I wish you many years of good luck and luck. Happy birthday and anniversary greetings in verses, wedding greetings and cool toasts

They say luck loves strong people but it doesn't matter whether it is or not, good wish good luck in poetry .... Still did not stop anyone!

May everything come true and all come true
Beginning success will be bold.
Good luck will help all dreams come true
And any business is arguing in the hands!

Any moment is so important and valuable
Indeed, there are no insignificant minutes in life.
May luck be with you all the time
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to the goal brings you closer every step,
Any roads lead to success,
The support of loved ones helps in everything,
Warm and caring for them? give strength!

We want to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright deeds,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
We met every new day!

May luck smile
The world will be full of warmth
Life does not hide secrets of happiness
And makes all dreams come true!

Good luck on the exam
Let you, friend, visit!
Let the task be easy
You can solve it!
Do not be afraid on the exam
Be calm, don't rush!
Don't worry again
Think everything over, write.
Hope for good luck
You yourself, of course, do not do it!
Crash on the exam
Answer "excellent"!

From the heart of only joyful days
Good luck and great happiness!
Let life become brighter, brighter
Good luck awaits again and again!

I wish you new sensations
Happy friends
Clear days
Great news
Stylish life
Work stable,
Good luck in everything
Night and day!

Let the friendship be real
Success is a joy to the soul,
Career - bright and brilliant,
Income - stable and large.
Health - strong, boundless,
Cozy and beautiful - a house
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

I wish you live easy and simple
Among the successes, among the victories,
And let at every intersection
The green light is on for you.

We wish the mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes shine with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any hindrances,
Only to luck and success!

We wish you bright happy days!
Concerns of loved ones, warmth of friends!
Keep love and joy in your soul!
Believe in luck and love life!

We wish the ocean happy years
To furrow on the ship of fortune!
And let the dreams of the cherished bright light
Does not fade in a bold and hot heart!

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant to find the answer.
Reach the heights of your career as soon as possible,
And succeed in your personal life,
Serve friends in everything by example,
And look into the distance with optimism.

How sweet life tastes when it
Saturated, beautiful and impetuous,
Full of good, joyful events,
At any moment she is amazing.
May life be like this for a year,
The mood is getting better,
And every day will bring
Success, luck, happiness and luck!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart? beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of petals
Brighter than clear noon!
Let every moment be warm
With the love of those who are near.
So that for this wonderful moment
Look with a happy look!

Interesting discoveries, great successes,
So that dreams are achievable!
And more often the worries of dear people,
Understanding of loved ones.
Let the support of friends give confidence,
And luck helps in everything.
Let life become brighter with every hour
More interesting and brighter every day!

Achieve all goals successfully
It's nice to wish with all my heart!
Let happiness be boundless
Great success awaits
And career distances beckon
Savings are growing wonderfully!
Good luck to decorate life,
There would be luck!

May the joys of the moment do not end
Cherished dreams come true
Desire and ability to win
Willingness to support everyone who is around!
May luck and luck wait in everything
The mood will always be great
May plans and deeds succeed
To make it brighter and happier life was!

We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if there are wrinkles, then only from laughter,
And so that misfortunes do not meet in life,
And if there are tears, then only from happiness!

In business? success and luck!
In the shower? warmth and kindness!
Life is interesting, in a mood,
Believe in luck and dreams!
Give love to family and friends,
Greet a new day with a smile
And all that is the best in life
To be able to see and know!

From a pure heart with an open mind
Today we wish you a great life.
So that there is health, and happiness, and joy!
So that the years fly and are not a burden!

Love, harmony, warmth,
In everything, luck to wait!
And life was always in bloom
Gave me joy and a dream!
Let spring sing in your soul
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

Days of amazingly happy
Flowers, smiles, tender words!
Let there be everything that is sweet to the heart:
Good luck, joy and love!

We wish you the brightest days,
Tender feelings, good luck in everything
And to keep life warm
Caress, joy, warmth!
Kindness and beautiful words,
Like dewdrops on flowers
And miracles, happy minutes,
As in captivating dreams!

Inspiration, good luck day after day
And we want to wish you success in everything,
Prosperity and happiness in the present,
And for the future - the prospects are brilliant.

Lives value golden moments
Cherish her every minute
Let luck help in plans,
Keep the course for success and luck.
Move boldly towards the appointed goal,
Strive to your distant horizons,
So that dreams can come true,
To make any wishes come true!

When someone close to you is going through a difficult period or is faced with a problem, then you may have a natural desire to support him and wish him good luck. If you are not satisfied with the usual "Good luck", then we can offer many other options for this. All cultures have different ways expressions of such wishes, ranging from words and symbols, and ending with spells, amulets and facial expressions. All of these methods are aimed at helping you find the right path and express your best and most sincere wishes for a favorable outcome.


Encouraging words

    It's simple - say "Good luck". This phrase is one of the best and most simple ways wish someone good luck. A simple and heartfelt phrase that you can never go wrong with.

    Use a different phrase. If you're dealing with someone who doesn't like the phrase "Good luck" or just want a more soulful phrase, there are many ways to say the same thing in other words. Choose one of those offered by us, depending on the situation.

    Express your feelings in another language. Russian is not the only language in which one can wish “Good luck”. Another way to be extraordinary is to wish you luck in another language. This method is especially good if the other person speaks this language or this culture is close to him.

    • In Spanish, you can wish someone good luck with the phrase “¡Buena suerte!”. In German, there are two phrases "Viel Glück!" and "Alles Gute!" The phrase "Bonne chance!" relevant in France.
    • In Italian, try the phrase "Buona fortuna!" or "n bocca al lupo!"
    • The phrase "Jūk néih hóuwahn" (祝 你 好運) is used in Cantonese Chinese language, while the words "Gokoūn o inorimasu" (ご 幸運 を 祈 り ま す) are pronounced in Japan. The phrase "Ganbatte ne" (頑 張 っ て ね) is used informally.
    • Wish the person good luck in Greek by saying “kalí tíhi” (Καλή τύχη). İyi şanslar, and Bol şans! means good luck in Turkish.
    • Saubhāgya "means" good luck "in Hindi. Arabic it will sound like "Bi't-tawfiq!"

    Using amulets, offerings, and good luck spells

    1. Choose a natural amulet. Most of the good luck charms are taken from nature. Give real amulet or look for a visually similar one if you can't find the original.

      Choose a symbol from the animal kingdom. There are several animals that bring good luck. Try using one of them to convey your wishes to the person. In addition, some parts of the body of various animals are also considered a symbol of good luck.

      Make an amulet. Not every amulet should be exclusively of natural origin. Some amulets are made by human hands. It will be much easier for you to part with most of these amulets, unlike the desire to give a rare natural one, so consider this when you want to express your wishes for good luck.

      Consider religious symbols. In some religions, there are symbols that bring good luck. These symbols can have much greater importance rather than amulets, but they can also be used to express your wishes. If the object of the wish for good luck is a religious person, then such a symbol can be an excellent gift option.

      Cast a spell for good luck. In some religious traditions, certain spells are believed to bring good luck. For example, there are a number of relevant magic spells in Wiccan, based on ancient European pagan beliefs. If you like this idea and the person for whom the spell is intended understands it, you can try one of them.

      • For a Wiccan spell, you need oil and a black candle. Put oil on the tip of the candle and move it up and down in your hands, visualizing the person, wishing him good luck and whispering: "The black candle bring prosperity and joy to this person."
      • One more spell needs to be pronounced before bed. With a candle ballpoint pen and paper, write a wish, and then put a piece of paper under the candle. Get all thoughts out of your head. Light a candle and focus on what you want the person, visualizing him at the same time.
    2. Present food. There are a number of good luck foods. Give the person one of these foods as a good luck wish, or make a meal using it.

47 944 0 Good day! In today's article, we'll talk about how to attract good luck into your life. effective methods helping to improve life and attract good luck to the house. In fact, this is much easier to do than you might think.

Psychological ways to attract good luck

V last years only the lazy does not speak about the popularity of self-hypnosis. A lot of books have been written on this topic and many films have been shot. It is worth noting that all this is really not an empty phrase and there are many examples that confirm the reality of this theory.

However, there are few simple dreams and there are many nuances that must be observed. Let's consider the most important ones:

  • The desire must be positively expressed and real;
  • When asking for something from the universe, you cannot use the " not» ;
  • There is no need to think over the path to the dream, because the ending is important;
  • You need to think about your fantasy as often as possible.


Affirmations are specific phrases that bring you closer to your dream. They use special words that inspire faith. In addition, the Universe is better at recognizing such expressions, because there is too much superfluous in the fog of thoughts.

It is worth noting that you can use ready-made affirmations, or you can invent them yourself. It is best to read the examples and then experiment on your own.

You can pronounce the cherished formulations both aloud and silently. Do whatever is convenient for you. It is especially important to perform this ritual immediately after sleep and before going to bed. If you want quick success, then don't be lazy to think about it more often.

However, the most important thing in an affirmation is not the frequency, but the belief in it. If you are a skeptic and just decided to test the theory, then nothing will come of it. You need to say phrases sincerely.

The most effective affirmations for attracting good luck are considered to be:

  • I deserve good luck;
  • I am worthy of happiness and success;
  • My life is a series of wonderful events;
  • I am always lucky in everything;
  • I attract good luck every day;
  • Fortune is always there;
  • Success and luck go by my side;
  • Everything is going well and the way I want it;
  • All my surroundings are talismans of good luck;
  • Everything works out for me;
  • I achieve my goals and desires;
  • I am a successful and talented person;
  • I am content with my life;
  • I thank the Universe for my constant luck;
  • My dreams come true.

Pay attention to how the phrases are constructed. It is very important to express your thoughts and desires clearly and confidently. You should speak as if you already have it all. If you build sentences in the future tense, then dreams will come true, but it is no longer known when.

Affirmations - this is very strong ritual who really helps those who believe in him. You can come up with expressions that suit your situation in life. By the way, the topics of the phrases can be completely different.

Many people say affirmations about luck, health, love, etc. at the same time. However, do not go too far with the number, because it is best to use only 5 phrases, but very powerful and full of energy.

Believe in yourself

Surely you have met people who are constantly lucky. Have you paid attention to their self-esteem or mood? If you really remember, you will understand that the lucky ones are positive every day and think life is the coolest thing.

They are really relaxed and don't expect any trick. They know and are confident that something good will happen to them, and it cannot be otherwise. This is also in essence positive thinking, but they do not force themselves, because this is their way of life.

Do you think you won't be able to do that? In fact, anyone can control their behavior and this will lead to positive results.

Where to begin:

  • Start your day with a smile and gratitude for living on the planet;
  • Try to control the appearance of negative thoughts and suppress them;
  • If something bad happens, look for the pros, not the cons;
  • Trust that you will succeed;
  • If something does not work out, then think that you do not need this case, person or situation;
  • Avoid people who constantly whine and gossip;
  • Connect with those who inspire you and have achieved a lot;
  • Try to look at everything that happens from the outside, without judging.

Yes, these rules are not easy to follow, but they significantly improve the quality of life. Stop twisting in your head that you are a loser and the most pleasant events will happen by themselves.

Wish card

This is one of the most effective ways to get what you want. Making a wish card is incredibly easy, so don't be lazy to try this method.

You will need: clean Whatman paper, several magazines with colorful pictures, scissors, glue and a good mood.

Sit down to make a map only with an enthusiastic attitude. You should choose pictures from magazines that you really like. Cut out whatever interests you, but use different themes.

These images need to be pasted in a certain order, since each zone is responsible for a specific sphere. You can use our table, pretending that this is your Whatman paper:

Wealth, money, cars, jewelryGlory, success, achievement, recognitionLove, relationship, marriage
Family, health, friends, homeYour photo Children, creativity, hobbies
Knowledge, education, self-realizationCareer, position, professionTravel, assistants, idols

Find pictures on these topics and stick them in their places. It is important not to leave gaps, because the map should be rich and solid. If you glue people, then they should be happy, bright and beautiful.

After making your poster, hang it in the most prominent place in your room. Try to devote at least a couple of minutes every day to viewing and observing images. You must see your desires and feel that you already have all this.

After a while, you will notice that some events happen by themselves and they coincide surprisingly with your pictures. Some celebrities have said that they were even presented with certain jewelry, which they pasted on their wish card. This amazing thing really helps those who believe in it.

other methods

  • Look for inspiration everywhere and in everything. The more good things around you, the faster you will see change. This applies to completely different little things.
  • Watch positive and wise films ... In fact, they also teach a lot, cheer you up and make you believe in yourself. Eliminate horror, thrillers and dramas from your life. There are enough such stories in life, so there is no need to burden yourself with additional negativity.
  • Enjoy everything that comes into your life. ... If fortune begins to smile, then you shouldn't think that here it will leave you too. Even if it leaves, you can get upset later, but for now enjoy the situation.
  • Try to trust your intuition and listen to it more often. If you want to go to a certain event, then by all means go. Do not think that you are not good enough or do not reach the society that will be there. Reach for the inaccessible and unattainable more often.
  • You must be able to bypass your comfort zone so that in the final you get what you never had. ... The same goes for signals of intuition when you don't need to do something. Just please don't confuse them with laziness. Learn to listen to yourself.

Magical ways to attract good luck and luck

Magical methods can be completely different. You don't need to go to a witch or an expensive fortune teller to use them. Now we know a huge number of other practices that attract good luck, which do not require large investments and labor.

They can help you in a variety of specific situations, not just the general attraction of success. Strong action can have common conspiracies, signs, talismans and everything that is really easy to buy or do. Many rituals have been known for several centuries and have been tested by millions of people.

Prayers and conspiracies at home

The easiest way, of course, is to say some kind of prayers to attract good luck or conspiracies. They do not take much time, but you need to use them carefully and carefully.

How to attract luck with them? Be sure to follow the advice given by the author. A lot depends on the place where you are, on the items and even on the time of day.

In this case, one psychological point is important: you need to believe that luck will really come if you do some kind of ceremony or say certain words. You need to be sincerely aware of the involvement of these methods in your luck. Just don't get distracted and only think about what you want to achieve.

How to attract good luck at work

This also applies to an increase, and a decent salary, and even a job search. Correct words and actions will help you achieve what you want in a short time.

To complete the conspiracy, you need to stand with the first rays of the sun. Look in advance at what time it will be sunrise and set the alarm at least 5-10 minutes earlier. Go to the window and watch the sun appear. Turn off all extraneous thoughts and quietly whisper the words:

“Sunny, you shine to people from the sky, give your warmth to the mother earth. Good luck to me to succeed in my work. Sunny, you are the earthly source of life, you are a powerful light and a stream of energy. Send me success to become the happiest! "

“I have good luck and success, fortune is in my hands.
Everything is within our power, everything conceived is being implemented.
I'm smart, I'm sure the enemies are away, the failures are out "

Business luck

If you have your own business and it needs development, that is, very effective conspiracies... They will help you attract good luck in trading, new clients, money and fame.

For this conspiracy, you will need a small cloth bag. You will need to put 1 tbsp in it. a spoonful of dried basil, 1 tsp sea ​​salt, a grated and dried peel from two apples, as well as one silver and three copper coins. Then you need to say the phrase:

"Tasks are behind, things are ahead, the benefits are in the middle"

It is very important to put this talisman where you work. Can be hidden in the table or hung in the filing cabinet. Every Monday you need to take out the bag and, fiddling with it in your hands, pronounce a familiar conspiracy.

Another rite must be performed on the full moon. For him, you need to prepare a clean plate, a candle, a few cedar needles and a couple of pinches of cinnamon. Put the spice and branches in the middle of the dish and throw three shiny coins on the table next to it. While pronouncing words, hit the money with your thumb:

“A shiny coin, sparkling and round like the moon. Give me well-being. Fill my palms with many others like you. Grow, grow like my luck "

Good luck on the exam

In addition to conspiracies, there are certain rules that must be followed:

  • There is a lot of energy in our hair, so do not cut your hair or wash your hair just before the exam;
  • At night, you need to hide a notebook or textbook on this subject under the pillow;
  • Put a five-ruble coin in the shoes that you put on;
  • You need to enter the room where the exam will take place with your right foot.

As for the conspiracy itself, then for it you need to get up a little early and go to the window. Following the first person you see there, say the phrase:

“My head is bright, my mind is clear, my mind is strong. I know everything, I can do everything, I understand everything easily, I have an answer to all questions. Good luck comes to me with any task "

Of course, if you have not learned anything at all, then it is unlikely that something will help you. It is possible to attract good luck and luck yourself, but at least minimal knowledge must be present.

There were many cases that with the help of all the rules and this phrase, people pulled out the right ticket or had questions to which they knew a clear answer.

Luck for happiness and love

This conspiracy will help you improve family relationships or meet your love. Amazing things will begin to happen to you and you will notice that happiness is coming to your home.

You can bring good luck to your family with the help of this ceremony. Get up before dawn and prepare a glass of clean water... It's good if there are fresh flowers in the room. When dawn begins, pronounce the conspiracy, bending over the water:

“Oh, you, Lada-Mother! Holy Mother of the Most Pure! Do not leave us without happiness and good luck! Send your grace to us, as if we also honor and love you, now and at all times and from year to year, until the end of time, while the clear sun shines for us! "

Say the words three times and then drink the water you use.

Prayers for good luck

In this case, you need to turn to the God in whom you believe. This does not require a specific time of day or any additional signs. Say prayers when you feel sincere faith in what you are heard and seen.

The most powerful and effective prayers are:

“The angel of God, my holy guardian, was a gift from God to me from heaven! I pray you earnestly: you enlighten me now, save me from any evil, direct me to a good deed, and instruct me on the path of salvation. Amen"

“O all-honorable, holy great martyr and miracle worker George!
Send us with your quick help, and pray to the Man-lover of God,
may he not punish us, sinners, for our own mistakes, but may he do with us according to his great kindness "

How to attract good luck and luck with the help of signs and beliefs

There are many interesting signs, which have been known for several centuries. Observing some things, you will notice that beliefs do exist and they come true.

  • Always pay attention to the person you see first on the street. If it's a pregnant woman, a mom with a baby, or any person with a full bucket, then the day will go well.
  • It will be a good sign to see in the morning a magpie sitting on wires or a cuckoo next to the park. A flying eagle or a stork will bring great luck.
  • If during the day you meet a humpbacked person, then in the near future you will be with success and joy. There is a belief that touching his hump will bring happiness this year.
  • See a spider for money. It is especially great to shoot it with own clothes or body. That is why this insect should never be killed.
  • If you are going somewhere and it starts to rain, then this is to success in business and on the upcoming trip.
  • The singing of a bird during the service in the church will be a good sign. Only at this moment should you pass by this building.
  • Broken dishes or spilled tea also portend success in life and business.
  • A paper note with your initials in the serial number promises good financial success. You need to put it in your wallet and not spend it.
  • Stepping into the manure is also fortunate and fortunate.

Talismans and amulets

These items have tremendous energy, so you need to buy talismans wisely. Certain minerals or actually prepared amulets will work well.

The most significant stones for attracting success:

  • Aventurine... He really attracts success and luck. Things start to take shape by themselves. It is good to take aventurine to important meetings or on the day of real estate purchase.
  • Olivine... Carry it with you to important interviews or dates. If you are planning own business, then be sure to buy this mineral and carry it in a purse or jacket pocket.
  • Lapis lazuli... Helps with new ventures and at the crossroads. Simplifies difficult choices while enhancing intuition.

Items for good luck:

  1. Ask friends who have achieved a lot in life about the presence in the house money tree... Ask them to give you a sprout and plant your own. Take care of him carefully and after a while you will notice that financial problems go away.
  2. Luck brings the image of a unicorn. Find or order a picture of this beast and hang it in the main room of the house.
  3. If you have an aquarium, then buy an American cichlid. Many people say that this fish brings happiness and good luck.
  4. For many centuries, the horseshoe has been one of the most powerful talismans of luck. You need to hang it over the front door.
  5. The figurine of an elephant, rhinoceros, cat with raised paw, golden key, turtle, aravana, four-leaf clover and three-legged toad also bring success to your life.
  6. Paired items are one of the most powerful talismans for attracting good luck in your personal life.
  7. A coin of the year of issue that coincides with your year of birth is considered a very good talisman.

Homemade amulets:

  • On the first day of the new moon, take a new candle and put a few drops of wax on a clean plate. During this ritual, you need to pronounce your desires. When the wax has cooled and folded, store it in a pouch and store it at home.
  • Sew a red cloth bag as this is a good luck color. Then pour in some allspice, cloves and bay leaves. Take him out of the window for three full moons in a row. Then you can carry it with you on especially important days.
  • For six days in a row, save up change from coins, and on the seventh in the gift shop, buy the thing that you like first. Throw the remaining money over your left shoulder at the crossroads, reading the words: “Paid, paid for everything in full! May it be so!". On the way home, do not talk to anyone, and keep the talisman in a secluded place.

How to bring good luck into your life with Feng Shui

Feng Shui experts say that all events in our life depend on the location of things in the house. If you follow important rules, then success and luck will haunt you all your life.

  1. Use the compass to determine where the east side is in your house. It is she who is the zone responsible for success. There should be good luck charms and a lot of indoor plants.
  2. If you are looking for an apartment, then take a look at the options with high ceilings... Energy circulates better there.
  3. There should be plenty of light throughout the house. If something does not allow you to achieve good illumination from the windows, then purchase more lamps.
  4. Don't keep a bunch of unnecessary things that you don't use in your closet. Give them to those in need, because in this case you will receive a double charge of energy.
  5. Don't sleep with your back to the door. If the bed is positioned this way, then rearrange it.
  6. Mirrors behind or in front of your bed push luck away from you. Always pay attention to this.

Each zone is responsible in the house for a specific area in your life. Do not think that if you fix only the east, then everything will be fine. Your best bet is to do a global reshuffle and buy some kind of talismans for each area.

Other ways to attract good luck

In Eastern philosophy, mantras for good luck are very popular. These are certain phrases that need to be pronounced humming, giving a large role to certain sounds. The most famous mantra for good luck:

"Pashiyami Dhaninam Klesham Lubdhanam Ajita Amtanam Bhayad Alabdha-Nidranam Sarvat Bhodvi Shankinam"

Mantras can be simply listened to. Now there are a lot of audio recordings with them. You will get a special effect if you meditate to such a composition.

Another eastern method of attracting good luck is also known - mudras. This is a definite folding of the fingers. Can be used while in meditation or just while relaxing.

When one of your relatives or friends is faced with a problem or experiencing certain difficulties in life, it is quite natural to want to show concern or wish good luck in life. If you just say "Success!" does not suit you, then there is whole line options. How to wish good luck. We will talk about this in our article. But first, let's find out what it is?

What is luck

The experience of noticeable, positive or incredible events is usually called luck. The natural interpretation of this word is that positive and negative events occur all the time in a person's life, both due to random and even unlikely events, and quite deliberate and natural processes. From this point of view, “lucky” or “unlucky” are simply labels that indicate positive, negative, or improbable events.

If you know people who constantly try their luck, know that this is not just an accident, you can attract it to yourself. Scientists' actual research has found a definite pattern between success and correct attitudes their behavior in life.

How to attract good luck

Most people associate luck as a casual game. And although there is an element of randomness in this, it does not define our life. Being lucky is truly a reflection of the choices we make.

What makes us lucky?

  1. The people with whom we are accustomed to communicate, we feel good and comfortable with them. With those whom we can wish you success and good luck.
  2. The media that we watch or read.
  3. Environment where we find ourselves daily.
  4. The ability to perceive the environment.

Taken together, these characteristics affect our emotional and psychological development... They force us to perceive the world at a certain level and give us the opportunities that flow from this.

For example, the way of perceiving the environment is different for each person, but only optimistic people achieve great heights in life. Because optimism has a magical component, it keeps us in the direction of our goals in life. Negative and pessimistic attitudes tend to push away any opportunity the person can achieve.

How to wish good luck to others

In order for fortune to turn to face us, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. One of which says: be helpful to others! This can be done very easily, it is not necessary at the same time to be "running errands" for everyone and fulfill any desire. Simply wishing others the best under any circumstances is enough, but do it sincerely. Make sure that the sincere word "luck" is heard around you, thereby you can not only learn how to wish good luck, but also create the basis for attracting it to yourself.

This can be done in several ways.

  1. Tell the person "Good luck!" or "Success!" The insincere approach of the spoken word can be interpreted as sarcasm or ridicule.
  2. Use other words for this: for a long time in Russia the phrase "not a feather, not a feather" wishes a successful event, no one knows where it came from, but it is still used.
  3. Giving a horseshoe to a person is perceived as letting good luck into the house.
  4. In many nations, it is customary to give different coins, which signify the acquisition of wealth.
  5. And many protect their loved ones with different amulets.

Considering the above methods, you can not only find out how to wish good luck to people who are dear to you, but thereby you can attract fortune to yourself.

Luck, success and good luck!

Lives value golden moments
Cherish her every minute
Let luck help in plans,
Keep the course for success and luck.
Move boldly towards the appointed goal,
Strive to your distant horizons,
So that dreams can come true,
To make any wishes come true!

Beautiful wishes for good luck

In business - success and luck!
In my soul - warmth and kindness!
Life is interesting, in a mood,
Believe in luck and dreams!
Give love to family and friends,
Greet a new day with a smile
And all that is the best in life
To be able to see and know!

Fulfillment of desires and good luck!

May the joys of the moment do not end
Cherished dreams come true
Desire and ability to win
Willingness to support everyone who is around!
May luck and luck wait in everything
The mood will always be great
May plans and deeds succeed
So that life was brighter and happier!

Wish you luck in achieving your goals

Achieve all goals successfully
It's nice to wish with all my heart!
Let happiness be boundless
Great success awaits
And career distances beckon
Savings are growing wonderfully!
Good luck to decorate life,
There would be luck!

Good luck to your girlfriend

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart - beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of petals
Brighter than clear noon!
Let every moment be warm
With the love of those who are near.
So that for this wonderful moment
Look with a happy look!

Wishes for love and good luck

Love, harmony, warmth,
In everything, luck to wait!
And life was always in bloom
Gave me joy and a dream!
Let spring sing in your soul
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

Good luck to the woman

We wish you the brightest days,
Tender feelings, good luck in everything
And to keep life warm
Caress, joy, warmth!
Kindness and beautiful words,
Like dewdrops on flowers
And miracles, happy minutes,
As in captivating dreams!

Good luck wishes

Every minute has its own purpose.
You just have to guess it
Any moment will be special
Life can become richer!
Live, not a second, not a day wasted!
Good luck ahead!
Believe that any dream will come true
And go to the cherished goal!

Good luck and smiles!

May every day be beautiful
Warmed with warmth and tenderness,
Filled with sensitivity and affection
And as clear as the light of the sun!
Smiles so that life gives
Good luck, joy and warmth,
And happiness so that always reigns
Under the roof of your house!

Good luck wishes

Inspiration, good luck day after day
And we want to wish you success in everything,
Prosperity and happiness in the present,
And for the future - the prospects are brilliant.

Days of amazingly happy
Flowers, smiles, tender words!
Let there be everything that is sweet to the heart:
Good luck, joy and love!

We wish the ocean happy years
To furrow on the ship of fortune!
And let the dreams of the cherished bright light
Does not fade in a bold and hot heart!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
More bright days
Let your life be
Twice as successful!

We wish you bright happy days!
Concerns of loved ones, warmth of friends!
Keep love and joy in your soul!
Believe in luck and love life!

I wish you live easy and simple
Among the successes, among the victories,
And let at every intersection
The green light is on for you.

I wish you new sensations
Happy friends
Clear days
Great news
Stylish life
Work stable,
Good luck in everything
Night and day!

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant to find the answer.
Reach the heights of your career as soon as possible,
And succeed in your personal life,
Serve friends in everything by example,
And look into the distance with optimism.

Interesting discoveries, great successes,
So that dreams are achievable!
And more often the worries of dear people,
Understanding of loved ones.
Let the support of friends give confidence,
And luck helps in everything.
Let life become brighter with every hour
More interesting and brighter every day!

How sweet life tastes when it
Saturated, beautiful and impetuous,
Full of good, joyful events,
At any moment she is amazing.
May life be like this for a year,
The mood is getting better,
And every day will bring
Success, luck, happiness and luck!