Indoor games for 10 people. Fun indoor games for kids

Table games, indoor games, word games, didactic games v primary school

Unpretentious games

When it is raining outside and there is no way to walk, you can play such simple games.

Russian folk game "Mouse"

The players stand in a circle. Put the palms together. One of the drivers takes a small object ("mouse"), squeezes it between the palms, walks in a circle, puts his palms in the palms of the players and imperceptibly passes the "mouse" to someone. Stands next to another driver: he must guess who has a "mouse".

Game "At the edge of the forest"

Make a painting "If I were a tree." Children, raising their hands up, freeze for a few seconds, imagining that they are trees and rooted in the ground.

Didactic game "Pick a word"

On a bright sunny frosty day, what does snow seem to you? (Sparkling, sparkling, shiny, silvery, crispy, cold.) What do snowflakes do? (Flutter, spin, fly.) When snowing, how is this phenomenon called? (Snowfall.)


In the center there is a blindfold "bird-catcher". "Birds" -children walk around the "bird catcher" with the words:

In the woods, in the woods,

On the ground, on an oak tree

The birds sing merrily:

“Ay, the birder is coming!

He will take us in bondage.

Birds, fly away! "

"Birdman" claps his hands, children freeze. He starts looking. The one he found imitates the cry of the bird he has chosen. "Birdman" guesses the name of the bird and the name of the child.

Game "Flowers"

Children are divided into two teams. Each child comes up with a name for a flower and informs the teacher quietly. The teams are facing each other.

Team of children: hello, flowers!

The color team: hello children. Guess our names.

The children take turns listing the names of the flowers, the guessed “flowers” ​​step aside. When all the flowers are guessed, the game is over, you can switch roles.

Finish the sentence game

The children take turns continuing the sentences.

Antoshka stands on one ...

Vanya has two ... and the mushroom ...

The table and the chair have four ...

The legs are long at the table, at the sofa ...

The mushroom has a large cap, the nail ...

Under the pines, under the trees, a tangle of ...

The hedgehog has hedgehog needles, the pine ...

Pines and Christmas trees have needles all year round

You can prick with a needle, she ...

Tanya ironing ...

Tanya stroked her hand ...

I have big hand, and Lena has a little ...

Tanya writes in a notebook ...

The glass does not ... but the cup does ...

The pan has two ...

You can hold a cup by the handle ...

The handle is at the iron, refrigerator ...

Game "It happens - it does not happen"

The goal of the game is to teach you to reason, argue your agreement or disagreement with the partner's statements.

Vaska the cat stole the sour cream. It happens? He ate it and barked contentedly: aw-aw! It happens? How does it happen?

The dog Arapka heard the cat Vaska and meowed: “Meow-meow! And I want sour cream! " It happens?

Vaska the cat is fishing. He climbed onto a pine tree and caught perch in the hollow. Perch sit in the nest and squeak: pee-pee. It happens?

Daddy perch teaches perch to fly. Perches fly fast. And the cat Vaska flies even faster. It happens?

Arapka the dog loves to eat. He hunts mice and rats. The dog Arapka lies down near the mink and watches. It happens? The mice live in the stove. They eat wood and coals. They come out of the stove so white, so clean. Arapka the dog catches mice with a fishing rod and fries them in the refrigerator. It happens?

The game “What? Which? Which?"

Choose as many definitions as possible for the word, do not repeat what has been said. They show a picture with an object, for each word - a chip. For example: apple - juicy, round, red, large, liquid, ripe ... Pear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog ...

"Restore the words"

The words written in somewhat unusual ways have the same syllables - the first and the last. What are these words? Rebuild them.

** but ** ** carcasses ** ** ri ** ** at ** ** x ** ** heal **

(A splinter, a coil, a queen, an orator, an ottoman, a ring.)

"Collect the words"

Children can prepare everything they need for this game themselves. First, you need to take old magazines and cut out the headings of articles that are written in large letters from them. Then these headings are cut into syllables and folded into a candy box or glued in free order on a Whatman A3 format. You can take syllables from the box and make words from them. It is not only beautiful, because the words are colored, letters of different sizes and various spellings, but also very interesting.

"Fill in the vowels"

This ifa is held for a while. Several people or the whole group can participate (the teacher only needs to think about how to supply all students with blank cards, or just make a large general blank on the board or whatman paper). In 2-3 minutes, children should recover as many words as possible by inserting vowels:

m - to - (flour)

l - t - (summer or lotto)

m - - k (lighthouse)

l - m - n (lemon)

d - r - g - (road)

- to n - (window)

st - k - n (glass)

s - p - k - (forty)

d - b (oak)

h - d - dk - (riddles)

h - d - s - (miracles)

b - m - g - (paper)

Confusion game

And this game is very popular with children. The words are in place, and the letters are messed up in them. Put all the letters in their places and read the names of the children's books you know.

rti diameved ("Trimedvedya".)

who is in pohsaga ("Puss in Boots".)

dortok boileit ("Doctor Aibolit".)

shooting gallery of ponroseka ("Three Little Pigs".)

hamu-kotsohatu ("Fly-tsokotuha".)

fenorido reog ("Fedorino grief".)

Game "Five words on the letter" L "from four letters"

Think of the five words with the four-letter "l". For example, the word "summer"

l *** l *** l *** l *** l *** ( Possible options: moon, loto, linden, magnifier, fox.)

Game "What fruits grow on which tree?"

Recognize the tree by its fruit and complete the sentence.

Acorns grow on ... (oak).

Apples grow on ... (apple tree).

Cones grow on ... (spruce and pine).

Rowan bunches grow on ... (rowan).

Game "Replace a phrase with a word-sign"

Which leaf? What are the fruits?

Birch leaf - birch ",

Oak leaf -

Linden leaf -

Aspen leaf -

Maple Leaf -

Willow leaf -

Poplar leaf -

Pine cone -

They ate a pine cone -

Rowan berries -

Game "The fourth extra" (plants)

Highlight an extra word, explain your choice.

Maple, rowan, spruce, tulip;

birch, oak, wild rose, poplar;

apple, currant, bird cherry, mountain ash;

aspen, linden, oak, spruce;

pine, poplar, mountain ash, willow;

linden, aspen, maple, apple tree.

Word game (trees)

Clap your hands when you hear the appropriate word for birch (oak, linden, aspen ... apple tree). Explain the choice of each word.

Dictionary: acorn, spruce, birch bark, resin, apple, unpretentious, light-loving, mighty, honey plant, pine forest, shade-tolerant, "thin tree", dark-stemmed, cone, fluff, oak grove, slender, berries, tall, white-stemmed, amber, Antonovka, frost-resistant, dumpy, conifer tree, deciduous tree.

Adult commentary. After the game, to activate memory and speech in children, you can offer them the following task.

Remember what words you have heard that are suitable for birch (oak, linden, aspen ... apple tree).

"Voices of Birds"

Guess which bird is making such sounds.

Kar-kar! (Crow.)

Chick-chirp, chiv-chiv! (Sparrow.)

Cha-cha-cha! (Magpie.)

Kurly-Kurly! (Crane.)

Swiri-swir! (Waxwing.)

Tsok-tsek, tzok-tsek! (Crossbill.)

Ku-ku! (Cuckoo.)

Rum-Rum-Rum! (Bullfinch.)

Blue-blue-blue! (Tit.)

Game "Finish sentences"

The sparrow is small, and the crane ...

The crow is big, and the tit ...

The owl sleeps during the day, but hunts ...

The titmouse has a short tail, and the wagtail ...

The woodpecker has a long beak, and the bullfinch ...

The duck is gray, and the swan ...

Word game (birds)

Clap your hands when you hear the appropriate word for sparrow (crow, woodpecker, tit ... duck). Explain the choice of each word.

Vocabulary: chicks, small, lively, forest, gray, flies, dexterous, red-breasted, swims, agile, quacks, city, jumps, cheerful, swamp, gray, chirps, bold, omnivorous, smart, hollow, big, lively, birdhouse, restless, long-tailed, cheerful, chirping, "icebreaker", predatory, snow-white, white-sided, long-legged, croaking, small, dancing, agile, diving, hunting, wintering bird, passing bird, migratory bird.

Methodological collection "Games for students of primary school age"

Teacher physical culture- Alexey Sazonov
School - MBOU Lyceum No. 26, Shakhty, Rostov Region

Collection of outdoor games for children of primary school age.

INTRODUCTION This collection includes outdoor games that can be used in sports activities and while walking in kindergarten, in physical education lessons in elementary school, as well as in the preparation of various scenarios for sports events in the form of competitions and relay races. In the first part of the collection you can find games of any orientation, both for the hall and for sports ground... Many games can be included in the calendar-thematic planning as outdoor games in the lessons of cross training, athletics training, gymnastics and when planning the variable part of the work program.
In the second part of the collection, only those games are presented that were included in my calendar-thematic planning for physical education for grades 1-4 (3 hours).


Grandfather horn
In terms of purpose and character, it is a kind of the game "Lovishka".
On the playground, two lines are drawn at a distance of 10-15 m. Between them, in the middle to the side, a circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 m is drawn.
The driver ("tag") is chosen from among the players, but he is called "grandfather-horn". He takes his place in the circle. The rest of the players are divided into two teams and stand in their houses behind both lines.
The driver asks loudly: "Who is afraid of me?"
The playing children answer him in chorus: "Nobody!"
Immediately after these words, they run from one house to another across the playing field, saying:
"Grandpa horn,
Eat a pie with peas!
Grandpa horn
Eat a pie with peas! "
The driver runs out of his house and tries to "stain" (touch with his hand) the running players. The one whom the driver "stains" goes with him to his house-circle.

Don't drop the ball
Purpose of the game: training in a playful manner of jumping and running, dexterity and coordination of movements.
The playground hosts two parallel lines at a distance of 4-6 m (depending on the age of the playing children).
The playing children are divided into 3-4 teams with an equal number of participants. The teams line up in a column at the first line at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Everyone who is standing first receives the ball and squeezes it between the legs.

Free place
Purpose of the game: development of speed qualities, dexterity, attention.
The driver is selected from among the players. The rest of the children stand in a circle, also outlining a small circle (40 cm in diameter) around their legs. The driver runs up to one of the standing and touches him with his hand. After that, the driver runs to one side, and the player to the other. Each of them seeks to quickly anticipate the circle and take the vacant place. The remaining of the two without a seat becomes the driver, and the game continues.

The presenter names any word, and the players must come up with words that would begin with this letter. For example, the facilitator says: "Come up with words that begin with the letter" r ". Players: "river, turnip ...

2: catch a pebble

The child takes five pebbles in his hand. One of them throws it up, and four puts it on the table. The thrown pebble catches and again throws it up. He quickly takes one pebble from the table and catches the thrown one. AND...

3: Auction

The host names any warehouse. And the players have to come up with words that begin with the last letter. The winner is the one who comes up with the most words.

4: What has changed?

Several objects (ball, jump rope, dumbbells, etc.) of sports equipment are placed on the table in a certain sequence. Children are encouraged to come up and remember how these objects stand. Then...

5: Find and Silence

Pupils are in a room facing the teacher. The teacher shows the children the ribbon and offers to find it after he hides it. The one who finds the ribbon must go to the teacher, you ...

6: Arithmetic cubes

You need 3 dice to play. Everyone throws them 3 times. If among the dropped out numbers are the same, they add up (for example, 3, 5 and 3 dropped out, playing the sum 3 + 3 = 6, and if all different numbers fall out, ...

7: Without getting your feet wet

In the room, on the floor, a trickle is drawn. The child should jump over the brook at the widest point so as not to get his feet wet.

8: Walk the Line

A line is drawn on the floor. The participants in the game are blindfolded. Their task is to pass along this line without stumbling. The winner is the one who went "more evenly" than everyone else.

It's boring to sit like that

There are chairs along the opposite walls of the hall. Children sit on chairs near one wall, read a rhyme:

It's boring, boring to sit like that

All to look at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run

And change places?

As soon as the rhyme is read, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to take free chairs, which are one less than the participants in the game. Anyone who is left without a chair is eliminated. Then two chairs are removed. Everything is repeated until the winner takes the last remaining chair.

Bears and cones

Cones are scattered on the floor. Two players are asked to collect them with the paws of large teddy bears. The one who collects more wins.

Chair to me!

Parallel to the wall, 5 steps from it, draw a line on the floor. Having retreated a few more steps further from the wall, two hoops are placed, at a distance of several steps from one another.

Opposite the hoops, two identical chairs are placed close to the wall. A string of such length is tied to each chair that if it is pulled, the other end will fall on the center of the hoop. A piece of fabric rolled into a bundle is attached to the free end of the string.

The participants of the game enter the competition in pairs. Each of them gets into a hoop, tightly girdles with a tourniquet, like a sash, and pulls his arms out to the sides. After the signal, the player begins to turn in place without leaving the hoop. Twine wraps around the waist, the chair gradually approaches the line. At the moment when all four legs of the chair are out of line, the player runs out of the circle and sits on the chair. The first child to take his chair wins.

Collect spikelets

To bake new bread

lush and tall,

It is necessary to save in the field

every spikelet!

Blindfolded participants in the game must collect as many "spikelets" as possible within a certain time (one minute). Pins are used as "spikelets", which are collected in a small plastic bucket.


One of the guys pretends to be a bear and lies down on the ground. The rest of the players walk around him, pretend to pick berries and mushrooms, and sing:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms, berries,

And the bear does not sleep

Everyone is looking at us!

The basket overturned,

The bear rushed after us!

At the end of the song, the "bear" jumps up and runs after the scattering guys. Whoever he catches first becomes a new "bear", the game repeats itself.

Fishermen and fish

Two "fishermen" are selected, the rest are "fish". They lead a round dance and sing:

Fish live in the water

There is no beak, but they peck.

There are wings - they don't fly

No legs, but walking.

They don't make nests

And the children are taken out.

"Fish" scatter, "fishermen" join hands and catch "fish". The caught “fish” join the “fishermen”, which makes the “net” longer, and they catch the remaining “fish”.

Children choose "grandfather", then step aside and agree on what they will show, after which they approach the "grandfather".

- Hello, grandfather!

- Hello children! Where were you, what were you doing?

- Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show ...

Children make movements that represent some kind of work, and the "grandfather" must guess what kind of work it is. If he guesses, everyone scatters and he must catch someone. If he doesn’t guess, the children agree again and portray another work.


Children stand in a circle. Two people come out in the middle - one with a bell or bell, the other with a blindfold. Everyone is singing:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils rang:


Guess where the ringing comes from!

After these words "blind man's buff" catches the dodging player.

Robber Cossacks

Children are divided into two teams: a team of "Cossacks" and a team of "robbers". The "robbers" need to hide themselves on the agreed territory for a certain time and hide the "treasure": some kind of toy, object, candy. After that, the "Cossacks" scatter around the yard in search of all the "robbers" and "treasure".

To confuse and confuse the "Cossacks", "robbers" are allowed to draw arrows on fences, asphalt and walls.

After a successful search, the teams change places.

Grandma's suitcase

You can play together: for example, mom and daughter.

Mom says: “Grandmother is coming to us and she will bring in her suitcase ... (calls the item, for example,“ slippers ”).

The daughter repeats what her mother said and adds one more thing to the suitcase. For example: "Grandma is coming to us, and she will bring slippers and a dress in her suitcase."

Mom repeats the same thing and adds one more thing to the suitcase. Etc.

This game develops the child's memory.

Treasure hunt

You can play as a group or together. One person hides some thing that a child loves, for example soft toy or candy. You need to paste cards around the apartment with tips such as “Look for me in the bedroom”, “You will find me near the sofa” and so on.

Pass the parcel

This game can be played at any holiday.

Before playing, you need to prepare a "package" - take a candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper (you can use sticky tape, but not too much, otherwise it will be difficult for children to unfold).

The children sit in a circle, and the presenter says: “We have received the package, but I don’t know who it is for. Let's find out! "

Children begin to pass the package to each other in a circle, unrolling one piece of paper at a time. Whoever unfolds the last one, that is the premise. This game teaches children to share.

Simon says

Play as a group.

Leading... Simon says ... (calls any movement, for example, "jump", "raise your hands up", "sit on the floor").

Children must complete the movement.

If the leader simply says, "Jump!"


Leading... Simon says: "Get around in one place!"

Children are all spinning.

Leading... Run in circles!

Children... Simon didn't tell us!

The one who ran, leaves the game or must freeze in place and miss a move. You have to play fast.

This game develops attention.


The players stand a few steps in front of a wall, opposite them - the leader. The players hold their palms like a boat in front of them, and the leader hides a ring in his palms, which are also folded like a boat. Approaching each player, he pretends that he is putting a ring into his hands - slowly holding his "boat" between the player's hands.

The presenter bypasses all the players, steps aside and says:

"Ring, ring,

Come out on the porch! "

The one who has the ring must run out so that he is not grabbed and touch the wall with his hand. If he can, then he becomes the leader, and the leader - the player.

School activities and school holidays


41. Contest Rip off the hat

Target: training in coordination of movements, entertainment.

Age: 8-17 years old.

Number of participants: 2-20 people.

Material security: a hat (or any headgear) for each participant.

rules... The presenter summons two rivals and puts hats on their heads. Each participant presses his left hand to the body and has no right to use it during the game. The task of the players is to rip off the opponent's hat with their right hand, while keeping their own on their heads. The winner is the participant who first completed the game task.

Another version of the game is for 3-20 players. Each has a hat on his head. Target the game remains the same - to rip off the caps from all opponents. A player without a cap is eliminated from the game. The last participant in the cap is declared the winner.

42. Seamstress Competition

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-14 years old.

Number of participants: 10-30 people.

Material security: thin rope or braid (2-3 m long) for each team.

rules... Players are divided into teams (5-10 people). Each team selects a seamstress player who is handed a rope. At the command of the leader, the "seamstresses" begin to "sew" the members of their team to each other, passing a rope through their clothes. The player-"seamstress" who does it faster than others wins. Team players are allowed to help the seamstress sew on themselves.

... Players can be “sewn on” through clothing loops, watch straps, beads, trouser loops, cuffs.

43. Greedy Contest

Target: Agility development, fun.

Age: 8-14 years old.

Number of participants: 2-15 people.

Material security: various items to carry (at least 10 for each participant).

rules... For each participant, at a distance of 3-5 m, chairs are placed on which various objects are placed (at least 5 objects per chair). The items on the chairs should be, if possible, the same for all participants. The task of the participants is to run between their chairs, each time taking from the chair new item(the items that he took earlier, the player continues to carry in his hands). The choice of the next item from those lying on the chair is left to the player himself. The winner is the participant who can carry the most items before dropping them. In a small room, participants (as a rule, no more than three) can play on the same lane (i.e. run across the same chairs).

Examples and additional material ... Examples of items: balloons, glasses (shatterproof) filled with water, plastic bottles, toys, fruits, shoe boxes.

44. Competition Shot throwers

Target: development of dexterity, coordination of movements.

Age: 8-17 years old.

Number of participants: 3-15 people.

Material security: balloon, half filled with water, for each participant.

rules... Participants stand on the start line and throw (or push) a balloon filled with water. The winner is the participant whose ball is farther than the others.

Recommendations... At a large number the participants, the game can be carried out in several rounds. The winners identified in each round compete against each other in the final round. It is best to play the game outdoors, as the ball can burst. It is advisable to mark the balloons with the name or sign of the participant so that there is no dispute about whose balloon is.

45. Cockerel Competition

Target: development of dexterity and coordination of movements.

Age: 8-17 years old.

Number of participants: 2-20 people.

Material security: absent.

rules... A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the ground. Two people simultaneously participate in the competition. Each participant stands on right leg holding the ankle with your left right hand. Left hand hiding behind his back. Target players - push the opponent out of the circle. The one who does this is declared the winner. In addition, the loser is the participant who, during the "battle", released left leg or using the hands.

It is also possible to conduct multi-stage cockerel competitions, choosing the winner according to the total won "battles".

Examples and additional material... Indoors, the play area can be limited with an appropriately sized rug or rope ring. Recommendations. For the game, it is advisable to choose a referee who would monitor the implementation of all the rules and safety precautions.

46. ​​Game (competition) Sorting

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction. Improving collective interactions and the formation of communication skills.

Age: 8-17 years old.

Number of participants: 12-50 people.

Material security: absent.

rules... Players are divided into teams (optimally 7-10 people per team), the number of participants in the teams should be the same. The host names the condition according to which the team players must line up. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Examples and additional material... Examples of tasks:

  • Line up by height.
  • Line up in alphabetical order of player names (or surnames).
  • Line up in order Age aniya (decreasing) Age and the players.
  • Line up in order Age The decreasing (decreasing) numbers of apartments (or houses) of the players.
  • Line up the hair color changes from lightest to darkest.

47. The game is the opposite

Target: training attention.

Age: 8-14 years old.

Number of participants: 5-20 people.

Material security: absent.

rules... The presenter shows various movements. Players must respond in the opposite movement to that of the leader. The player who makes a mistake gives the forfeit. At the end of the game, forfeits are played.

Examples and additional material... For example:

  • The leader raises his hands up - the players put their hands down.
  • Leading Leaning Forward - Players Leaning Backward.
  • The leader raises the right leg - the players raise their left leg.

It is not always possible to come up with a movement opposite to that shown by the presenter. In this case, everything depends on the imagination and ingenuity of the players. The main condition is not to repeat the presenter's action.

48. Play Prohibited movement

Target: training attention.

Age: 8-14 years old.

Number of participants: 5-25 people.

Material security: absent.

rules... The presenter shows various movements. The players repeat all the movements of the leader, except for the forbidden gesture agreed upon before the start of the game. The player who makes a mistake gives the forfeit. At the end of the game, forfeits are played.

Examples and additional material... The prohibited movement should be simple and can be part of a more complex movement (to confuse the players). Examples of successful prohibited moves:

  • touch right hand to the right ear;
  • placing the left hand on the left side;
  • head tilt to the right;
  • clenching the right hand into a fist;
  • clap your hands.

49. Chocolate Game

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-12 years old.

Number of participants: 5-10 people.

Material security: big chocolate bar, small chocolates (according to the number of participants), dice.

rules... A chocolate bar is placed at one end of the room. It is advisable to pack it in several bags and seal it with tape. At a table across the room, players take turns rolling a die. The player who has rolled "1" or "6" runs to the chocolate bar, unpacks it and starts eating, breaking off one piece at a time. However, as soon as one of the players has a "1" or "6" again, he runs to the chocolate bar, and the first player returns to his place. At the same time, situations often arise in the game when one player has not yet reached the table with a chocolate bar, and the other is already running to change it. The game ends when all the chocolate is eaten. After the end of the game, it is necessary to reward all the participants with small chocolates to compensate for the unsuccessful play of some children.

Recommendations... It is advisable to select one or two observers for the game (for example, from among those who do not like chocolate) to ensure that the rules are followed and that the players eat chocolate in small pieces.

For a large number players (20-30 people) can play several games in parallel (each should have its own chocolate bar and dice).

50. Play Don't Yawn

Target: training for quick reaction.

Age: 8-14 years old.

Number of participants: 5-25 people.

Material security: absent.

rules... Players sit on chairs. The driver stands at some distance from them and tells a story. Suddenly he shouts: "Don't yawn!", And everyone, including the driver himself, runs to the opposite wall, and then back to the chairs. The players are trying to have time to take the chairs. The one who does not succeed takes the place of the leader and continues the story he started.

Examples and additional material... The main requirement for a story is that it must be interesting and exciting. This can be a retelling of a movie or a book read, an incident that happened to the driver or his acquaintances, or a story invented by the driver himself.