Conspiracies and prayers are strong for the annunciation. Annunciation ceremonies for marriage. Rite of passage at the Annunciation to attract money

Conspiracies for the Annunciation have tremendous power that can change life for the better. There are different magical texts for specific situations. For conspiracies to work, you need to read them, observing a number of rules.

Conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

Church holidays have tremendous energy that believers can use for their own good. In order for rituals and conspiracies to work on the Annunciation, the following must be considered:

  1. You cannot make adjustments to the text, and every word must be read correctly.
  2. Annunciation conspiracies should not involve harming other people.
  3. Before uttering conspiracies, it is recommended to read the "Our Father" three times.
  4. It is necessary to carry out rituals alone so that nothing interferes and does not distract. It is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts and focus on the goal.
  5. Conspiracies for the Annunciation must be read while in good mood and with a calm head.

Good luck conspiracy for the Annunciation

With the help of special magical texts, you can attract good luck to yourself for a whole year, thanks to which situations in life will develop as best as possible, and issues will be resolved in a short period of time and without much effort. Conspiracies for the Annunciation must be pronounced according to the instructions provided:

  1. First you need to buy fresh honey.
  2. On a holiday, spread the sweetness on your right palm.
  3. Connect it to your left hand and rub them for a while, as long as possible. Immediately after this, a conspiracy for the Annunciation should be said.
  4. At the end, wash your hands, imagining how everything in life is changing for the better.

Conspiracies in the Annunciation for wealth

Many people have financial problems, which directly affect the quality of life. For those who are interested in whether there are conspiracies for the Annunciation, it is worth using a simple but effective ritual:

  1. First, you need to prepare a small container in which all actions will be carried out. Take seven more coins and it is best if they are old, since they contain a large number of natural metals than the money that is produced now.
  2. In addition, prepare a natural fabric scarf and cereals. It is recommended to give preference to wheat or sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
  3. Put coins on the bottom of the prepared container and cover them with the selected grains. After that, pour in water there.
  4. Cover the container with both palms and read the Annunciation.
  5. At the end of the ceremony, cover the container with a handkerchief, and when the coins sprout, they must be transferred to the wallet in the compartment with money.

Love conspiracies for the Annunciation

The most popular are the rituals that are used to attract love. There are special conspiracies and rituals for the Annunciation for love, which give a chance for single people to meet with their soulmate. Among the simplest are the following:

  1. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare a mirror, a sheet of paper, a red pen, a candle and a box. The main color of love and passion is red, so this parameter of objects is important to consider.
  2. Light a candle and write on paper the qualities that a future lover should have. Be sure to indicate the approximate height, weight, age and social status.
  3. Roll up the paper and place it in the box.
  4. At the next stage, take a mirror, and, without taking your eyes off your own reflection, tell the conspiracy.
  5. After that, the candle must be blown out, and the items used for the ceremony must be put in a box. Hide her in a secret place so that other people do not find magical things. It is believed that in the near future it will be possible to meet your destiny.

Conspiracy for marriage to the Annunciation

The presented ceremony can only be used by girls who have never been married before. Conspiracies and ceremonies for the Annunciation for marriage are aimed at attracting love, preserving feelings and building a strong and happy marriage... It must be started before sunrise.

  1. You must wear a loose shirt without a belt and loose your hair. Wash your face three times with cold running water, while repeating plot number 1.
  2. Open the window so you can watch the sun rise. If this is not possible, then you need to go outside. In this case, you can wear a raincoat or coat on top of the shirt.
  3. When the sun begins to appear on the horizon, you need to turn to him by saying conspiracy number 2. After that, you can go home.

Conspiracies for the Annunciation of pregnancy

The Mother of God is the most powerful protector and patroness of women who want to become mothers. For those who are interested in what conspiracies are made on the Annunciation in order to get pregnant, we offer a ritual that has tremendous power, and it is carried out during the day.

  1. In the evening, sit in front of the mirror, put your hands on your stomach and stroke it in a circular motion. At this time, you need to pray to God for the gift. In conclusion, you need to say the phrase “In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".
  2. After that, take fresh honey, say conspiracy number 1 over it. Both spouses should try the prepared sweetness. After that, you can go to bed.
  3. In the morning you need to go to church and buy a candle and an icon "Unexpected Joy". The second part of the ritual should be started in the evening. Alone, place an icon in front of you and light a candle on the right side.
  4. Then read the magic text # 2 and put out the fire with your hand. Conspiracies for the Annunciation help to cleanse yourself of possible negativity and get pregnant.

Health conspiracies for the Annunciation

Into this great religious holiday you can turn to the Mother of God to cure an existing disease, improve health and rejuvenate. There are different conspiracies for the Annunciation for recovery, for example, for one of them it is necessary to prepare nettles, which must be collected in clean areas and dried. In the evening before sunset, make tea by adding a few nettle leaves to the tea leaves and tell the plot. Drink the drink while imagining yourself healthy and young.

In order not to get sick throughout the year, you can prepare a special Annunciation salt. According to reviews, with its help, you can even get rid of serious diseases.

  1. Pre-purchase a pack of salt, and in the Annunciation, before dawn, it must be poured into a pan and ignited for 10-20 minutes. During this, pronounce a conspiracy on salt for the Annunciation, which a person must come up with himself and he must come from a pure heart, for example: "For health of body and spirit, beauty and longevity." Any prayers can also be read.
  2. After that, when the salt has cooled, transfer it to a separate jar or bag and store it in a separate place. Salt can be used throughout the year, for example, add to food, remove the evil eye with it and clean things and rooms.
  3. If all the Annunciation salt has not been used during the year, then before the holiday it is necessary to burn it. It is believed that all troubles and problems will disappear along with the salt. Then you can prepare new salt.

Conspiracies in the Annunciation to beauty

Since ancient times, girls have used various magical rites to preserve their beauty, get rid of possible defects and reveal their inner appeal. Conspiracies on the day of the Annunciation, which are carried out at home, have tremendous power.

  1. First you need to go to the church and put near the icon Holy Mother of God buy three candles and the same amount to take home. For some time you should stand near the image and turn to the Mother of God in your own words to ask for beauty. Be sure to cross yourself, take holy water with you and go home.
  2. At midnight, all alone, it is necessary to light the candles brought from the church near the image of the Virgin and put a glass of holy water next to it.
  3. Pronounce the conspiracy, and then, drink a little and wash yourself with holy water.

Conspiracy on the Annunciation from enemies

In life, a person is often faced with aggression, envy and resentment of others. Some people are capable of much to harm and worsen the life of the object of their hatred. Enemies can be defeated different ways, for example, using the power of magic. In such a situation, you need to know what conspiracies can be made on the Annunciation in order to protect yourself from enemies. There is one simple way to protect yourself from any negativity - to read a special amulet text in the evening on a holiday.

Annunciation - a conspiracy for business

Business people are regularly faced with different situations that require an immediate solution and from the right choice further success of the enterprise depends. Many are interested in what conspiracies on the Annunciation can be read for business, so there are special magic spells, which are aimed at stabilizing the state, getting rid of negativity from competitors, attracting buyers, and so on. In the morning, you need to pour water into an ordinary glass and whisper a conspiracy on it. After that, the liquid should be drunk in small sips.

Conspiracy to trade on the Annunciation

The trade sphere is fraught with many pitfalls, so not everyone is able to achieve success in it. The most common problem is the lack of buyers, which directly affects profits. Will help cope with existing problems conspiracies in the Annunciation on good trade... Everything is very simple: you need to take water, you can either ordinary, or you can sacred. Read the plot above it three times. Prepared water must be sprinkled on the trading place before the arrival of buyers.

Conspiracies to work in the Annunciation

Since a person spends a lot of time at work, it is quite understandable that many different problems are associated with it, for example, some cannot pick up appropriate place others face bad attitude bosses and colleagues, and still others want to advance in their careers, but so far they have not been able to achieve what they want. You can read conspiracies on the Annunciation to find work and to correct other problems in the labor field. The text presented below is recommended to be pronounced together with the akathist near the "Quick to Hearken" icon.

Conspiracy on the Annunciation for the sale of an apartment

Real estate transactions are almost always accompanied by anxiety to find good buyer and make the deal quickly and without problems. There is no special magic text for a successful sale, but there is universal option that helps you get help and support in different situations... The conspiracy for the Annunciation for the sale of a house must be read in front of the image of the Virgin. Be sure to contact the Mother of God and state your desire for a successful home sale, and also tell us about the reasons prompting the transaction.

Every year on April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate great holiday- Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is associated with an event that occurred exactly 9 months before the birth of Jesus Christ. On that day, the archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and said that it was her that God had chosen to be the mother of the Son of God. Having confused Mary only for a moment (the future mother of Christ was blameless), he instilled joy and happiness in her soul. Taking the Good News with all her soul, Mary felt how the life of the Savior had come into her womb. Good News Day is a fixed date in Orthodox calendar just like the Nativity of Christ: these two holidays are inextricably linked. They say that on the Annunciation the signs of this day always come true. By the signs of the weather on the Annunciation, you can find out what the year, spring and summer will be. Many people now use these signs, rituals and conspiracies for the Annunciation to make their lives more successful, richer and very happy. Many superstitions and beliefs are associated with the Annunciation, and Orthodox (and not only believers) often believe in them. The most common signs of the day of the Good News are indeed true. Here is some of them.

The most common signs and customs for the Annunciation

The most common signs on the Annunciation are usually followed in villages and villages, because these folk customs are associated with the harvest, sowing, and weather. For example, according to custom, you cannot sow anything on the Annunciation, for then the sowing will fail. On this day, you cannot work and comb. According to signs, the case started on April 7 will not be completed. Hair, combed at the Annunciation, may begin to fall out. Of course, most people, especially in large cities, does not follow: well, how can you leave the house uncombed? However, many owners long hair successfully cope with this, braiding a tight braid the day before. The braid braided into the Annunciation shortens the girl's life. It is also impossible to cook on April 7: food is prepared in advance. Sewing something is also prohibited by signs; according to the custom of the Annunciation, old clothes are worn on this day, for the new one will necessarily be spoiled.

Faithful signs of weather on the Annunciation

They say that spring comes finally to the Annunciation, and its arrival is called "the third." Spring finally overcame winter and came into its own. At the same time, a clear sign of the weather, promising a summer with thunderstorms and fires, is a clear sky without clouds and a bright sun. If frost is visible on the roofs of houses in the morning, and the weather is windy, these weather signs on the Annunciation promise an excellent summer harvest. The rain on this day will bring summer rains with it, and frost - milk mushrooms in the forests. The warm night of the day of the Good News promises early spring... Southerners on this day can look at the sky: without noticing the swallows there, they can wait for the spring cold.

Folk omens and conspiracies in the Annunciation

Some of the signs on the Annunciation amuse people who have not previously known them. For example, on this day, stealing something is considered almost a mandatory ritual. Of course, we are not talking about a major theft. Those people who believe in this sign of the Annunciation can simply "steal" a candy or a sandwich from a friend or neighbor. It is believed that a person who steals something in this way attracts good luck to himself. Among the conspiracies for the Annunciation, the ritual with salt is popular. Overcooked and charmed salt helps with painful conditions. Cooking salt for a conspiracy is very simple. Even before the sunrise on April 7, salt should be poured into the pan, overcooking it for about 15 minutes. After that, the prepared salt should be poured into a jar and hidden until the moment when it is needed to treat the patient. The remaining salt in the pan can be used as usual. If the charmed salt is not needed within a year, before April 7 it is burned in the fire: problems in the family burn out along with the salt.

Of course, signs can come true in the Annunciation, but not all of them should be blindly believed. For example, signs of the weather on the Annunciation are often true, but one should not believe in superstition. Conspiracies, rituals and beliefs associated with this day rather have more in common with beautiful fairy tales than with real life.

April 7 is a significant religious holiday for the entire Christian world. It was on this day that heavenly grace descended on the Virgin Mary, and the messenger of heaven, the Archangel Gabriel, brought the woman the amazing news that she was to become the Mother of the Son of God. Since then, the faithful have widely and magnificently celebrated the Annunciation. Signs and beliefs associated with the holiday are ordered to spend this day in jubilation, joy and fun, in no case touching any work. According to custom, at the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, they observe the weather in order to find out what the next summer will be like and whether it is worth counting on good harvest... In addition, on this day, in all cities and villages, cages are opened and birds are released, paying tribute to the freedom given by God to every person with this ritual.

Annunciation - signs and customs about health, well-being and love

  • On the Annunciation, signs and customs recommend people who are only looking for their "soul mate" not to scratch their hair and not touch their hair at all, so as not to confuse the plans prepared for a person by higher, heavenly powers. It is recommended even to attend temple services with an unkempt head so as not to frighten off your happiness.
  • New clothes are not worn on holiday. Signs and customs claim that a dress first worn for the Annunciation will definitely deteriorate, tear or get very dirty and it will not be possible to wash it.
  • On a bright and joyful Annunciation day, no one borrows money, no matter how hard and persistently they ask for it. It is believed that by giving away any things from home, you give your happiness and health.

Weather signs for the Annunciation and harvest forecasts

On the Annunciation, weather signs very clearly show what the end of spring and the approaching summer will be like. If swallows are not visible in the sky on this day, April and May will not please with the warm and gentle sun. The rain that began in the morning promises a dry, hot summer and many mushrooms, and a clear starry evening foreshadows large-scale forest fires. Frosts and cold weather on the Annunciation indicate that farmers will have a rich, bountiful harvest of cereals and cucumbers. The thunderstorm practically guarantees warm summers and a real abundance of walnuts in rural gardens.

Annunciation - signs, conspiracies and rituals

  • To get rid of corruption and the evil eye, young boys and girls make a fire and jump over its cleansing flame to the Annunciation. Elderly people, who are not capable of such "feats" due to their age, collect the last snow that has not melted, melt it and wash with the resulting liquid. According to legend, it rejuvenates the skin and helps to overcome blues, boredom and illness.
  • During the church service, festive prosphora are taken home. They are kept as a talisman or buried in the ground on four sides. personal plot... As the signs say, such a ritual performed on the Annunciation guarantees the prosperity of the household and protects the house from bad people, robbers and insect pests.
  • On the Annunciation, signs recommend that women call their husbands "beloved" forty times before dinner. It is believed that such a simple conspiracy provides harmony in the family and protects the couple from betrayal and divorce.

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is the twelveth non-passing holiday, and is celebrated every year on April 7.

It was on this day that Archangel Gabriel brought the good news to the Virgin Mary that she would soon become the mother of a son of God.

Hearing the words of the Archangel that she had become the chosen one, the Virgin Mary was embarrassed and asked how she could give birth to the Savior being blameless. To this Gabriel replied that this conception will be miraculous, fragile: "The Holy Spirit will find on You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You."

In support of his words, the Archangel told Mary the story of her cousin righteous Elizabeth, who six months earlier conceived a child at a very old age. “With God, no word will remain powerless,” said the Archangel. Later, Ifsaveta and her husband Zechariah had a son, John, who later became John the Baptist.

Conspiracies and ceremonies for the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos are especially interesting, because they have great power.

Rite of the return of happiness to the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

This ceremony can be performed only once a year at the annunciation.

A few days before the ceremony, you need to buy a small bird (a tit, a pigeon or a sparrow will do). All these days, the bird needs to be fed and watered only with the charmed food and water. It is very simple to speak food and water. You need to lean closer and talk about all your troubles and misfortunes, about everything that worries and worries you. In this case, you need to tell everything very emotionally (you can cry). Also, over the food for the bird, you need to constantly read the prayer "Our Father" and "Virgin Mary, rejoice ...".

On the day of the Annunciation, you need to feed and water the bird with the charmed food for the last time, and then release it into the sky saying: "As the bird of God flew away, so let all my sorrows and worries disappear."

Annunciation salt from the evil eye and damage

On this day, it was also customary to prepare the Annunciation salt, which, like Chetvergovaya, removes all kinds of evil eyes and spoilage, helps to get rid of diseases.

To prepare the Annunciation salt, you need to take ordinary coarse salt (at least four kilograms) and pour it into a linen bag. Early in the morning of April 7, before sunrise, this bag is placed in an oven or oven and baked for half an hour.

To remove the evil eye or everyday spoilage from the child, the mother must bake lean rolls with this salt and give them to her sick child on an empty stomach for three, seven or fourteen days.

Conspiracy to fulfill a wish for the Annunciation

There is a belief that on this day the Archangel Gabriel descends from heaven to earth and fulfills human desires. To fulfill your desire, go outside early in the morning, stand facing east and say three times: “Archangel Gabriel, servant of the Lord, hear the prayer of my servant of God (name) and fulfill my desire (say desire in your own words). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Expect good news soon.

April 7 is the day of the conception of Jesus Christ. The angel went down to Mary and told the "good news" (hence the name Orthodox holiday), in which he said that she was chosen for the birth of Jesus Christ. Conspiracies for the Annunciation are very powerful, so many people use this holiday to magic rituals without resorting to the help of a witch, magician, psychic. On this day, it is quite possible to get by on your own. In the Annunciation, conspiracies are powerful and there are customs, traditions that imply fortune telling, magical rituals.

Pregnancy conspiracy

Conspiracy on this day is most suitable for those who want to have a child. When medicine is powerless, you can resort to the ritual to conceive a child. A girl who wants to become pregnant must perform the ceremony on her own. Before dawn, on the seventh, you need to go outside and turn in the direction where the sun rises.

The following text must be pronounced:

“As you, the sun, rise, as you, the nightingale sing, as you, the fish, swim, so you, God, give me a child. I ask you, Lord, forgive me, help me in trouble, save me. Forgive all debts, all sins, I want to ask for one thing. Give love to me, with my spouse, magic, so that it happens one day, to wear a child under your heart, this is what everyone wants. This is all my desire, I don't need anything else, give me my happiness to find, I will be happy and very glad. Amen".

After reading, you need to turn 90 degrees clockwise, and repeat the same. So, the prayer should be read four times. Entering the house, the first thing you need to do is wash yourself with holy water. After that, read the "Our Father". Such conspiracies help many.

A conspiracy for financial well-being

Annunciation is one of the few days when you can ask for a raise material values using conspiracies. Only the ritual will work when the family really lacks resources. In the opposite case, the result will be not an increase, but a decrease in the financial situation, and prosperity will turn into a loss. Therefore, before embarking on this rite, it is advisable to weigh everything and answer the question: is it really all that bad rituals or fortune-telling will help? Is it really impossible to do without magical help, and it is impossible to make money on your own? If it is decided that the ceremony is very necessary, then the following should be done.

So, for the ceremony you will need: holy water, money (bills, not coins), a candle. On the evening of April 6, spread all the ingredients on the windowsill. The water must be in a glass, and the candle must be lit. Then say the following words:

“Our day is wonderful, our day is wonderful. Tomorrow is happiness, a holiday for everyone. The good news has surrounded the world - the conception of Jesus Christ. Life is good, life is a joy, But fate played a cruel joke, having done me an unpleasant dirty trick, Weighed the load on me. Help, Heavenly Angel. Bring the good news to my house. Bring me money, get promoted, straighten my burden, I pray. Amen".

After these words, you need to dip each bill in a glass of holy water. Then put them on the windowsill in such a way that they surround the candle. The number of bills can be as much as the conspirator considers necessary, but not less than four pieces. They must lie there until morning. In the morning, April 7, you need to go outside and distribute all the money, except for one bill, to those in need. The one that remains, hide in the wallet where the money is kept. You cannot spend it. This is a talisman that even the old one attracts profit.

Rite of passage with salt

For well-being in the family, maintaining health, you can carry out a ceremony with the help of salt. It doesn't require any special skills, so anyone can do it.

  1. First you need to sew a small bag made of natural dense fabric. Best of all, coarse calico is suitable for this purpose. The sewing thread should be red.
  2. When the bag is ready, you need to dip it into holy water and let it dry naturally.
  3. Then pour ordinary table salt into the bag.
  4. This charm must be put in the oven. At 100 degrees, bake for 20 minutes.
  5. Further, this salt should be used in food, and a pinch should be added to the water for cleaning.

Rite of passage with honey

Arrange all those present in the house for the holiday. Anoint the palms of each with honey that brought a new harvest. Then, everyone should join hands in a circle. Participants must say a prayer at the same time.

“Thank you for everything, for help in trouble, for light in the darkness, for joy in sorrow. We have known all this for a long time. Give us luck, give us a smile of fortune. May it bring us happiness, and bad weather bypasses. We want to live in love and experience joy. We don't want more tears, grief, troubles and losses. Lord God - you are the only one in the world who is able to attract such a thing. Let it be as we wish. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the prayer, wash your hands in heated spring water, without using alkali or other cleaning agents. Pour water into the garden or vegetable garden of the owner of the house, where the ceremony was held. Conspiracies of this kind are time-tested and really effective.

Conspiracy of desire and love

It is believed that after the Annunciation has passed, the next day, the Archangel Gabriel descends from heaven and fulfills the desires and dreams of people. Before going to bed, on the eve of April 8, they read a prayer in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos:

“In the name of the Most Holy Theotokos, I pray: as day replaces night, the whole world is before you. You know about the desires of people on earth. Each person is waiting for his dream. Give help, let everyone get what they want ”.

Magic is synonymous with the Annunciation holiday. On the eve of April 7, you can do rituals in order to find your soul mate. You need to purchase 4 apples. In the room, without witnesses, standing in the center, place apples around you on the floor. Pronounce the following words:

“This day promises good luck, this day promises love. It means so much to me, I repeat again and again. I want to find a loved one, to find my love. Help me, I ask, I want to love so much. In the name of the Most Holy Theotokos. Amen".

Customs, signs and traditions

Our ancestors have always sincerely believed in signs and customs. According to tradition, any kind of handicraft is prohibited on the Annunciation Day, because it is believed that a person ties his hands for good luck. Advice on this day to look into the sky more often, because to see a flying white dove is a good luck, and a black one - to worries. These signs are real, according to many magic lovers.

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It is forbidden to work, it is punishable. Signs can be read on pets. If the pet behaves calmly, then the year will be successful and will bring wealth, and if it is capricious, then efforts must be made for a successful year. Bad weather means yields will be low this time, fog means otherwise. The rain promises a good catch for fishing enthusiasts. On a holiday, you should not swear in the family, since, it is believed, as you spend the Annunciation, you will spend the rest of the year. Having bought new clothes, you cannot measure them on a holiday. It will wear out faster.