
And the glances burn with fire.

So let it become yours too
Heart is a target for a prankster,
Let it sing in your chest with enthusiasm
Dances right up to dizziness.

Often, often, hops pushes into the blood,
And the earth, swaying underfoot,
Floats away ... and carries love
Fortunately, by gifting you with wings!


My knight, I will sew you a shirt
And I will bake your favorite cake
I will pick and give you a chamomile
Then I'll heat and season the grog!

The cake is burnt, chamomile is under a snowdrift,
Grog is drunk, and there is only a stitch in his shirt ...
I will smile and kiss tenderly
And I'll give you my little rhyme.

Festive toasts and congratulations

Holiday greetings on Valentine's Day!

[ Valentine's Day congratulations, congratulations, wishes]

1 the sun came out without a veil

February became weak at heart, -

exchanged my chervonets

on medals and almonds.

For honey details

to crazy verses ...

You wouldn't give a copper

for such trifles.

Gave it away - enough for everyone

lollipops and bells.

I, my dear, have not forgotten

what love rhymes with.

I don't know rhyme better

what is coming up to february

just the same, the same sonorous ...

The way "I love you!"

2.Dangerous when playing with feelings,

We are both very strange

Already reached the edge

And not crazy.

And I will not hide my desire, -

I just don't know - what are we waiting for? -

When in the end with you

We'll go crazy all the same! ..

Moon and stars, midnight and dawn ...

And even the sun shines on me sadly,

When you are not with me.

So let only happiness accompany you

Good luck will overshadow you with a wing.

And may my love, hope and participation

Protect and preserve your home.

4.All the words in the world

Put on the palm and suspension,

Pass the stream behind the stream

Carefully sift into the light

And you will see that in the world there is no

Words are better than "LOVE"

Happy is he who whispered him,

Happy is he who heard him,

Who saved him forever

At any steepness of the road.

5. I am going crazy with love.

My whole life is in vain without you.

Without your eyes, without your lips,

I am so unhappy without your hands.

I don't understand, but why

Fate gives me meetings with you.

So that every time I see you,

Be sad when the evening comes

6. If you stop loving, then now.

Now that the whole world is at odds with me.

Be the bitterest of my losses

But not the last straw of grief.

And if I can overcome sorrow

Do not ambush.

May the long night not be born

A dreary morning, a morning without joy.

Leave me alone! But not at the last moment

When from small troubles I will be weakened.

Leave me so that you comprehend again

That this grief of all adversity hurts the most.

That there are no hardships, but there is one trouble

Your love will be lost forever.

7.I wish you many, many happiness,

A piece of blue sky

And in it is the coveted star:

Your love, your dream!

8. I never tire of confessing

In my feelings again and again!

A feast of body and spirit -

Our love with you!

9 self-sufficient person

And a wonderful boyfriend!

Happiness in life smiled at me

Fate presented a present!

10 our meeting is over

A stormy, sensual romance.

Let love be both

A real talisman!